Guitar Hero Goes on Tour.


And they're bringing jetpacks.

Meh. I'm not sure what definitively killed this ad for me: the retro lightning effects, the radioactive squirrel ("Go forth and ROCK!"), or the sabre tooth tiger that doubled as a magic carpet.

Put together by Bent Image Labs for DDB, LA.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-15-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Commercials, Television

Bad Enough to Be Made of Yarn; Without Bones, You're at a Serious Disadvantage in Combat


Having watched an orange puppet space-jump through hipster internet companies via magic Rolodex, I figured my quota for toys-appropriated-by-inane-advertising had been hit for the night.

Then I saw "Crochette Doll vs. Little Rubber Thumb," which continues a really random milk campaign that I thought was mildly hilarious until tonight. (It might just be my current state of repressed rage. I bet when I wake up tomorrow I'll watch this crochette doll/rubber thumb crap and exclaim, "a rip-rollicking riot! TWO THUMBS UP! HAR!" But I doubt it.)

Put together by Bent Image Labs for Tribal DDB, Canada.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-15-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Opinion, Strange, Video

Where Sharp TVs Lack Sex Appeal, They Compensate in Enchanted Cardboard


So you've got a line of HDTVs. Yeah, well, so do all your rivals, and LG stole the promotional bacon with its campy-as-shit Scarlet campaign. How do you compete with the TV that compared itself to a red dress?

If you're Sharp, you'll promote the box.

Check out the Life Changing Box by Lowe Worldwide. Give each icon a poke to get something new out of the square brown wonder. The site loads slow as hell, but the results are, I don't know, educational. (Click on the beaker for a cartoon about the birth of LCD. Niftaaay.)

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by Angela Natividad    Jul-15-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online

Virginia Madsen Fronts Allergen's Botox. Nikki Cox Should Rethink Use


So Botox. Many Hollywood actors use the stuff but most won't admit to it. Not Virginia Madsen who openly admits using the stuff and has been the spokesperson for Allergen's Botox and Juvederm since last year. Continuing in her roles as spokesperson for the brand, Madsen will front a new campaign for an anti-wrinkle treatment for Botox Cosmetic which will include broadcast, magazine and online.


Madsen appears to be one of the few people who don't go overboard plumping up their lips or other facial features to obscene proportions. Perhaps Madsen should have a conversation with Nikki Cox who appeared in an episode of Jennifer Love Hewitt's Ghost Whisperer with lips so shocking inflated, it was near impossible to look at anything but her lips when she was onscreen.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-12-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Jim Beam, Robby Gordon Help Keep Wrigley Field Unbranded


Jim Bean, and its "The Stuff Inside" campaign, have partnered with NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver and owner Robby Gordon to save Chicago's Wrigley Field from being corporatized like every other stupid-sounding stadium in America. Seriously. How for a hundred years did stadiums survive without brand having to plaster their names all over them? Oh yea...those greedy agents and professional athletes are getting paid such obscene amounts of money someone has to pay for it. Why not a willing brand?

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by Steve Hall    Jul-11-08    
Topic: Brands, Online, Sponsorship

Stamp Out Fun Where It Lives -- Right in the Pancreas! Or the Liver.


Roller skates + ethnic noisemakers = Extreme Clothing Volatility. That's one life lesson I learned at NOLAF (the National Organization for Legislation against Fun), our latest source of advertainment.

NOLAF may sound cheesy and unoriginal (HANDTOSS, anyone?), but it works perfectly as an undemanding time-waster. Here are five reasons why.

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by Angela Natividad    Jul-10-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online

iJustine Beats Crap Out of iPhone, Still Works, Ready the New One


iJustine of iPhone bill fame is hyping the new iPhone 3G in a video detailing how much abuse her current iPhone has withstood over the year+ she's owned it. And if you know Justine then you know any phone that can withstand her level of usage is a true test of a product's longevity. So as she continues to drop her phone, she only has one more day to wait until she gets a new one.

by Steve Hall    Jul-10-08    
Topic: Brands

Italian Footballer Makes Impossible Shot for Nike


Martina from Adverblog sent in this video she worked on for Nike Football Italy which was directed by Acne and produced by Film Naster. In the video World Cup Italian national team footballer sets up the impossible shot and, with a bit of fancy footwork and intelligent use of physics, makes the shot.

No heavy branding, Just an entertaining shot for those who love the game.

by Steve Hall    Jul-10-08    
Topic: Brands, Good, Video

Playboy Capitalizes on Boing Boing Frenzy With Hot Blogger Contest


So in reaction to that stupid move Boing Boing pulled deleting content published on the site by Violet Blue, Playboy thought they'd cash in on the media frenzy by hosting a hottest blogger contest including, of course, Violet Blue herself and Boing Boing's Xeni Jardin among others.

Ariel Waldman, who, herself, was nominated a list of the Top 20 Bloggers We Want To See In Bikinis, points us to the contest in which Sometimes Daily hottie Amanda Congdon battles it out with Tekzilla cutie Veronica Belmont, dirty joke lover Julie Alexandria, video blogging cutie Brigitte Dale, Pop17 babe Sarah Austin, CNET Loaded's beauty Natali Del Conte and...Holy Mad Men boobs!...Business Week's Sarah Lacy of the famed SXSW interview debacle with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg.

Yes, people, In our world, this is what matters. The hotness quotient. The hotter you are, the more likely you are to succeed in life. OK, so maybe that;s not entirely true but what fun would a list of the top ten bloggers ranked by the number of hard-to-spell, SAT-like words be?

by Steve Hall    Jul-10-08    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online, Promotions, Racy

Because Your University Should Affect Your Choice of Razor


Right-slap on the back of the current issue of UC Berkeley's California magazine is an ad for an officially licensed Cal Berkeley Gillette Fusion Power Razor. (That's the one with five blades for your most comfortable shave.)

Feeling nostalgic? Pick the right alma mater Gillette for you!

Damn. They're just giving those licenses away.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-10-08    
Topic: Brands, Magazine, Strange