Looks like Brian Collins' brand experience manifesto has made converts in the Parisian hospitality industry.
Hotel chain F1 (formerly Formule1), which targets tourists between 18-35, is promoting its "new generation" brand with the Crazy Room Tour. Bearing the slogan "Tu dormiras plus tard!" (roughly: "You'll sleep in!"), the tour will hit 18 cities with branded deejays, video games and group activities.
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You'd think with $25,000 up for grabs and with industry creatives having a "leg up" on the competition, there'd be a flood of industry types entering Budget's Flip for Budget video contest. It's so simple. Easy money. Just whip up a concept explaining how to travel on a budget, grab the video camera, film the thing, submit it and cross your fingers for the $25,000.
Come on people! This is easy money! Screw all those non-industry types trying to cash in on the user-generated content craze when we ad people are the ones who are supposed to be making this stuff...and getting paid for it. Don't let consumers steal your job!
Tonight was the awards ceremony for the One Show College Competition, for which schools nationwide turned in their top student portolios. See some here.
Doritos -- which in the last couple of years has devoted much of its promotional budget to lobbing cash at "creative" users (1, 2, 3) -- also solicited a campaign brief seeking "Doritos advertising that is iconic as Doritos."
The word "iconic" sparked interesting conversation after the show. Links to video below.
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This weekend, I noticed a local store window with several signs promoting its blowout "economic stimulus sale." Dominos has similarly launched a "recession-buster deal." I even saw Craigslist postings using the recession as a marketing message.
IMHO there's nothing better than reminding me of our country's financial woes to entice me to spend more money. Sure, the economy's tanking, but at least now I can get 20 percent off everything!
Ontario-based HBC.com is selling some zany-looking gear for the Beijing Olympics. Loud colours and frightening patterns aside, they appear to be slathered in symbols inspired by the Dharma Initiative in ABC's Lost.
I miss the catchy handcuff motif. What is it about Olympic sponsorship that makes creative people completely insane? (See Adidas cross-cultural flub, NYC's 2012 Olympic logo, London's epileptic nightmare.)
- There's something about spoken word poetry that makes us clench our glutes. You know, like someone about to suffer something unavoidably bad. This spoken word PSA by "MIKE-E" for the American Cancer Society wasn't terrible, but we winced all through it anyway.
- Google Maps, meet GTA IV.
- So Twitter went down for just exactly too long, and in that time frame Jolie O'Dell discovered Chatterous (now in alpha!). It will get you laid.
- New Google killer on the loose. You know what's fun? Googling "Google killer".
- Starbuck's profits fell 28 percent compared to this time last year. Bummer. CEO Schultz says the crappy numbers "reflect the sharp weakening US consumer environment."
- Acura's TSX hopes to endear itself to Millennials by pointing out how we don't sleep. EVER. Printwork by RPA.
It's like Guitar Hero on your computer! Created by Cake and sponsored by caffeine-fueled Pro Plus, the game promotes Virgin's V Festival in August. Just like Guitar Hero, you use the arrow keys on the keyboard to keep match the moving arrows on the screen. Players who can keep up earn the chance to win free tickets to the festival.
So KFC has been running this commercial that continues its "find the secret" approach to TV advertising. If you correctly identify the secret image in the spot or in the chain's POP display and are among the first 1,000 to do so, you will win a free sandwich.
So while there is, indeed, a secret image to be found in the ad, it was the nagging "who's that B movie star" reaction that captured more attention here at Adrants. The blond girl in the ad has been seen in several movies. Can you guess who she is? It's not Brittany Snow who's currently starring in Prom Night.
- Based in Japan? Imbue your iGoogle page with spirit of cheetah. Via @michaelallison.
- Because moms need $100 jeans too. Tummy tucker? Better still.
- This online effort for Absolut's "In an Absolut World" campaign lets you spy on the prime minister of Australia from four security cameras. Prank call or order him Chinese food. Sometimes he does Tai Chi. By TEQUILA\ Australia.
- The Missouri Lottery invites you to answer the call of Viper. I wouldn't. Well, maybe if I got lotto money for it.
- Buzzd put together a product demo to show off its "killer features." Get this: It HAS NO SOUND. Dude, these days even PowerPoints have sound. Was the brains of your operation out sick?
Dear Amazon.com Customer,
As someone who purchased video games or music from genres included in the game, you might be interested in our Grand Theft Auto IV music downloads store.
This is part of an email pitch that preceded a GIGANTOR graphic inviting me to "Download music from Grand Theft Auto IV."
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