Panties in a Bunch Over Nike 'Gun Reference' Ad


Make the Logo Bigger's Bill Green takes a long look at that "gun reference" Nike ad featuring Kobe Bryant and Lebron James. Some are offended Nike would allow such a reference. Some, such as Lebron (in a hilarious contradiction), defend the ad claiming the notion it's a gun reference is ridiculous. Some, like us, don't give a shit and think people should move on and not read so much into stuff. Not you, Bill. All those other conspiracy theorists and cause group kooks.

Of course NBA players bringing their guns into the locker room isn't so smart either.

But seriously, give it a rest. Move on. There's nothing to see here. Go live your life and appreciate it. Don't waste it whining about advertising. Oh wait...

by Steve Hall    Feb- 1-10   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Opinion   
