Trader Joe's Examined, Lorem Ipsum Recruited, GoDaddy Gets Agency


- Former ad exec Mark Gardiner, who had been in the business for 20 years, quit last year an took a $12/hour job at Trader Joe's to see how the brand became a success without an ad agency or PR firm. The result is a book, Build a Brand Like Trader Joe's.

- Here's a case study video on Jung von Matt's campaign in which they buried a recruitment ad within Lorem ipsum text generated from the site.

- Here's how Fitzgerald + Co got that vintage 1972 MINI up to its 11th floor offices as part of their failed bid for the MINI business. Incumbent BSSP retained.

- GoDaddy, which for years has created its own advertising has, wait for it, hired an ad agency. Yes, a Deutsch New York campaign called Inside/Out will break this summer during the Summer Olympics on NBC.

- If you're into the NBA, you might like this. If you like basketball footage with block type messaging, you might like this. For all others, feel free to skip.

by Steve Hall    Jun-13-12   Click to Comment   
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Publishing   
