Like a Calvin & Hobbes decal come to life, "Slash" for MTV Switch depicts people pissing in public places. The moral of the story is to "Save water, flush less." (Niiiiice.)
By Ogilvy/London, which has an odd take on persuasion. Wizzing in a fountain is funny -- hell, incendiary -- while you're stoned and around age 15, but unless things have changed abroad, doing it in the Queen's England remains both unsavory and illegal.
There's no accounting for logic in advertising, however. Along with other "green" MTV Switch ads, "Slash" will likely run across 55 TV channels in 162 countries. The track in the ad is Miserere Mei, by Bouwe Dykstra.
Just when you think every last idea for selling deodorant has been done, Axe comes up with yet another. In a nod to earlier work centered on a guy who sweats like a fire hydrant, Axe has launched Canadairman, a dude who, because he sweats so much, is used as a means to extinguish a raging fire enveloping a residential area.
On the site, the campaign is extended to widgets, mobile, wallpaper and, of course, a Facebook page.
- Terry Tate make a triumphant return taking down Sarah Paling for failing to answer a simple question.
- Last week, Amanda Mooney organized the first Twitter-based fund raising event. $180 was raised through $5 donations fo The Susa G. Komen Foundation.
- BBDO appears to be getting the push side from Pepsi which has given a portion of its three year, $1.2 billion advertising to Arnell which will redesign the Pepsi logo and packaging.
- If you're Hooter and your in Vegas, this is what you do to boost business.
- Creeping is wrong.
At left is the baby I made with Johnny Depp, courtesy of the Routan Babymaker3000.
The babymaker's part of a broader Volkswagen Routan campaign featuring Brooke Shields. You've probably seen the ads where she barrages expecting couples with questions about why they're having babies "simply for the love of German engineering." (I didn't really get this at first, but after sitting through the mocumentary, I completely understand: people are having babies so they can buy minivans! Of course!)
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MasterCard's "Priceless" is one of those campaigns you wanna milk as long as possible: it makes a statement about what people value, and potential variations are endless.
But the "product, price tag; product, price tag; sentiment = priceless" formula has gotten stale. And unfortunately for MasterCard, competitors like Visa and American Express have taken advantage of its stagnation to launch their own heart-wrenching commentaries on society.
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Not one to sit idly by while its nemesis gets a $300 million makeover, Apple is out with two new commercials, one of which directly comments on the amount of money Microsoft is spending on its current advertising campaign. In the ad, we see PC divvying up Microsoft's budget allocating the lion's share to the ad campaign and a minuscule amount to fixing Vista's problems.
Mac comments on the seemingly illogical allocation which causes PC to think for a minute before he reallocates in a manner not quite expected by Mac. It's pointed commentary on the all too common viewpoint advertising can cure all ills.
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Holiday Inn takes on an odd feat: convincing people that staying at a Holiday Inn Express will make you smarter.
You'll freestyle like Del the Funky Homosapien, outshine doctors in emergency situations involving Cal Ripken, Jr., and -- if you have the good fortune of conceiving a baby in a Holiday Inn Express -- that kid will be capable of handling sharp objects at close proximity. From birth.
Strange but true. Three ads in a row can't lie.
I dug the rapper spot. The rest were sorta kitschy. Well, the rapper one was kitschy too, but it had that "dream fulfilled!" element to it. How many of us don't want to unexpectedly kick ass in a Lyricist Lounge situation? It's one of the biggest geek fantasies of all-time -- right up there with being proclaimed royal heir to a small island, and being told your Tetris skills might save the world.
"Saved by Zero," a spot for the Toyota Tundra, has run in "seemingly every ad break during NCAA Football, MLB Playoffs and NFL games," claims Rohit Thawani. I suppose that wouldn't be terrible if the ad were good, or even innocuous, but -- get this -- it has a repetitive jingle with an audacious country twang.
You know you're fucked then.
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For its Performance line of yoga apparel, Calvin Klein puts the usual waifs in spandex. They're also doing less lounging-around and ODing-on-camera.
See models stretching and models in upward-facing fetal (is that a position?). They could all be Kate Moss, as far as we can tell, but they're all slightly meatier and CK probably wouldn't waste its dosh putting Kate in profile. (That's only half the bang for the buck!)
Jokes aside, "New Movement" is sublime work by Full Contact.
Oh, the things you can do when your boss is away. Some kids at Dm9ddb/Brasil set their screensavers up to look like corresponding pieces of the same race track.
It actually turned out pretty nifty. You know that feeling you get when you create a successful domino effect? You're both impressed and slightly surprised, right? That's what this was like.
The objective was to disseminate the game Virtual Global Race (or was it just to promote Intel? I can't really tell). The screen savers took a month -- and 20 people -- to perfect. See making-of.