It's the 'Where the Wild Things Are' Promo Poster!


Every US kid born in the '80s probably had Where the Wild Things Are read to them at some point. It's an infectious(ly illustrated) story about a kid called Max who likes wearing scary animal costumes and being all growly.

One day, after some horrible little-boy shenanigans, he's confined to his bedroom, where he explores a universe of wild but benign creatures. He is ultimately made King of All the Wild Things.

A few years ago Spike Jonze signed on to make a film adaptation of the book -- one of those things that gives us chills and seems too good to be true. But hey, it's not: at your left is the official poster.

Perfect, right? We thought so too. Though for some reason we always imagine Max with facial hair.

Tagline: There's one in all of us. Film comes out this October. More about it all here.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-19-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Poster, Promotions

Eepybird Interviewed, Guru Garbage, Leveraging a Falling DOW


- Geeks are Sexy interviews Eepybird, the guys responsible for this wild wonder. Oh, and the Diet Coke & Mentos Experiment.

- "Igotapostcard is a continuous project where people practice the art of leaving self-addressed stamped postcards in public places to be picked up and personalized by others, who then return them."

- Headsmack indeedy.

- SXSW thought leader rage. And we're with 'im on this one.

- Young people want more entertaining ads. ORLY?

- LOL. "For every 100 points that the DOW drops within two months after the time of purchase," teesandtats customers "receive $5 dollars off of their purchase."

- Agency in a cardboard box.

- Google ads on iPhone apps. Imagine that.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-19-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Opinion, Promotions, Trends and Culture

Trueblood Promo Fortifies Citizens Against Vamps


Clever Trueblood promotion straight outta Auckland, New Zealand. I like the idea of having stakes close at hand ... but won't these armaments undermine the benign vampires' ongoing battle for suffrage?

Mixed messages, man.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-18-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Outdoor, Promotions

Arby's Makes Grease-Stained Tribute to Mona Lisa


Ad land has this incredible talent for bastardizing beautiful things, and doing it in a way where we're like, hey, that's kind of cool.

That's the feeling you get when you watch "Burger Grease Art," where a guy uses the grease from non-Arby's burgers to create a giant reproduction of Da Vinci's enigmatic lady.

Across the bottom of the video -- which we really couldn't help sitting through, even as we clutched our stomachs and began to dry-heave -- is a link to, which tackles your line of sight with three appealingly matte Arby's Roastburgers. (For some reason, we kinda hoped for an Etch-a-Sketchy painting game, except with grease, but no dice.)

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-16-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Promotions, Strange, Video

'Guns, Blood, Drugs ... What Else Could You Ask For?'


Got this email blast from Echelon Studios this morning and that header totally perplexed us. What else could we ask for? In my mind, Steve was all, "Hot bitches!" -- and I was like, "...microfiber cloth...?"

The blast is a promotion for two (appropriately) made-for-DVD titles: Death Rattle Crystal Ice ("meth, murder, mayhem"!) and Blood-Stained Romance ("sometimes love doesn't have a happy ending"). Priceless blurbage from the latter:

Soon lies turn to murder launching Holden into a spiraling bloodbath of violence and desperation as he tries to hide the infatuation that feeds his madness. Through it all, he tries to cling to a trembling grip on reality, as love and pain coalesce into a shocking "climax".

Melodramatic run-on sentence? Check. Use of the irresistible "coalesce"? Check. Quotes around "climax"? Check, baby, check.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-13-09    
Topic: Online, Packaging, Promotions, Strange

Ford to Give Away 100 Fiestas Social Media Style


The ever photogenic Julia Roy and her agency, Undercurrent, are working with Ford on a program called Fiesta Movement. The automaker plans to give away 100 Ford Fiestas for six months complete with free gas, insurance, parking and a concierge service. The lucky 100 will be sent on "cool monthly missions" not unlike AT&T's Lost in America.

And oh yes, they must document their travels for public consumption. After all, it's the social media thing to do, right? And, yes, there will be tweets.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 5-09    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Promotions, Social

Never Let A Good Idea End Up on the Floor


Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. It's almost time, people. Almost time for you to get a glimpse of the first Killed Ideas. In a couple of days, we'll begin sharing with you some of the better submissions we've received. We'll offer up some initial commentary which, hopefully, will motivate you to submit your own Killed Idea.

Some time ago, I was in a presentation and my creative director was unveiling a new campaign to a client high atop One Penn Plaza in New York. The meeting with this client was, as always, jovial and upbeat. Until one particular piece of creative was presented. There was something about it he client didn't quite like.

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by Steve Hall    Mar- 5-09    
Topic: Announcements, Promotions

SBUX Value Meals, Doe-Eye Prejudice, Recovery for Dummies


- The Obama Administration's logo kinda reminds us of...

- MoMA shoots for socially-minded redesign. (It should probably start here, though.)

- Google's Eric Schmidt's a Twitter-hater. Well, maybe "hater" is too strong a word.

- For once, an instance where extreme prejudice may improve your online quality of life. (Via that one guy whose site's all covered in Skittles.)

- Hella happy over drillwork.

- Starbucks value meals? Seriously? Sell your stock. Now. Because a licensing partnership with Hello Kitty is just around the corner.

Diesel's Five on Fifth: the Rabbit Hole You've Always Wanted


For better or worse, Diesel knows how to seize attention. ("Pete the Meat Puppet" is STILL stuck in our heads, and there's no way on earth we can ever unwatch "XXX SFW.")

But its gaze-gathering talents aren't strictly 'net-based. To draw mass appeal to the grand opening of its Five on Fifth (Ave.) location, the label balked at the notion of a one-night celebu-fete. Too bland. Not exclusive enough. Instead, it threw together a hodgepodge of quirky personages -- think Mad Hatter's tea party for grownups -- and held multiple dinner parties at its storefront window.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar- 4-09    
Topic: Brands, Events, Good, Guerilla, Promotions

Seriously, Is There Anything a Japanese Fetish Game Show CAN'T Sell?


There's something about Japanese pop culture that compels us to watch and not look away. Japan is the seat of all fetishes, magnified for your viewing pleasure. (And we're not just talking* sexual ones.)

To ensure eyeballs for Nivea's line of shaving products, DraftFCB and Rubber Republic tapped into "glabermania" -- the addiction to shaving and being smooth. Inspired by our game show-crazed Japanese cohorts, here's what they came up with.

Come on, don't knock it. What else do you and your jaded creative homies have to do on Saturday night? Grab a camera and pool your shaving cream; think of it as a company morale-builder.

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