More Proof that UK Media Ain't Nothin' Like the US


To promote the relaunched BBC iPlayer, BBC illustrates its tagline -- "Making the unmissable, unmissable" -- with this spot.

For the click-lazy, it's a :60 clip of David Attenborough talking about the brief, shining moment his team captured a snow leopard on camera. Unlike the team, which waited for three years on eggshells to get this special shot, the iPlayer will let you watch "unmissable" stuff at your leisure.

For :60 we sat on the edge of our seats, waiting for a punchline.

Don't the words "snow leopard" just beg for a punchline?!

by Angela Natividad    Dec-18-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials

Karate Cop Goes on Throat-Chopping Rampage for Lucky Denim


Wandering ever deeper into a tangly forest of camp, Lucky gives us Karate Cop, courtesy of Night Agency.

The ad says that in December when you buy a pair of jeans at Lucky Brand, you can get something of equal or lesser value for 50 percent off. Neato. Provided some plainclothes cop doesn't elbow you in the neck on your way out of the store. (But hey, seeing shag-heads in sweatbands generates that reaction in us, too.)

What's going on with the flannel?

by Angela Natividad    Dec-17-07    
Topic: Brands, Online, Spoofs

Virgin Mobile Canada Celebrates Birth of Jesus Breaker-Style


Virgin Mobile Canada likes to think a great battle took place between the breakdancing angels, shepherds and wise men of the east, in the barn where Jesus was born.

And we don't know why, but now we like that idea too. Does this mean John Travolta is God?

Back on-topic, the ad -- put together by zig in tangent with Virgin Mobile -- is a far cry from Virgin's belief-neutral Christmahanakwanzakuh effort.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-17-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good

Can't Read Your Kids? Ask a Celebrity, Courtesy of Best Buy


To help parents understand what their teenagers want for the holidays, Best Buy launched an online campaign called Wow the Un-Wowable featuring Nickelodeon's Drake Bell, a teen star who's really good at looking bummed.

In a series of videos, Drake "interprets" what teens want. Ideas include a laptop, a Lexus and a horse named iPod. (Yeah.)

In our expert view, the videos straddle parody and condescension. We haven't decided which halves of our emotional selves to give in to yet.

Whatever happened to the unfailing cash-and-card model? $20 may not buy a Lexus, but the recipient may score some fragrant pot.

Nothing says "I love you" like money with no strings!

by Angela Natividad    Dec-16-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Online

Happy Holidays, From Apple -- Er, Alltel


Like Apple, Alltel Wireless looks to old-school animation to bring a festive feel to its holiday ads.

If that doesn't work, well hell, maybe free RAZRs will. Or a discounted MotoROKR with 50 free songs (snowflake-shaped ninja stars not included). Or both.

Attempts by competitors, vying feebly to beat the good guy, come stock. Hey, didn't Apple do that in its holiday ad too?

Put together by Bent Image Lab.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-15-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Mobile/Wireless

Kohl's Aims Easy for Sophisticated Sexy


We are brand snobs. "Sophisticated" and "sexy" aren't words we'd normally attribute to Kohl's, but this ad tells us the brand can reach yonder without embarrassing itself and alienating all its shoppers. You know, like WalMart did when it tried going luxe a la Target.

The spot's got a casual vintage feel, but isn't over-the-top decadent.

Agency: McCann Worldgroup; Production: Zoo Film; Editorial: Version2.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-15-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good

Out of Nowhere, Foster's Goes ENORMOUS


Nothing says BIG BRAND like a print ad with a big-ass typeface. With that, get to know the Foster's "BE ENORMOUS" campaign by StrawberryFrog.

Just another effort by a fermented beverage to make itself feel big -- real big -- by comparison. Instructions on BEing ENORMOUS are as follows (the spots are resisting our resizing tool. To see the whole thing, click on the ad and arrow down):

- Start an ATM conga line
- Become an urban legend
- Write your own theme song
- Make your middle name an adjective

Neato. Was "Australian for beer!" just not working out?

by Angela Natividad    Dec-15-07    
Topic: Brands, Magazine, Poster

Damn It, America Wants Its Whopper!


Ah yes, the Whopper Freakout. Or, "How Americans Obsess Over the Silliest Things." But don't listen to us bitch because this latest Burger King work from Cirspin Porter + Bogusky is good. Really good. They created an eight minute, candid camera-style video in which Burger King patrons are told the chain has removed the Whopper from its menu for good. People freak. We laugh. ANd the King shows up at the end to set the record straight: it's just a big joke. No worries. The Whopper is here to stay.

Particularly funny is a scene in which a man returns his bag to the counter because there's Wendy's burger in the bag. He gets angry. There were no fights though or they were edited out. It's nice piece of work. It's different. It's actually watchable.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Video

Happy Holidays, From Mac vs. PC


Here's a treat from Apple in the style of an animated classic. Mac, PC and Santa sing a Christmas song, and PC makes a feeble but earnest attempt to push his product.

Our hearts are something close to toasty warm. That could just be bacon, though.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-14-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials

'Dirty Old Man' Interviews Suicide Girls Founder


Who knew behind the grizzled, embattled facade of George Parker lay a man of intelligence, eloquence and insight? Well, we always did but for those who are new to George and his expletive-laden blog, AdScam, it might come as a surprise the man knows exactly what he's talking about when it comes to advertising having done it since the days of Mad Men.

For a recent PSFK Conference in LA, the self described "archetypal dirty old man" interviewed Suicide Girls Founder Missy (who apparently has no last name) talks about the community she started back in 2001 as an experimental art project as a way to give girls a place to express themselves. It's actually a nicely insightful look into something that's a whole lot more than a site full of hot women.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Publishing, Video