H&M's Matthew Williamson Whets Appetites for Change


Diggin' this surreal and totally retro spot for Matthew Williamson's H&M line, which Jeremy Dante was kind enough to throw into our periphery.

It's mod, loungey and aesthetic. Focus on the clothes while your eyes feast on imagery that feeds off '80s decadence (the supermodel heyday), the nouvelle vague, The Shining (--unsettling triplets!), and possibly Puppet Master. (Seriously. That little puppet woman was creepy creepy.)

What's neat is that the ad traverses the tightrope of kitsch without falling over. There's this ridic Prince-meets-Thriller moment where Williamson rises out of the earth, like a self-righteous vampire king, and wins the fawning attention of all the defecting change-seeking femmes. (Compelling. Is it possible Williamson's a Russian military vet?)

The ambient music, We Need a Change, was composed exclusively for the spot by Malcolm Pardon and Fredrik Rinman with lyricist Johan Renck.

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Ben & Jerry's Sniffs Denmark for Fresh Taste Sensation. Comes Up Short.


In the latest episode of "The Scoop," Ben & Jerry's sends its taste experts to Copenhagen to find a new ice cream flavour.

Watching two middle-aged men nibble salty licorice and marzipan-infused pastry isn't the funnest thing we've ever done. (Though the brief science lesson on Phish Food made a play at being instructive.) And possibly because the banquette was uninspired and the Danes apparently unoriginal (suggested new flavours of ice cream: "chocolate?" "vanilla?" "caramel...?"), Ben & Jerry's wrapped the video by asking viewers to Do the World a Flavour: turn in your own suggestions for new ice cream mashups at benjerry.com.

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by Angela Natividad    May- 7-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Promotions, Trends and Culture, Video

'Kingons' Invade Planet for BK Swag Cups ... and Nipples.


Just in time to ride the hype, Crispin Porter + Bogusky launch this geektastic Burger King spot* with a Star Trek spin.

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Not Quite Romance, but the Fertility Innuendos Were Rampant!


Say hello to "Chromance," a short vid by Superfad for Google's Chrome browser.

Never mind that Chrome's shine faded months ago. A clear storyline and a soft relatable protagonist brings even the rustiest of logos back to race-quality lustre.

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by Angela Natividad    May- 6-09    
Topic: Brands, Online, Promotions, Video

One Male Copywriter Exposes Chest Hair for Gigs.


Inspired by Burt Reynolds (how could you not be?), copywriter Lawson Clarke hopes baring his, uh, soul will compel iffy agencies to give him a shot.

We give you all that is Male Copywriter.

This was originally gonna go in a hastily-rendered link roundup but then we clicked on the URL, saw dude on the bearskin and lost ourselves in the patriotic waves of emotion that instantly bitchslaps you when you hear The Star-Spangled Banner. (Nice touch!)

More importantly, his work stands up. It's got that ironic, laugh-with-the-creative-behind-the-ad! vibe brands like Skittles are so into right now. The only thing that mildly wigged us out was when we clicked on the Progressive spot and got panned over to the TV perched over his crotch.

by Angela Natividad    May- 1-09    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Promotions

Newport Beach Film Festival Goes the 'Childlike Wonder' Route


RPA, a52 and Elastic put together this wee whimsical piece to kick off the 10th Annual Newport Beach Film Festival.

It's pretty to look at -- a little like stepping into your childhood nursery, flooded with fairy stories (replaced, in this case, by familiar symbols of film), the atmosphere thick with enigmatic, slightly volatile magic. But it's still markedly less dark than the masters that inspired the work: Terry Gilliam and Tim Burton.

Lovely and only artfully noir (as opposed to forcefully so); we wouldn't mind watching it a few dozen times over the big screen.

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by Angela Natividad    May- 1-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Events, Promotions, Video

Tweet Your Way to Vegas With Heavy.com's Massive Mating Game


On May 4, Heavy.com will launch the Massive Mating Game, a Twitter-based dating contest. The game, in its third year but its first involving Twitter, will ask people to follow @HEAVYsan. A tweet will announce each time one of the HEAVY girls posts a video a question will be asked about the content of the video.

The first person who answers the question correctly wins a prize and will have a one in forty chance of wining a two night stay in Las Vegas with the girl whose videos are streamed the most.

So yes, over the next eight weeks, horny male ad sluts (well, horny males no matter the industry in which they work) will slather over @HEAVYsan's tweets drooling for the next update. OK, not so much but it is an interesting mental image - of how easily guys can be manipulated.

by Steve Hall    May- 1-09    
Topic: Promotions, Social

Young? Broke? Want to Go to Cannes? Read This


Attention young film...uh...commercial makers! YouTube and the Cannes Lions International
Advertising Festival want your best video. If they like it, they'll send you to Cannes all expenses paid. Yes, it's true.

If you were born born between June 27, 1980 and June 21, 1990, on May 15 you can access a creative brief which will give you the details to create your commercial. It will be a :60 for a particular charity. You will have 48 hours to make your ad which you will need to submit by May 17.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-29-09    
Topic: Industry Events, Promotions, Video

Press Room Hijinks: The Marketess Blocks Duck9's Self-Promo Game


This casual ad:tech SF press room convo takes place between Brent Terrazas of Everything's Better with Brentter, Krista Neher of The Marketess and Larry Chiang.

Larry runs a company called Duck9, which helps college kids improve their FICO scores. He also explains the premise behind (read: plugs the living dickens out of) his BusinessWeek column, What They Don't Teach You At Stanford Business School.

Krista, never one to resist an opp to antagonize, loudly observes Larry never actually went to business school.

Witness with awe how a (too) smooth operator eases out of that snagglety-snaggle.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-22-09    
Topic: Events, Industry Events, Promotions

Another One of Those 'Green is the New Black!!!1' Things.


There's a lot you can say about becoming more eco-conscious: that it's responsible, forward-thinking and personally/socially fulfilling, for example.

But in a spot called "Good Green," the Sundance Channel takes the go-green hype and staples on a passel of adjectives that ring both hollow and wince-worthy: sexy, trippy, fierce.

Confusingly, there's also a shot of Isabella Rossellini flirtatiously hugging a giant lobster.

WOW. Thanks for all the abstraction, BIGSMACKtv. We're definitely feeling the backhand.

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by Angela Natividad    Apr-17-09    
Topic: Commercials, Promotions, Strange, Television