nu-kitchen's Wordplay Sets Stage for Its Dishes


These ads for nu-kitchen were pitched to us as eye candy for ex-English majors. Each has a tagline served up on a white plate -- innocuous at first, then you read the copy and your head starts bobbing subconsciously with the iambic meter.


o You click, we cook, we deliver, you devour. (At left.)
o Knock knock. Who's there? Orange-chile tilapia with black forbidden rice.
o Gourmet delivery. Comfort food price.
o Click once. Eat happily ever after.

Each plate is furnished with a dish description in smaller text ("biscotti with dark chocolate dipping sauce," "espresso glazed pork with peruvian purple potatoes"). Outside the entree, there's a prominent promo: try three meals free.

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Barclay Turns Water Slide Commercial Into Contest


So there was the Barclaycard slide commercial, remember? It's the one where a guy the office strips down to his underwear and commutes home in a giant water slide. And, because it's a commercial hyping Barclay's slideless card, the dude buys a lot of stuff on the way home just buy holding his card near the scanner.

And, yes, it would have been funnier it it had been Donny Deutsch going down the slide in that Speedo. OK, maybe not but it would have fun to watch. OK, maybe not. It would have been repulsive and made us vomit so thank you, Barclay for using some anonymous dude.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-09    
Topic: Consumer Created, Good, Promotions

OfficeMax Organizes the Sky ... and You


To promote an office organization product line spearheaded by Peter Walsh, this OfficeMax outdoor campaign wryly de-clutters crows, pigeons and seagulls -- a billboard's many friends.

Heh. Clever. Also, we like the rubber band ball. It's friendly.

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by Angela Natividad    Feb- 3-09    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Guerilla, Outdoor, Promotions

Quick Dry Still Life, De-Classed Coke, Analytics Dig Deep


- TIME's Super Bowl best and worst. If that feels a little constricting, see what the Twittersphere thought.

- Coke drops "Classic."

- DesegreGAYtion: easy to spread (a la Obey Giant), AND it packs max punch.

- Quick dry polish. Har.

- Analytics gets a little too personal. Oh wait! Be warned: THIS IS A SPOOF.

- Last Saturday Google search marked everyone as malware. Including itself. Awkward.

- A little bird pointed out that this Mammoth Mountain campaign looks a lot like something Keystone did last year. Oops. (Keystone's campaign, BTW, was by CULTIVATOR ADVERTISING & DESIGN.)

by Angela Natividad    Feb- 2-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Promotions

Adidas Takes Up 'Real Women' Torch


Failing to observe this approach has already been mined dry by Nike and Dove -- among others -- Adidas launched "Me, Myself," a girl power campaign that rings like a modern-day sports riff off celebrated femme manifesto Our Bodies, Ourselves. The campaign release, for example, is heavy-laden with buzz words like distinctive, inspirational, individuality, confidence and -- our favourite -- intimate portraits.

WNBA MVP Candace Parker lent her face to the in-store/online program. Members of the fairer sex can submit "real" stories about their training struggles and successes on the website (where incidentally, you can also "mix and match outfits"!); three entrants will become the face of "Me, Myself" alongside Parker.

Parker synopsized the effort thus: "[Me, Myself] celebrates women of all ages and athletic abilities and shows that despite our struggles we can achieve our impossible."

Guess that's somewhat more productive than eating your feelings.

Sky Arts, ENO Court Opera-Goers of Tomorrow


Hoping to win new ears for high culture, the English National Opera and Sky Arts enlisted three well-known directors to jazz up some arias.

See all three clips. Kinda sucks that Baz Lurmann wasn't invited, given that he's tried interpreting La Boheme before, but everybody's probably still pissed at him over Australia.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-30-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Good, Online, Promotions, Television

Massad Hits Its Readers Where They Like It


To generate buzz for Netherlands-based S&M rag Massad, agency New Message enlisted dour-faced porn star Sofia Valentine to wander fetish parties and brand ass, The Story of O-style.

The so-called "spankvertising whip" -- an apt expression if I ever heard one -- looks suspiciously like a cricket bat but leaves pert white derrieres branded with "Massad, the SM Magazine."

Short and to the point. Sort of like pain. See it in action.

Entire Town Travels to Troubled Las Vegas, Debauchery Ensues


So what does Las Vegas do in a down economy which has caused a precipitous drop in visits, halted construction and caused casinos to file for bankruptcy? It invites (and pays for) an entire town to travel to Vegas and documents their every move.

All 358 residents of Texas town Cranfills Gap traveled to Las Vegas and experienced everything the town had to offer. The whole adventure is captured in a series of videos and has been all over the news.

by Steve Hall    Jan-23-09    
Topic: Events, Good, Promotions

OMG! See the LastMinuteTravel Video YouTube Banned


Keta Keta has been working on a series of promotion videos for LastMinuteTravel which promotes the travel site's latest offering; each day for 15 minutes, every hotel booking is just $1. Five episodes were released over a five day period reaching a total viewership of one million.

The promotion, which begins January 26, features people trying (and in most cases, failing) to take advantage of the deal. Two of the videos, Surprise and Anniversay have garnered the most views. Anniversary is the video that YouTube banned, perhaps for the striptease a wife performs for her husband while he is tied to their bed. Minimal clothing is actually removed.

All of the videos have been compiled into one video here (in which, apparently, there are clues as to increasing your chances at finding the 15 minute windows) or you can watch each one (including Anniversary) individually here.

by Steve Hall    Jan-22-09    
Topic: Good, Promotions, Video, Viral

Move Over Diesel. It's Time For Movie Boy


Ooo! Ooo! It's like Diesels' The Heides...but not. Check out Movie Boy from glue London for The Sun. There's DVD/s Lots and lot of DVDs. All to be watched 24/7 over the course of six and a half days.

The dets?

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by Steve Hall    Jan-20-09    
Topic: Online, Promotions