method: Pretty Cleaning Products for Hipsters Against Dirty


We really dig method, a company that took it upon itself to develop cleaning products that are non-toxic, easy on the eyes and gentle on the senses.

But probably the biggest reason why we like them is they can push that manifesto in a trendy, almost sexy way.

We recently got an email blast from method under the subject line, "(still) cleans like a mother." Ha-ha, right? We are over this hipster crap. Then we opened it up and saw this.

And we're like, that picture is cute. That copy is clever. Wait, our kids lick tile? (Indeed, they do.) But wow, a method cleaning product does look really good with any decor.

by Angela Natividad    Sep-12-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions

Young Bond: Somehow Less Appealing than Older, Wiser Bond


We do love a game with a snappy title like Avenue of Death. Put together by UK-based TAMBA, the object of the game is to guide Young Bond through a series of death traps. The game is a promotion for Hurricane Gold, a Young Bond book that's just recently come out.

Enter your score on the leaderboard and you could win "an exclusive piece of original Young Bond artwork, signed by Charlie Higson and Kev Walker."

After a quick run-through, we decided there's really nothing Bondian about the game at all. If anything, it brings Prince of Persia to mind. And when we fed our little hero to the big snake, he just stood there until the snake woke up and ate him. Then he screamed like a girl.

by Angela Natividad    Sep-11-07    
Topic: Games, Online, Promotions

The Toyota Rush! It Has Tires! That Leave (Possibly Blue) Tire Tracks!


The Bakery, Jakarta sent us to for some subsite-ribbing fun.

Word on the street is that this is a campaign for the Toyota Rush mini SUV. But after clicking on both the High and Low Bandwidth options, little has happened, and we've blown at least a minute in a half staring at these blue skid marks.

That's a long time to be staring at skid marks.

by Angela Natividad    Sep-11-07    
Topic: Bad, Online, Promotions

'Big Bang' Flips with (Too Much) Ease from Smart to Banal


We're not sure how or why, but while trying to steal a Rich Media ad off MySpace we ended up downloading a widget for CBS' The Big Bang Theory.

After contemplating the widget for awhile we decided to look up the show. That quest brought us to this trailer, which is really less a trailer than a three-minute hard sell with a laugh reel and every cliche imaginable, strangely coupled with Bill Gates philosophy and new media name-dropping.

more »

by Angela Natividad    Sep-10-07    
Topic: Commercials, Online, Promotions, Television

'Hail, Stanford, Hail' is Down, Stanford, Down


Fall semester is here, so now we've got uni-oriented campaigns to sift through. "Hail, Stanford, Hail" is an effort for that one school in California whose name we'll let you guess. This is the site. Note that it's down (or was when we looked). Hail, Stanford, Hail.

But when it's up, it hosts two clever little videos that include college antics dubbed with a professorial narrative. Here's some trivia: Stanford is the alma mater for the inventors of the microwave and the FM synthesizer.

Marshmallow bunny molesters and Guitar Hero fanboys everywhere thank you, Stanford. And at the very least, your campaign was way better than Temple's. (Although we still like Wilkes best.)

Hey, where are the ad campaigns for Berkeley? Oh yeah, everybody there is still on strike and lamenting the recent loss of Bob Marley.

by Angela Natividad    Sep-10-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions

Temple University Launches Very Red Motivational Ad Campaign


To draw more impressionable minds to its bonfire, Temple University launched T Means More, a campaign that turns the "Temple T" into a symbol of character, integrity, commitment, etc.

We are bored by this campaign and think that Temple gratuitously abuses the color red. Might be a good idea to just mail all potential students a copy of this book.

by Angela Natividad    Sep-10-07    
Topic: Poster, Promotions, Television

Bulletproof Baby Has Trouble Pulling Off Bulletproof Guerilla Stunt


Have you ever felt your baby was just not bulletproof enough? (If you are 50 Cent's mother, probably - or not, depending on how you look at it).

Visit Bulletproof Baby for bulletproof cribs, strollers, vests, toddler tasers and disturbing product-test videos, all meant to ensure that you, the discerning customer, have a happy bundle of steel.

Actually it's a stunt for New Line Cinema's Shoot 'Em Up, which is linked pretty prominently on the homepage. Even so, a PR person still saw fit to shoot us at least three emails this morning about how it was dramatically unveiled as a promotional effort after a long and controversial internet run. (We have serious doubts about this.)

And while we have no idea what that movie has to do with babies, we know it has plenty to do with bullets. And Clive Owen.

by Angela Natividad    Sep- 7-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Strange

And the Denver Water Mascot is Off!


AdFreak reminded us that the Denver Water stunt just took place over the weekend during the Colorado-Colorado State game. During the fourth quarter, the toilet mascot went running across the green, only to be tackled by a zealous security guard. (Looks like they forgot to wear their signs.)

So there you go. Unless you want all your favourite sports games interrupted in equally vexing manner, fix your goddamn running toilets.

by Angela Natividad    Sep- 7-07    
Topic: Guerilla, Promotions

Look, a Volvo Scavenger Hunt!


70 Volvos are hidden in a bunch of beautiful but rugged places and according to this subsite it is your responsibility to find out where. (Despite the daunting sound of the task and the lameness of going Volvo-hunting, clues and a Yahoo! Maps integration help the process along.)

More interestingly, is it just us or is the music for the subsite a throwback to the score for Vanilla Sky? It's probably just us.

by Angela Natividad    Sep- 6-07    
Topic: Brands, Online, Promotions

As Long as There are Strangers to Detain, There Will be Wirebreakers


For its S9 headphones, Motorola's Wirebreakers leap back into the streets, accosting cheerleaders, bus patrons, library-goers and general loiterers with their love of dance.

It's cute and all but we are so tired of the Wirebreakers thing. It must suck to be milling around minding your own business, when some bug-eyed kid pops out and forces you to sit there with a frozen grin on your face until he or she has stopped wilding out in front of you.

Thankfully, behind a monitor we don't have to smile.

by Angela Natividad    Sep- 4-07    
Topic: Brands, Guerilla, Promotions