Mod-Happy Geeks Make Hot Rods Out of PCs

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Who needs Import Tuner or Pimp My Ride when you've got a mod shop for computers?

The custom PC-rigging site was launched by Future US and is hosting a monthly "gladiator-style" tourney for $2,000 in cash and prizes, courtesy of Microsoft.

We're not really sure what to say aside from that apparently geeks have testosterone too. So. When do the PC models debut? Is the MySpace Queen up for that? Oh wait, she's busy looking for love right now.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-15-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online, Promotions, Strange

High Off One Grand Entrance, DHL Vanishes into Horizon

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We were hanging out at Advertising Week after this session when we came across Marc Lucas, the one-time ECD at Ogilvy, Manila.

It's not often ECDs want to talk without attacking us with blunt objects first, so we hung out for awhile and chatted. Eventually he started talking about DHL, one of the brands he worked with.

We don't know too much about DHL aside from that the trucks are yellow and it's got a huge client base in Third World countries. But apparently it tried holding its own against the States' Big Two for awhile.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-14-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good

DHL Location Locator May Correct Geo Issues Your Teachers Never Did

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This is neat. If you were ever a fan of that game show Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? you'll enjoy the hell out of this location locator game for DHL.

The object is to locate each state as it appears on your country's map. The faster you can do it, the higher your score. Your mistakes are also counted.

Our teachers will be happy to know that we finally know where Wyoming is. Seriously. We were beginning to think it didn't really exist.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-13-07    
Topic: Brands, Games, Good, Online

CCFC Condemns Unilever for Hypocrisy, We Say Bull


We always thought it was funny that Unilever would champion girls' self-esteem via Dove (courtesy of Ogilvy) and premit mass objectification of lusty ladies via Lynx/Axe (courtesy of Bartle Bogle Hegarty).

Boston's Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood is less amused.

"The hypocrisy is Dove positioning itself as a brand that cares and is trying to teach girls to resist this messaging," said associate director Josh Golin. "At the same time Unilever, in the form of Axe, is putting out some of the worst messaging there is."

Our take? Unilever's just a parent company.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-13-07    
Topic: Brands, Cause, Opinion, Trends and Culture

Godiva Goes Golden with Haute Couture, Decadent Delights

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Nothing rings in the holidays like the thought of wearing a new Chloe while unwrapping a golden box of truffles. Even if those truffles came from grandma, and even if you gave her the exact box two years ago.

This set of prints by Sugartown Creative is Godiva's attempt to position itself as a luxury item a la 10,000 water bottles or LV bags.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-11-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Magazine, Poster

Visa Ad Brims with Toys, Still Lacks Luster

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In this ad by TBWA\Chiat\Day, LA for FAO Schwarz -- er, the Visa check card, we mean, a bunch of people wander around in a toy store while juggling toys.

The ad just doesn't hit the spot.

We never really got used to the "Life takes Visa" thing. It's like a second-rate "Priceless" -- which is ironic, because Mastercard's like a second-rate Visa.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-11-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Online, Television

Hosting Ads on Ad-Supported Sites May Be a Bad Idea

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We were trying very hard to watch this Bacardi spot called Made to Mix. But the media people stuck it on Veoh and there was this interactive MarketWatch ad playing right next to it. So our eyes darted frantically back and forth and in the end we decided neither was worth much of a damn.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-11-07    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Commercials, Online

You Mean Luxury and World Peace Go Hand in Hand?


Dentsu, Canada put together this spot -- dubbed its "latest and greatest" -- for the Lexus H. (The H stands for "hybrid".)

You know, no one could ever accuse Lexus of being too flashy. For an upper middle class status symbol, it manages to resist the compulsion amazingly well.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-11-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good

Real World Domesticity Tries LV Out for a Change

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Believe it or not, there are instances when associating your brand too closely to real life can hurt. This ad for Louis Vuitton is one of them. The clutter on the closely-packed desk, the slightly bent-in LV bag, the visible electrical outlets and empty glasses and open laptop, the rumpled hair and tired but sweet nuzzles -- the whole thing fills us with discomfort.

We're thinking everyday grind, exhaustion, and a longing for this brief moment in the day to last as long as possible before life calls us back to do the dishes. It's a frenetic and agonizing sensation.

What happened to soothingly ethereal Scarlett, or gangster-film angsty Gorbachev? Take us awaaaay.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-11-07    
Topic: Brands, Online

Sony Bravia Thread Spot Drapes Ancient Tombs with Rainbow Shroud

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We were skeptical about how many more ways Sony would be able to push its swath-everything-in-color manifesto for the Bravia campaign, but at this rate, we're pretty sure it could go on forever.

Y&R, Egypt is responsible for this pyramid and thread spot. It's appealing -- even without a Rolling Stones tune -- but it also filled us with a sense of dread. How many takes did this require? Who cleaned up all those spools?

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-10-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good