So in reaction to that stupid move Boing Boing pulled deleting content published on the site by Violet Blue, Playboy thought they'd cash in on the media frenzy by hosting a hottest blogger contest including, of course, Violet Blue herself and Boing Boing's Xeni Jardin among others.
Ariel Waldman, who, herself, was nominated a list of the Top 20 Bloggers We Want To See In Bikinis, points us to the contest in which Sometimes Daily hottie Amanda Congdon battles it out with Tekzilla cutie Veronica Belmont, dirty joke lover Julie Alexandria, video blogging cutie Brigitte Dale, Pop17 babe Sarah Austin, CNET Loaded's beauty Natali Del Conte and...Holy Mad Men boobs!...Business Week's Sarah Lacy of the famed SXSW interview debacle with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg.
Yes, people, In our world, this is what matters. The hotness quotient. The hotter you are, the more likely you are to succeed in life. OK, so maybe that;s not entirely true but what fun would a list of the top ten bloggers ranked by the number of hard-to-spell, SAT-like words be?
- To jazz up its Wimbledon sponsorship, HSBC commissioned two artists to make photographs out of growing grass. Brings a freakish new angle to "watching grass grow."
- Cleveland-based? Go be a patriot. A green patriot.
- Former CEO Carly Fiorina of Hewlett Packard is among the contenders for VP under McCain. George Parker is hella bummed.
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European mobile carrier Orange has launched a phone charger powered by dance energy.
"The Orange Dance Charge is the result of months of research into alternate, sustainable energy sources to power mobile phones during summer music festivals," says the pressie with a straight face.
The unit was developed with help from GotWind, whose unfortunate name refers to renewable energy research, not the thing that happens when you pull Uncle's finger. The charger's system of weights and magnets provides an electrical current when a person flails about.
Orange Dance Charge was tested at the Glastonbury Festival last month. A promotional Dance Charging Man helped newbs charge phones in exchange for a dance.
Yeah, I've fallen for that one before. Just one dance, baby ... and I'll give you a charge, all right.
Under Pressure, little more than transparent hype for Dove's self esteem fund ("You support our efforts every time you buy Dove!"), is probably the weakest of its Ogilvy-manufactured Real Women series. The parts that aren't naked promotion look cobbled together from scraps of Onslaught.
The spot follows up from Amy, the lonesome story about a lovestruck boy who doesn't understand why his girlfriend hates herself so much; and Hair, one woman's pursuit of gorgeosity via shoe polish and peroxide. It kinda brings Requiem for a Dream to mind, except it's missing "ass to ass!"
A handy-dandy rule of thumb: avoid using a service whose name sounds exactly like "Fees!" (exclamation included).
PFEEZ! is a site that publishes "creative" photographs of stuff people are selling on Ebay. The lunatic at left, par exemple, is selling a very old Swiss 20-franc piece.
The site positions itself as "a totally bizarre photo/videoblog" that helps sellers "catch people's attention on curent Ebay sales (for FREE)."
If you're a seller on Ebay, you'll need all the help you can get. Guffaw.
Seeking distraction? Practice your competitive discus-throwing skills on Discus Champion, a game Tamba made for King Solomon's Casino, which is kinda funny because until I realized the discus was actually a head-sized poker chip, I thought this was a really lame promotion for Ultimate Frisbee.
In an effort to squeeze as much out of Pink as it possibly can, Victoria's Secret launched a back-to-school campaign for co-eds, as well as the "exclusive!" Pink Collegiate Collection -- which boasts licensing partnerships with 33 schools.
Don't just rock your college sweater. Rock it with hearts and polka-dots.
The Collegiate Collection will be promoted with a green movement ("Recycle Your Sweats!"), an event called Pinkapalooza, and migrating brand ambassadors paid to push Pink at football games. Bleacher blowjobs optional. Just kidding.
Advertising Age calls this the label's "most comprehensive [launch] yet."
Please! Can we just stop with all these forced movie co-marketing tie-ins that make about as much sense as submitting a real ad to Cannes for a Lion? In this disaster, we have a Domino's delivery boy ... oops ... girl traveling through a Dark Night (get it?) in Gotham City (get it?) to deliver a Gotham City Pizza (get it?) to the Joker (get it?) who owes pizza girl a new car because of his random acts of violence. It all kinda makes good 'ol "price and item" advertising ripe for a comeback.
Please, CP+B! Call Barbarian Group and hook up for another Subservient Chicken. Even SCII would be better than this mess.
Check out the Aquafresh interactive mobile, complete with virtual tooth-brushing games and free teeth cleaning duds.
The only thing that would make it cooler would be if you could step inside a giant mouth and bounce on its big foamy tongue while getting slightly high on a fresh-breath smell.
To promote its Star Trek-caliber bubble-killing beer cans, Foster's gives us Ride the Scuba, where you can leap into a virtual SCUBA tank and pop bloated bubbles.
Enter this email/password to beer SCUBA from your desk: [email protected]/thankyou. Our connection's pretty slow, so we spent most of our SCUBA time hovering near a Foster's billboard, sort of like dead fish.
The game was put together by the UK's Play. Props to MTLB, who was all, "C'mon, play beer scuba with me, c'monc'monc'mooooon" until we finally said "Fine, but only if we get a peanut tube."