Okay, we love this. Instead of posting flyers for its East Village concert (which takes place either last night or right now), Black Lips (or its fans?) used ads around town to spread the word.
Black lips were drawn across the faces of models and actors, alongside the concert place and time: 3/10/08 and/or 3/11/08, Bowery Ballroom. See more at Guerilla Communication.
Black Lips' MySpace confirms the concert takes place on the 11th, not the 10th. Oh but wait, Copyranter insists it's Monday the 10th.
Well, this is guerrilla so shit happens. Either way, you missed it. (Bummer.)
SXSW may not be all about advertising, but ad culture definitely spices up the debauched buffet.
At a launch party for GEICO's "I Heart Cavemen" campaign (paleolithic Facebook meets Match.com), Marty the Caveman made a well-documented cameo.
When last we saw the caveman at a party, he was all brooding solo-boy. But give him time to love the limelight, and even early man can learn to schmooze proper.
iStrategyLabs -- responsible for the "I Heart Caveman" campaign and party -- has more on the caveman's SXSW antics. Stealing Facebook groupies? Baring soul to iJustine? Picking fights? Marty was busy.
...in true Cartoon Network style: with robots. The game was put together by agency Ralph and promotes CN's Robotboy. Your job is to help test Professor Moshimo's robots. High-ranking "robo-guardians" win prizes like posters and roboreptiles.
Not especially awe-inducing. Where's the fire, Cartoon Network?
For the Mercury Radio Awards, Goodby, Silverstein + Partners (SF) put together MakeRadio.org, where you (yes, YOU!) can put together a radio ad for Riccardi Scented Candles. The best producer wins a Mini-Mercury Award.
The website includes a creative brief and a mute girl who makes encouraging gestures. You can add music, voice overs, sound effects and whatnot to your own :30 audio spot. If so inclined, listen and rate all two of the existing entries.
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Because convincing people to pay more for water in ultra-fancy packages never gets old, Evian Canada is re-launching its brumisateur facial spray this April. And at $10 per bottle, we're sure they'll call it a bargain.
According to the PR folk, this soothing spray is good for:
o Hot afternoons on the golf course
o Wedding giveaways (Eva Longoria and Tony Parker gave some away at their wedding. WAIT A SEC. Doesn't Eva drink HINT?!!)
o Setting make-up
o "Those pesky hot flashes" -- their words, not ours.
...and it looks slightly left of lame. But we can see how, in the farfetched event it were to catch on like wildfire, the site would make useful Channel 6 fodder. See featured videos, including Back to School Diet Tips and (grimace) Dangers of Cigar Smoking.
To help kick of Courtney's Cox' second season of Dirt on FX, recently launched design and production company Arsenal created six animated "vignettes of Hollywood stars and celebutaunts caught in the act of wild, unbecoming behavior." Each vignette is finished off with witty commentary from Courtney Cox.
There's the all too common crotch shot, the mug shot, the booty shot, the herpes/STD/overdose and more. All six do a nice job capturing Hollywood's...um...dirt, as it were.
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Ever fantasize about one-upping your boss? Forget about scoring a machine gun and leaving life in cubicletopia with a parting gift of unhinged chaos. Play Dodge the Boss instead. (For best results, do it on his or her dime.)
The game is simple but delightfully time-consuming. Use your mouse to avoid the boss-men without touching any of the sides. Dodging the boss as long as possible could land you tickets to see the sultry Kylie Minogue in Paris.
How's that for leaving the office in a blaze of glory?!
The game was disseminated by Rubber Republic and put together by Global Radio for Galaxy FM's "Love Music Love March."
We never cease to be amazed by Oprah's power and pervasiveness in the culture. She can hang out with liars and just generally unpleasant people and still come out of the association reeking of rosebuds. And she's probably the only woman in the world who can get away with putting her own face on her own magazine every month without looking like a narcissist or a dictator. Do you get how amazing that is?
Anyway, Oprah has launched a 10-week class to promote a book called A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purposes. The class is entirely online and free to take. The first session, which went down last night, pulled in over 700,000 fawning Oprahlytes hungry for "East-West-hybrid mysticism." Future sessions will take place every Monday.
Homegirl could brand a Bible and change every third word to "chewbacca" and she'd still come out of it making more money than Easter Island.
To drum up some business, YouIntern -- which launched in February -- is giving a $10 iTunes gift card away to one lucky person who registers on the site.
YouIntern is where ad students and creativity-starved agency execs can find one another. (Just ... not in the craigslist hook-up sort of way.) We love its simple but totally self-entitled "Freedom from coffee and copies" manifesto.
Agencies can post internships and give advice, like the CSO of StrawberryFrog does here. And internships can be rated. Modernista, for example, scored a 4.4 out of five.
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