Warner Brothers And IMDB Hold Browser Hostage With 'V' Ad


Perhaps it's just us but this morning we have been attacked by one of those porn-style redirect ads. We were checking out the cast of the upcoming James Bond flick, Casino Royale on IMDB when, after about five seconds, we were whisked away to a promotional sweepstakes eprize page for the movie V. No amount of reloading on use of the back button would stop the fucking ad page from forcing itself upon us. Someone over at Warner Brothers or IMBD better get their shit together or start kicking the shit out of whatever spammer is foisting this crap upon us.

NOTE: In comments, an IMDB representative explains the problem was a coding error on their part which occurred for a short period of time and they fixed it as soon as it was brought to their attention. Warner Brothers had nothing to do with the error.

by Steve Hall    Jul-31-06    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Worst

Virgin Mobile Base Jump Game Offers Tiks to V Festival


Virgin Mobile, which sponsors the UK's Virgin Mobile V Festival, is offering a chance to attend the sold out event with a base jumping game. If you land on the tour bus, you are able to enter a drawing for a pair of tickets. We made it on the third try but we're not flying to England just for a concert. The game is simple enough and unfettered by bloat which, of course, we like.

by Steve Hall    Jul-28-06    
Topic: Games, Good, Online, Promotions

Verizon Beatbox Unleashes Dunkin' Frustration


Sort of like creating a Honda Choir spot on your own, Verizon has launched Beatbox Mixer, a site, created by R/GA, that lets you combine various beatbox clips along with videos of the artists "performing" to support Verizon's "Richer, Deeper, Broader" broadband push. If one is so inclined, one can use the site's tools to create a customized, full blown sound and video extravaganza to play for one's grandmother who will then look at said creator like some sort of gastrointestinal alien was emanating from the bowels of said creator's stomach and quickly call the ambulance thereby calling into question the purpose for creating the thing in the first place.

WTF? Where did that whole grandma thing come from? Who writes this crap? Anyway, we're sure this will appeal the the creative types out there who assume they, like Ashlee Simpson, can slide into fame's limelight on the coat tails of other's talent. And whoa! Where did that nastiness come from? Hmm. Oh wait. It must have been that morning trip to Dunkin where we had our "America Runs on Dunkin" latte and were C blocked from angling our way into a conversation with the beautiful, tiny but oh-so-plentiful up top beauty standing next to us in line.

by Steve Hall    Jul-20-06    
Topic: Games, Good, Online, Promotions

Upside Down Window Used to Get Agency Publicity


Oops. Looks like one of the windows on the new Frank Gehry-designed building for IAC/InterActiveCorp in West Chelsea was installed upside down and was noticed by Sugartown Creative whose offices are nearby. Of course, it's all just a promotional stunt to garner press for IAC/InterActive and/or Sugartown which we've just given them. Of course the PR person forgot to send us any links to these two companies and we are way too lazy to figure them out for ourselves.

by Steve Hall    Jul-20-06    
Topic: Agencies, Promotions, Strange

Sharks Attack New York!! Well, Sort Of


To promote its Shark Week, airing July 30 - August 4, Discovery Channel has hung a 446 foot long inflatable shark atop its Silver Spring, MD building. They're calling it the biggest Shark Week stunt ever. To accompany the inflatable, street teams with pun-filled names like Bight University Chewleaders, will roam the streets of New York. A team of surfers with surf boards will wander about apparently to create intrigue or to cause New Yorkers to wonder if The Day After Tomorrow or Deep Impact are coming true. Bight University Faculty members will quiz New Yorkers on their knowledge of shark fact and myth. If we have a choice, we'd rather be approached by the Chewleaders rather than some surfer dude or some pocket protector-wearing professorial type.

by Steve Hall    Jul-19-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Promotions

VH1 Shares Flavor Flav Ladies' Misconceptions


We've never seen VH1's Flavor of Love before but our three seconds worth of research tells us it's probobly TV you can miss which is why VH1 has released on YouTube teaser clips for the second season which feature trash talking women whose only redeeming quality seems to be the tantalizing size of their ass. Anyway, it forced us to give them publicity. The show premieres August 6.

by Steve Hall    Jul-17-06    
Topic: Cable, Online, Promotions

Publishers Clearing House Acquires Search Site Blingo


Extending its foothold in the area of sweepstakes, Publishers Clearing House, that company with those people who show up at everyone's door except your own, has acquired Blingo, a search site that randomly hands out awards to people who visit the site. Blingo was launched in 2004 and has handed out 22,000 prizes since that date.

by Steve Hall    Jul-10-06    
Topic: Brands, Online, Promotions

LittleMissMatch Contest Achieves Free Publicity And Sock Revenue


LittleMissMatched, the company that knows socks always get lost in the dryer and sells socks in sets of three rather than two is hosting a short film contest in which anyone can submit a one minute film that highlights a person's creativity and individuality. The only requirement is that entrants must use two LittleMissMatched socks in the film although they don't have to be the feature of the film.

The contest will be judged by Ad Age's Jonah Bloom, music video director Shane Drake, commercial director Rafael Fernandez, producer and director Liz Garbus, ATTIK Creative Director Wayne Hanson, Teen People's Hayley Hill, writer and director Rob Pearlstein and Kirshenbaum Bond + Partners President Aaron Reitkopf.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jul- 7-06    
Topic: Consumer Created, Good, Online, Promotions

Panasonic Joins User Generated Content Parade


Panasonic, with help from Renegade Marketing, has joined the rest of the lemmings blindly walking towards the user-generated content light. The company has launched Share the Air, a hip-ish site on which there are photoblogs from Atiba Jefferson, Sam Smyth, and Jimmie Mcguire, people we assume are hip-ish in some sort of way, videos from Girl and Chocolate and, yes, a user-generated content section where visitors can submit their own action sports videos to be considered for a $16,000 Panasonic HD video prize.

by Steve Hall    Jun-28-06    
Topic: Consumer Created, Online, Promotions

Long Lasting Gum Makes People Do Weird Stuff


In a unique approach to illustrating just how long Cadbury Adams Stride gum lasts, the company has launched a website on which several people sitting at a desk chew gum while doing random acts of nothingness. There's also a contest which be can enter by submitting a 100 word statement of what they would do for a ridiculously long time and, if selected, a photograph of them doing it. No, you can't film yourself having herculean long sex nor can you be gross, obscene, violent or any of those other activities that irk lawywers but you can do just about anything else. Who knows if it will sell any gum but I wasted a good 20 minutes watching some of the videos.

by Steve Hall    Jun-22-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Strange