Jonas Moore Gets More Mashing, and Still More, and More Still


Ever vigilant, Factory sent us more mash-ups of the Jonas Moore thing it's doing. These guys, Humans Out Of Control, created a whole YouTube channel for the effort. And these are The Marvis. Their mash-up involves gratuitous use of some woman named Ananke, who says things like "A woman's work is never done!"

We thought the "Vietnam: The Game" billboards around modern London were a nice effect for illustrating the premise. At this point though, all the mashups-cum-trailers are just kind of coalescing. We feel like we've seen every image at least three times. Just hurry and give us the first episode already.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-13-07    
Topic: Consumer Created, Online, Promotions

Polaroid Unwittingly Snaps Mob Murderer on Promo Photo


Polaroid's Malibu promotion den is a hot spot for celebrities great and small, famous and, uh, infamous.

Convicted felon Chris Paciello, a former Mafia associate that went down snitch way to avoid life in prison, was recently captured in a promo shot with Entourage's Kevin Connolly after a big party at the beach house.

Some time ago Paciello pleaded guilty and later turned in affiliated buddies after a $300,000 bank heist and a break-in on Staten Island that ended in bloody murder.

Life for him seems pretty sweet now. The distinctive Polaroid first appeared on TMZ, where the mobster was only addressed as Kevin Connolly's "buff buddy."

Well, that party promo clearly banked more attention than Polaroid probably thought - or hoped - it would.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-12-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Promotions

Old Spice Stakes Claim to Tony Stewart's Armpits


If we ever thought Old Spice was past its prime, we were horribly wrong. We should have guessed they had long-term comic genius when they enlisted Bruce Campbell to help them win youngbloods with winning condescension.

The grand old deodorant brand hits us again with a spot called Armpit for its Collector's Edition. Compiled by Wieden+Kennedy, it begins and ends with the maniacal laughter of the company's "marketing president," Alex Keith.

We don't want to blow the spot for you but this print ad sums up the humor and vibe.

Armpit marketing is actually a clever idea. And good inclusion of yellow flare and exclamation points! They give the whole concept just the right amount of trying-hard! pomposity.

We love Old Spice. If we were 100 percent male back here, we'd all be Axe wearers, but boy do we love Old Spice.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-12-07    
Topic: Best, Celebrity, Commercials, Human, Promotions, Sponsorship

BK Promo Sparks Facial Hair Fetishes for Unlikely 'Stache Sporters


We've just spent the last hour having way too much fun with Pet Moustache, built in-house by the facial hair-loving folk at Crispin Porter + Bogusky.

The site is an interactive extension of the Burger King Western Whopper campaign, and it's almost too entertaining, particularly in the wee hours of the morning.

You upload a picture, grow your own mustache and then trim, wax and shape it. The demo made this process look really easy but the hair is unwieldy and the image at left was the best we could do.

If we could get this grooming thing down, we think we'd look kind of awesome.

"It's horrific," a nearby passerby said.

Yeah. If by "horrific" you mean, "THE SEX."

by Angela Natividad    Jul-12-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Strange

Trance Music Adds Little Flair to Jonas Moore Mash-Up Promos


Factory Publishing launched a contest for The Many Worlds of Jonas Moore, an online graphic novel with a Matrixy premise that revolves around a United States controlled by - get this - British gamers.

Jonas Moore fans can mash up, remix and otherwise stir the soup of various graphic novel media to create their own music videos.

To demonstrate that all's well on the CGM front, Factory sent us this recent montage put together by an artist called Emeson for his song Maybe We Energise.

The song has its moments and the tame, carefully-selected imagery is occasionally cool, but the whole thing rings too much like an agonizing 20 minutes spent watching a video collage at somebody's wedding: self-indulgent, too long, and uninteresting to non-fans.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-12-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Trends and Culture, Video

Ready for a New Buzz Word? All Together Now: 'AVATARSMENT'


Leaping into the virtual world with guns a-blazing, and perhaps dissatisfied with slaughtering just Spanish on its quest for incoherence, Taco Bell partners with DraftFCB, Irvine, which in turn enlisted Gizmoz and MTV, to launch a "virtual casting call." Future digital celebrities will have the pleasure of appearing on a late night commercial in the MTV Video Music Awards.

So for those seeking their 15 minutes of fame amongst stoner-kind, you may get your wish.

more »

by Angela Natividad    Jul-10-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Strange

Page View Dead, Jane Dead, Heavy Drifts, Simpsons Market, Flickr Up


- The death of the page view is now a reality. As of today, Nielsen is expected to announce it will no longer base its ranking on page views but rather time spent on the site. Stickiness is the new auto-reload. Of course, time spent and page view are just one metric among many used based on campaign goals. All have their place.

- and Castrol have launched Heavy Tuning Channel to celebrate the art of drifting.

- Rohit Bhargava has gathered together all the varied methods of marketing used for the upcoming Simpsons movie.

- Following a two year, last ditch effort to rejuvenate Jane magazine, Conde Nast is folding the publication, shuttering the website and bidding adieu to employees.

- Hitwise reports Flickr traffic is up 38 percent over the past four weeks following Yahoo's shut down of its Yahoo Photos and its inclusion of Flickr photos.

- Copyrranter ain't liking the new Ad Council PSA for youth alcohol abuse.

by Steve Hall    Jul-10-07    
Topic: Magazine, Online, Promotions, Research, Tools

11 Seven Elevens Get Kwik-E Mart Treatment


For some, a dream has been realized: a slew of Seven Elevens have evolved into Kwik-E Marts for a month to promote The Simpsons Movie. The evolution has improved business for one Burbank, CA store by about 300 to 400 percent, according to AdCritic.

The metamorphosis includes changes to the exterior, interior and employee uniforms. The stores are also littered with myriad opportunities to snap a shot of yourself with a character from The Simpsons.

After years of less-than-tactful trashing on the show, we think it's a nod in the right direction for Seven Eleven to embrace its alter ego with such abandon.

by Angela Natividad    Jul- 9-07    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Promotions

No Southern Comfort Like a MilkQuake, Says Krystal


It's not just brands hawking friends on MySpace anymore; it's products too. For a free milkshake promotion to cool the summer months, Southern brand Krystal put together the Krystal Lovers Lounge, a MySpace page for those who know nothing gets the heart racing (or slowing?) like whipped milk on ice.

While it won't do jack for your waistline, the MilkQuake page does include eco-friendly tips like admonishings to "Switch off your computer and any lights not in use."

by Angela Natividad    Jul- 2-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions

Power of Short, Plaid, Pleated Skirt Creates Threesome


The uniquely strong, yet skittishly odd powers of the short, plaid, pleated skirt have been put to use by Coors Light Canada and Maxim for the Coors Light Maxim Golf Experience, an event which promises "the ultimate threesome." Now, before your minds race to that particularly nasty place, we're talking about golf threesomes here not that other fantasy that visits the male mind every, oh, two minutes.

Thanks a lot Coors Light. Now every time we approach the tee, we'll be wishing the three people standing alongside were actually Coors Light Maxim Golf Experience girl wearing the uniquely powerful short, plaid, pleated skirt. That or nasty imagery of our golf buddies in the get up. Neither of which will help our golf game very much.

by Steve Hall    Jun-29-07    
Topic: Events, Promotions, Racy