Adrants' Future of Online Advertising Pass Winners Announced


Last Wednesday, we put a call out to the readers of Adrants who were interested in winning a free pass to the upcoming Future of Online Advertising Conference to be held June 7-8 at New York's Gotham Hall. Well, a week has passed and after tremendous interest, we're ready to announce the winners of the five free passes.

And, the winners are: Healthy Web Design's Dawud Miracle,'s Darryl Newton, Intercept Interactive's Josh Kaner, Sullivan Higdon & Sink's Seth Gunderson and Burns Marketing Communication's Patrick Hunt. We will contact each of the winners individually to award them their free passes and we thank the organizers of the Future of Online Advertising conference for offering us the passes to give away to our readers. We hope to see you all at the conference.

by Steve Hall    Apr-18-07    
Topic: Announcements, Industry Events, Promotions

Carnivorous Eyeball Draws Gen Y to High Culture


The under-25 demographic can't be talked into a museum unless they're enticed with weird imagery, like clawed eyeballs that eat things and violently relieve themselves.

Thus advised by agency Bailey Gardiner, the Museum of Contemporary Arts San Diego launches Feed the Greedy Organ, a mishmash exhibit of international artists. There's a nifty film component and a Thursday Night Thing where deejays and eclectics can gather 'round and prep for the pompous cocktail parties of tomorrow.

And because they need still more coaxing to get their asses through the doors, museum entry is free for anybody under 25, courtesy of QUALCOMM.

Thankfully the campaign seems to be working. In its first month the program's redemption rate has already tripled. Not that it quite means anything over the short-term considering admission is free, but maybe today's jeunesse will become tomorrow's nostalgic loyalists: Honey, let's swing by the museum. They used to have this awesome man-eating eye...

by Angela Natividad    Apr-16-07    
Topic: Good, Promotions, Strange

Levi's Offers Up Ripped Abs, Stripping Dudes For the Ladies


Now here's one for the ladies and for everyone else who enjoys watching ripped men take their clothes off in a locker room. Oh yes, there's the occasional female prancing about as well but she keeps her clothes on. Clearly, this is not Virtual Bartender. Silly Girl Ariel points us to the new Levi's Lady Style site where the latest female denim styles can be checked out while ogling men seductively preparing to take a shower. Apparently, it's not all that exciting as Ariel dubs it's presented "in the most yawn-garnering fashion."

more »

by Steve Hall    Apr-16-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Racy

TurboTax Awards Its $25K TaxRap Prize


So here it is. The winner of the Vanilla Ice-hosted TurboTax TaxRap. Yes, if you've been hiding under a rock, TurboTax-maker Intuit put together a video contest offering $25,000 to the person who created the best video about TurboTax. And, yes, it was hosted by Vanilla Ice. Come on. Don't laugh. A guy's gotta do something after a career in white-boy rap, right?

Well, the judging's over and the winner's in. It's 28-year old Brooklyn, NY real estate investor Christian Pulfer who will take home the $25,000 in cash...well, after TurboTax determines how much Uncle Sam gets, that is. Pulfer's video can be seen on YouTube here along with the call made to him by Vanilla Ice informing him he won the contest.

by Steve Hall    Apr-15-07    
Topic: Promotions, Video

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Illuminate Brazil, Stage Rescue


Beamvertising is back and bringing the Ninja Turtles to life outside the big screen.

For the Brazilian film Tartarugas Ninja, the beamvertised Turtles enacted a mini-rescue against a building, utilizing its actual dimensions, which made the show that much more realistic. We admit it came as a comfort to us to watch them in live action. We have always wanted them to be real.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-13-07    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Promotions

Axe Gives Sex Tips in Campy Swami Garb


If you worry that Axe's Boost Shower Gel isn't sufficient enough aid to help you hook up, Axe's Boost Your ESP (Extra Sexual Perception) provides an opportunity to order campy-ass love guru Swami Mack's ESP book. Act now while supplies last.

Once upon a time Axe was fairly witty. With Boost Your ESP they've trespassed into Bruce Campbell territory, and nobody is allowed to do that. Walking the line of camp and sex is delicate work, like knitting lattices.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-13-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions

Blastro Brings Web Interactivity to Flavor of Love Charm School


Blastro drinks the Flavor of Love Charm School Kool-Aid, joining forces with VH1 to promote the show that ladyfies hoodrats one coarse hair at a time. Charm school commandments, a quiz and Flavorette dress-up widgets are included. Thankfully, they don't talk.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-13-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions

USPS Promotes 'Star Wars' Stamp Selection Contest


For only the second time ever, USPS customers can vote on a stamp. This kind of opportunity is reserved for the few and godlike -- Elvis was one such special occasion. This time we get to choose from 15 possible Star Wars options. The winning selection gets glory in mass production come summertime.

This goes in nice tangent with the R2-D2 mailboxes slated to populate post offices nationwide later this year to celebrate Star Wars' 30 year anniversary.

We enjoy the Jedi Shipping/Mailing Master theme on the USPS Jedi Master website. If the US Postal Service is going to go all the way with this thing, they might as well trick out local postal workers in Jedi garb. They can even burn open our mailboxes with light sabers. That would be awesome. We might vote for a stamp then.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-13-07    
Topic: Good, Promotions

MediaCom Keeps Staples, Flip Pays For College

- This never happens. Incumbent MediaCom has retained the $128 million Staples media account after a multi-shop review.

- CondiNet's teen site Flip has launched a $25,000 sweepstakes to all teens who join the site between now and May 31. The money is offered to be used towards college tuition.

- Creative showcase site Newcreatives has given it's site a new look and changed the way it features submitted creative.

by Steve Hall    Apr-12-07    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Promotions

KFC Targets Kids With Mosquito Tone Commercial


Using mosquito tone technology which produces a high pitched frequency that, in most cases, only those under 21 can hear, KFC, with help from DraftFCB, has launched a commercial which offers the chance to win a $10 coupon to the first 1,000 who know when the tone starts in the commercial. Blatantly casting aside issues surrounding childhood obesity (not that it's marketer's fault, mind you) and human physiology, KFC spokeswoman Laurie Schalow said, "It's really not meant to target 20-year-olds and under. We actually found there were quite a few people in their 30s who can hear it just fine." Uh, right. Gotta love public relations.

Oh wait, strike that. We can hear the tone just fine and we're, uh, well over 20. Guess we have great ears. Or the sound has been enhanced in the YouTube version of the commercial. Yup, it's been enhanced. Can't hear it in the commercial hosted on the KFC site. So it's back to lovin' PR. But there's no need to guess yourselves. The 1,000 coupons have already been claimed.

by Steve Hall    Apr-12-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Promotions