An actual shampoo brand, Biomen, is using imagery of Hitler in a Turkish TV ad. It's not a spoof. It's not a joke. It's an actual ad currently airing in Turkey. The ad's translation reads, "If you're not wearing women's clothes, you shouldn't be using women's shampoo either. Here it is. A real man's shampoo. Biomen. Real men use Biomen."
If there's one constant in this twisted business we call advertising it's that every once in a while we are witness to some of the strangest, most inconceivable happenings. Though the use of Hitler in an ad will unlikely be topped.
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Israeli agency Smoyz claims to have created the world's first Pinterest-based campaign. For its client Kotex, the agency identified 50 women who they felt were "inspiring," studied their pins and identified what inspired the 50 women. The agency then physically created personalized items based on the women's pinned items. To receive the item, the women repinned the agency's creation and the agency sent the item, along with some Kotex product naturally, to the women.
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Kayak is getting kooky again. This time with a Barton F. Graf 9000-created video that demonstrates how you can plan a trip using only the power of your mind. And, inadvertently, illustrating just how easily the capital of California is forgotten.
Monitoring for online mentions of "mind control", "using only my mind", "thought control", "hypnosis", "telekinesis", etc., the team at Kayak will be delivering this YouTube video link directly to consumers on Twitter, blogs, forums, Yahoo! Answers and other online destinations. An interesting approach. Perfectly personalized in that appropriately kooky Kayak way.
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With a new campaign that unapologetically leverages the Rush Limbaugh situation, Sir Richard's Condoms offers support for the "Sex-Positive movement" in the form of an online "Slut's Oath" and 24 slutty, free-for-the-taking avatars. The campaign is created by advertising agency TDA_Boulder, Boulder, Colo.
Visitors to the are invited to take and to tweet the five-part oath:
- "I believe that sex represents more than just the creation of children.
- "I believe it is an enjoyable, healthy and a profound part of the human experience.
- "I believe that the responsible use of birth control is an essential component of a mature, civilized society.
- "And if these beliefs make me a slut in some people's eyes, so be it.
- "I will stand united with my fellow sluts, now and always."
They can also select as their own any of 24 ready-made avatars, such as "In Sluts We Trust," "My Dad Is A Slut," "Slut Is My Co-Pilot," "Lil' Slut," and "I Think Therefore I Slut."
As you may have heard, many advertisers have pulled their schedules from Rush Limbaugh following the host's commentary on Sandra Fluke. Never one to shy away from controversy, dating site AshleyMadison, which enables hooks ups for married people, has offered to buy Limbaugh's canceled inventory for three months.
Of the offer, AshleyMadison Founder and CEO Noel Biderman said, "We do not believe Mr. Limbaugh should be penalized for expressing his opinion, especially in America. We are offering to step up and fill the void left by the corporations who have pulled their advertising. Rush has always been a controversial figure and we have always been a controversial service so we can relate."
Biderman sent a letter to Rush Limbaugh's business development director, Michael Soifer, with the offer. The letter, in full, is below.
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With a trio of new work from DDB, Skittles is continuing its mission to become the weirdest candy on the planet. In one spot, we have a dude dispensing skittles from his stomach. In another a school administrator admonishes a girl for running around with the wrong crowd and for letting them take advantage of her. And in a third, a boy explains to a girl he has Skittles-pox.
The third one is kind of lame but the other two do a nice job perpetuating the brand as the wackiest out there.
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So the Oscars happened last night. And, yes, Twitter was twitter about the event. From Angelina Jolie's right leg to Billy Crystal's performance to the annoying sound quality to J. Lo's nipple, there was much to talk about last night other than the actual awards.
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If you're a fan of Liv Tyler (we are and have been since we saw her in Empire Records with then-unknown Rene Zellweger), you're going to love this new video she did for Givenchy Electric Rose. It's a reinterpretation of Need You Tonight and was shot by Johan Renck.
The work is quite stunning and will captivate you until the end. Well, it least it captivated us. To each their own. We love Liv. And we're proud to say it.
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The "Two Guys" who were Sonic Drive In's spokesmen a few years ago are back. It's the culmination of a social meda campaign to bring them back. They were on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. Goodby Silverstein and Partners are behind the campaign and they've just released a video chronicling the pair's return.
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Earlier this month we noted new "it girl" Kate Upton would be front and center in a new Carl's Jr. commercial. Well, here's a two minute, behind-the-scenes look at the shoot. Kate talks about how she "brings the lingerie" and 72andSunny CCO Glenn Cole talks about how Kate Upton and Carl's Jr. gives young hungry guys what they want. What we want to know is just exactly what these young guys are hungry for.
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