Trader Joe's Examined, Lorem Ipsum Recruited, GoDaddy Gets Agency
- Former ad exec Mark Gardiner, who had been in the business for 20 years, quit last year an took a $12/hour job at Trader Joe's to see how the brand became a success without an ad agency or PR firm. The result is a book, Build a Brand Like Trader Joe's.
- Here's a case study video on Jung von Matt's campaign in which they buried a recruitment ad within Lorem ipsum text generated from the site.
- Here's how Fitzgerald + Co got that vintage 1972 MINI up to its 11th floor offices as part of their failed bid for the MINI business. Incumbent BSSP retained.
- GoDaddy, which for years has created its own advertising has, wait for it, hired an ad agency. Yes, a Deutsch New York campaign called Inside/Out will break this summer during the Summer Olympics on NBC.
- If you're into the NBA, you might like this. If you like basketball footage with block type messaging, you might like this. For all others, feel free to skip.