Mortgage Crisis 'Splained, More Sites Go Siteless, Car Porn Covered, Go Blog for Book Deals


- Kevin Horne reminded us of the existence of the Subprime Primer. All that fucked-up logic isn't just acid caricature. The mortgage crisis really happened this way.

- Modernista wasn't the only brand to go siteless. So has this Britney Spears fan site. And Jung von Matt in Stockholm.

- This Facebook app takes your existing profile pic and lets you turn it into a bar-hopping, casual-sex-having avatar. Okay, maybe not so much casual sex.

- Like cars? Aw, that's cute. See MTLB's NY Auto Show Car Porn Wrap-Up. We like it when he vents.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-31-08    
Topic: Online, Promotions

'Under the Same Moon' Takes the Piss Out of Lou Dobbs


Spoof meets the big-leagues in this trailer for Under the Same Moon, a Hispanic-American film with a title so sappy it could itself be a spoof.

The trailer pulls the sympathy card with child star Adrian Alonso while mocking Lou Dobbs, whom HuffPo dubbed "CNN's anti-immigrant crusader."

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-27-08    
Topic: Commercials, Political, Promotions, Spoofs, Television

Krystal Keeps Branded MySpace Page Trendlet Alive


Who knew? Apparently, brands still think it's a good thing to create branded MySpace pages. We thought that trendlet was long gone. Nope. Thanks to fast food chain Krystal's Brain Freeze Relief, we can confirm it hasn't completely died off.

But that's not the only trendlet Krystal is trying to extend. They're also doing the fake word thing with the invention of sphenopalatineganglioneuralgia, or brain freeze. OK, so we're kidding on that one. Sphenopalatineganglioneuralgia is a real word. It's a medical term for the ailment more commonly known as brain freeze.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-27-08    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Social

First Lady of France Bares All for GQ, Uses Queen to Push Pop


Carla Bruni -- in all the sultry flesh -- appears pretty much nude in the April edition of GQ magazine. (Heavens, she's hot. We're sobbing "Are you there, God?" all over again.) More nakie pics are going on auction next month. They're expected to swoop up 2,000 pounds (the currency) at least.

Plugging the fertility of Mother France ain't all she's up to lately. The still-fresh-faced First Lady was recently accused of turning a visit with the Queen into an opportunity to punt her new CD. After a visit to Windsor, stickers appeared on the album promoting the Italian chanteuse as the new First Lady and chum to Her Highness.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-27-08    
Topic: Political, Promotions, Racy

Pen Power Used to Market Wacom


Witness The Power of the Pens, the last leg of an email marketing campaign for Wacom by eROI. Wacom makes pen tablets and interactive displays for inputting graphics into computers.

eROI used Power of the Pens to showcase work from a different digital artist every day for 12 days. The art was available to download for Wacom email subscribers, which could also upload creations onto the website.

The winning artist received a Cintiq 12WX tablet. View his entry.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-26-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Promotions

Dr. Pepper Supports Chinese Democracy. Oh, the Horror!


Uh Oh. Another PR faux paux. Well, at least according to Adrants reader Rich who wasn't too pleased with a recent press release from Ketchum for Cadbury Schweppes which exclaimed, "Dr. Pepper Supports Chinese Democracy." Predictably, Dr. Pepper was doing no such thing. It was just another publicity ploy.

Rich explains, writing, "Ketchum, Dr. Pepper's PR agency, issued this online press release with the headline 'Dr. Pepper Supports Chinese Democracy.' Reading the press release reveals that, no, Dr. Pepper is not supporting the Tibetans risking their lives and well-being for democracy; rather, they are running a publicity stunt surrounding the long-delayed Guns 'n' Roses record, 'Chinese Democracy."' Ha ha ha! Bet you thought we were talking about dying Tibetans!"

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by Steve Hall    Mar-26-08    
Topic: Promotions

Red Bull Makes Cola with All-Natural Ingredients


Hrm. While colas try brewing competitive energy drinks, Red Bull -- arguably the best-known of them all -- has decided to launch its own soda. We give you Red Bull simply Cola.

No word on when it's appearing in the States, but it's au naturel, with 23 unmolested ingredients and slightly more caffeine than most sodas.

To promote simply Cola, Red Bull is distributing leaflets that serve two purposes:

  • Highlighting the drink's ingredient list (none of which is the taurine that made them famous. Although there's mustard seeds and cardamom for kick)

  • Justifying its entry into the market. Because this isn't just any cola. It's special cola: strong and natural (says them, not us)

Well, hell. We'd drink it.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-25-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Packaging, Promotions

Because You Know You Have One.


Wired wants your best Star Wars tribute photos. Contrary to what you might think, this isn't because George Lucas needs more love. (We've heard that when your net worth is cushioned with many zeroes, life can be quite cozy.) This is actually in honor of Fanboys, an Ernie Cline homage to Star Wars fandom.

Why doesn't anybody ever ask for our Spice Girls tribute photos? We have big shoes! Dolls! Slutty skirts! Dresses made out of the Union Jack! Unsavory images of ourselves in pout-mode! Come ON, guys.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-25-08    
Topic: Brands, Consumer Created, Online, Promotions

Quarterlifer Angst, Alicia Keys, Used to Sell Deodorant


Dove is using the (apparently) drama-rich life of Alicia Keys to appeal to women in their 20s. Dove Go Fresh and MTV give you "Fresh Takes," a heavily promoted series about three girlfriends figuring shit out while looking pretty (an acquired skill).

Hrm. Think Crossroads would've been better received if it was less about Britney Spears and more about pastel deodorants? Somebody at Camp Dove must have thought so.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-24-08    
Topic: Bad, Campaigns, Celebrity, Online, Promotions

Echo Factory Seeks Brilliant Designers for Skater Community


Following an online portfolio review, 20 designers were shipped blank skate decks from Land of Plenty and asked to decorate them for Career Day '08, which happens at Alex Cheung's Gallery in LA's Chinatown tonight. Designers can present portfolios and decorated decks to major skate firms in the flesh.

Career Day '08, which seeks to position design students in the skate industry, was organized by the Echo Factory. Visit the Career Day site to find out just how badly they need good talent.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-21-08    
Topic: Events, Online, Promotions