They May Not Smile; But Ask Nicely, and You'll Get a Pirhouette


Heh. This is clever. For the New Directors Showcase at Cannes, Saatchi & Saatchi released a video in which some ordinary guy barks marching orders at the Buckingham Palace Guard -- and, amazingly, they obey, even when he asks them to do little leaps, jump on each other's backs, dance to reggae and "RIDE 'IM LIKE SEABISCUIT!"

At this point the stunned crowd gets the sense that this is a stunt, and there is much cheering and carrying-on.

Let's hope this wasn't an intern's stolen idea. In any event, if the New Director's Showcase is something you dig, hurry up and enter here.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-10-09    
Topic: Agencies, Events, Industry Events, Promotions, Video

24DP Hawks Online Video Skillz Off on eBay


Ripping a sheet outta the playbooks of CP+B, Pourquoi tu cours, Rocketboom (which sold inventory, not creative power), and possibly this guy, 24DP is is using eBay to auction off its award-winning director services.

Bids have exceeded $2225.00, which makes this a success in our book, and there are still 5 days and 4 hours left on the clock. Make the Logo Bigger also encourages labor-whoring skeptics to "view it from the POV that it's a one-time deal to get them on the radar of more agencies and anyone needing viral/spot/video help."

And of course the shipping's free.

Keep track of what happens -- without having to keep visiting eBay -- by following 24DP on Twitter.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-10-09    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Promotions

Mini Markets to Vampires for True Blood's Season 2


@AskACopywriter managed to catch the phone booth ad at left, fruit of a liaison between BMW's Mini Cooper and -- oddly enough -- HBO's True Blood.

You may have noted that, in July of last year, True Blood orchestrated this pretty cool YouTube effort where vampires worldwide apparently produced their own amateur videos and tried demanding suffrage from the narrow-minded living.

This Mini partnership is another way to work that "vampires among us" angle: Mini is among a handful of brands that will be targeting their campaigns to vampires through June 14th, the start of Season 2.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Online, Outdoor, Promotions

...But How Does This Solve the Problem of Phallus-Shaped Pop-Ups?


Now your second head has an ally: a third eye, right where it counts. To encourage more illicit behaviour in inappropriate places, Brazillian adult site Sexy Clube sent a rear-view mirror to the homes of its customers.

The gooseneck mirror attaches by suction to the back of your monitor. Its purpose is to give you a, uh, heads-up when Bossman is about to catch you in the act of surfing titty. Thus equipped, Sexy Clube hopes it'll stimulate annual subscription renewals.

Probably doesn't help that the back of the mirror reads "Sexy Clube," though. Nothing screams "PORN ADDICT!" like porn merch!

Still, nice effort by DM9DDB/Brazil.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 9-09    
Topic: Guerilla, Product Placement, Promotions

Don't Just Talk to Them; Bring Them Aboard.


Based on the premise that people are more likely to watch a play if they know somebody in it, agency Happy Soldiers added a new scene to Spirithouse Theatre Company's play, "Vigil."

Spirithouse is a fairly new indy theatre company in Australia. "Prelude to Vigil," the new scene, takes five minutes and requires a fresh and local casting call every week. Spirithouse says this was a first for an independent play group.

Kind of a neat approach to (not?) advertising: personalizing an entire performance, and stimulating engagement, which in turn serves to generate word of mouth and record attendance. Apparently the play sold out in every instance.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 8-09    
Topic: Events, Guerilla, Promotions

Paid-to-Tweet, Close-Captioned Arranged Marriages, Verified Twitter Accounts


- Twitter to launch Verified Accounts.

- Fox brings Third World matrimonial magic to the States. (Via.)

- On Gino Fisanotti, Nike's new GM dude for the UK and Ireland. (Via.)

- Toyota's 3G Prius site. By EVB.

- Dunkin' to sell Alabaman's sour cream/Heath bar doughnut.

- More paid Twitter stream swill.

- Wikipedia crosses into printdom.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 8-09    
Topic: Online, Packaging, Promotions, Social

Chiquita Smoothie Bejeweled Effectively Tanks Our Thursday


Few things entice us as readily as a Bejeweled knockoff. We've lost whole days to this game; now, on account of Chiquita, we've lost our whole afternoon.

This promotion for Chiquita Smoothies is a good way to not work -- plus, if you can fill the blender with aligned fruit well before time's up, you get entered (and re-entered!) into a sweepstakes to win a trip to Jamaica. (Where you can play iPhone Bejeweled, beachside, to tropical music.)

Work by matrixx, which knows the secret to a good advergame: keep it simple, incentivize gamers; tap into something they're already obsessed with and know how to play.

UPDATE: What the hell kind of advergame doesn't have a pause button. Are you trying to get us fired?

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 4-09    
Topic: Brands, Games, Good, Online, Promotions

Tissue Tree Bears Silky Relief to Spontaneous Sneezers


In time for allergy season -- which not only stimulates sneezes but generates impromptu tear-duct leakage -- Kleenex erected a Tissue Tree, swathed in silk, no less, beside Sydney's Museum of Contemporary Art.

The tree was inspired by the work of "wrapping" artist Christo and is wrapped in over a kilometer of silk. (See metric conversion here.) More importantly, it sports 700 generous tissue blossoms, which passersby can tug out at leisure.

Clever way to promote Kleenex Silk Touch, whose wares are supposed to be even softer than the average snot receptacle. Greenpeace is gonna have a helluva good time tearing the lovely idea a new one, though. We can already hear the siren song: Turning your gauche synthetic wares into fake spins on the noble arbors that fell for your cause? You sick bastards!

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by Angela Natividad    Jun- 4-09    
Topic: Brands, Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Promotions

Hanes to Send 16 to Disney With T-Shirt Design Contest


Hanes hooked up with Night Agency to launch Celebrate in Comfort, a promotion which offers up 16 people a Walt Disney Celebration Vacation for four people...if they enter and win a t-shirt design contest.

You'd think with all the supposedly talented designers we have in advertising, all 16 winners would come from our industry. Well, that won't happen if you don't enter so head over to the site and get your creative freak on.

by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-09    
Topic: Promotions

The Gift for the Copywriter Who Has Everything. Except a Hobby.


This cool minimalist skateboard design, with "Hello" printed on it in nine or ten languages (if you're counting "Hallo"), is the fruit of a collabo between California skate label Buddy Carr and New York-based typography designer Antonio Carusone.

Top of board is black with "Hello" in white; wheels are printed too. More photos at Fubiz.

There are currently only 100 boards for sale at the not-bad rate of $160 apiece, so we strongly suggest dropping that cash like its hot. Hat-tip to @pakkoidea.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 3-09    
Topic: Brands, Good, Packaging, Promotions, Trends and Culture