Agent Provocateur Reveals Monica Cruz's True Self


For it's Fall 2012 campaign, well known lingerie brand Agent Provocateur has tapped Penelope Cruz's little sister, the equally hot Monica, for yet another cinematic outing of better-than-advertising proportion.

In the mini-epic, called Wilhelmina, we seen Cruz step out of a carriage into a dark, dingy and wet London street circa sometime in the 1800's. She enters a building and is led to a back room, a photo studio of sorts where a gruff looking photographer promises his camera will "photograph your true self."

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 8-12    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Racy

Levi's Helps Millennials Take Over the World


Writing in More About Advertising, Stephen Foster says Levi's has "lightened up" with a follow up to the Wieden + Kennedy-created opus, Go Forth Braddock. That spot, if you recall, pulled the heartstrings by focusing on American despair and how that despair, so says the commercial, motivates people to work towards a goal. Idealistic is an understatement.

The agency's new work, This is a Pair of Levi's, is far from a "lightening up" of the original. In fact, it pours on the hipsterific poetics as if the entire world suddenly and collectively participated in a gigantic hand-waving, come-to-Jesus beatnik meeting of epic proportion.

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 6-12    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Creative Commentary

How to be A Douche by Vodafone


In a new commercial created by Actung, Vodafone is touting their Party Starter app that, according to this ad, really only succeeds at one thing; making you look like a douche. And that's really all we have to say about that.

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 2-12    
Topic: Brands

Wieden + Kennedy Gets Comfortable With Southern Comfort


In the world of advertising it's pretty much written in stone that brands portray their products in an aspirational manner using imagery and actors that are everything a consumer wants to be but can't because they aren't rich enough, beautiful enough, skinny enough, own a fancy enough car, have big enough breasts or a six pack that puts Calvin Klein models to shame.

Which is why we love this new Southern Comfort work from Wieden + Kennedy New York. Called Whatever's Comfortable, it's a celebration of just that. No pretense here at all. Just a not so perfect looking guy walking down the beach with all the calm collected coolness that only...ahem...comfort with one's own body can bring.

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 2-12    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

New Hooters Campaign Focuses on Food. Wait, What?


As part of a five year plan to revitalize the brand, Hooters has launched a new campaign designed to appeal to a broader and younger audience that includes women. While the brand's CMO, Dave Henninger promises the tight tops and orange shorts are here to stay, the new campaign will focus on new menu items and new locations.

The campaign, created by Fitzgerald & Co., will, in addition to the television spots, include radio, billboards and social media.

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 1-12    
Topic: Brands

Apple Shoots Self in Foot With New Windows-Like Campaign


So everyone is piling on TBWA for two its most recent Apple commercials in which a Dell Dude-like character comes to the rescue of people in the midst of various computing nightmares. The piling on is well warranted for one simple reason; Apple products are supposed to be so easy to use that you rarely have to call in an Apple Genius for help.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-29-12    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns, Opinion

GoDaddy Gets Even Hotter Girl For Post-Hot Girl Campaign


When GoDaddy announced it had decided to work with an ad agency and selected Deutsch as its first, many assumed that would put an end to the brand's penchant for drooling all over the internet with its long-running, hot chick-focused advertising.

But, we are told, the campaign is more "evolution" than "revolution. So it would seem the hot chicks are here to stay. At least for a little while. Deutsch's first ad, entitled Otter (thankfully, not Beaver) features, perhaps, one of the hottest women ever to appear in a GoDaddy ad. Charlene, as she is called, "is how GoDaddy attracts domain name customers."

It's a smart wink-nod to the brand's past work and to the fact that, whether or not sex actually sells, it certainly does attracts eyeballs.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-17-12    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Racy

Morning Emissions: Baby Sought, Sears Reviews, Comcast Buys MSNBC


- Gerber has launched its third Gerber Generation Photo Search on its Facebook page. The brand seeks the next Gerber baby and will award $50,000 to the winner.

- Five reasons your digital startup will fail. Hint, avoid failure and make sure you court large advertisers.

- TV trumps movies at Comic-Con this year.

- And why is Randy always the last one standing? Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler have exited American Idol.

- The first six months of 2012 saw 133 magazines launch, while just 48 closed, with the largest number of new launches coming in the "regional interest" and "food" categories.

- Sears has thrown its media account into review. Havas, which won the account in 2001, is the incumbent. Budget is pegged at $700 million.

- becomes after Comcast buyout.

- Facebook is considering lowering its age limit and allowing children under 13 to join...even though they already do simply by lying about their age.

by Steve Hall    Jul-16-12    
Topic: Brands, Cable, Social

Susan Glenn Revealed! And Kiefer Sutherland is in Love With Her


For the past month or so, a woman by the name of Susan Glenn has been popping up. First on Buzzfeed then on various message boards, a blog and even on the OnlineSlangDictionary where one of the definitions defines her as "That girl that you like so much but you never actually flirt with because you are too worried about messing it all up"

In the Facebook group Suxorz, a group that collects epic social media failures, BlogAds Founder Henry Copeland wondered whether or not this is just "a lame seeding for some movie... or just the first of some supersmart social campaign?"

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by Steve Hall    Jul-13-12    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials

How Collaboration Can Save the Client Agency Relationship


The agency-client relationship has always been one of varied success. Some are rife with strife. Others schooled with cool. But it's no secret friction between agencies and clients has most always been the norm.

In a whitepaper that is somewhat self-serving (aren't they all?), collaboration platform Central Desktop takes a look at the biggest challenges facing creative agencies and brand marketers. Whitepaper findings come from a survey of 500 marketers and agencies.

If you're an agency and want to see what's angering your client, this report is for you. If you're a client and want to know what's angering your agency, this report is for you. Download the report here.

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-12    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Research