Aap!Steps - Because People on the Move, But Not Moving, Need Something to Stare At


Here's something we never thought of before. Aap!Steps - branded escalators!

It's not like you could make an escalator uglier, right?

by Angela Natividad    Sep-12-07    
Topic: Outdoor, Strange

Sprint Loves Itself Some NFL


Sprint is really laying it on thick with its "Sprint ahead" campaign. In tangent with Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, SF, Exopolis has put together a Sprint ad that will appear on stadium jumbotrons this NFL season. It is called "NFL at SprintSpeed Jumbotron." No, we didn't make that up.

Anyway, the ad features a couple of football players running shrouded by darkness except for the ambient light and enchanted microfiber magic surrounding them. The end of the spot culminates in a glorified tackle that looks more like a Lifetime movie embrace. This tryst explodes into still more light, flying symmetrically out of the two bodies and toward the rest of the frame.

It's very Disney.

Then there's the Sprint logo. Then, "Proud sponsor and avid fan of the NFL."

Avid, eh?

by Angela Natividad    Sep-11-07    
Topic: Brands, Outdoor, Strange

The New Girl At Work Is Hot, Better Workout to Look Good For Her


Steve Portigal from Portigal Consulting notes this ad for UK health club Cannons with the headline, "Because a new girl has started at work and she's hot," wouldn't play so well in America or Canada because we're a bit more politically correct than our forefather nation. While the ad is harmless enough, we agree. No doubt, an army of cause groups would be all over this one as soon as it hit the streets.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 7-07    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Outdoor, Trends and Culture

I'll Take Some Air Conditioning With That Global Warming Billboard


Alt Terrain's W. Thomas Porter snapped this shot of an Ad Council Robertson Foundation global warming billboard which offers onlookers two choices: do nothing or go to the fightglobalwarming.com/nyc site. Appropriately, two window air conditioners poke through the board next to the do nothing selection. Perfect.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 7-07    
Topic: Outdoor, Strange

It's Totally Normal to See A Lingerie-Clad Model On A Subway Door, Right?


Hmm. Looks like this girl forgot to take a shower before commuting to work. But, no matter. Axe is there to help offering hot women scantily clad in black lingerie free showers on their way to work...or something like that. While facing this commuting oddity, overexcited teenage boys should be wary of their appendage as the doors close. Or something like that. Anyway, where there's an Axe product, a barely dressed female is sure to be nearby.

by Steve Hall    Sep- 4-07    
Topic: Outdoor, Racy

Advertising Evolves, Women Hotter Than Beer


Who says advertising objectifies women? Certainly not The Ranch which is very kind to women keeping them nice and hot as opposed to letting them get cold like the beer they serve. How compassionate. How understanding. How forward thinking. How evolved! This objectification of women is just a bunch of hogwash (as I guess people who'd go to The Ranch would say), right?

by Steve Hall    Sep- 4-07    
Topic: Opinion, Outdoor, Trends and Culture

Diesel Fuels On, Firefox Pwns IE, MySpace Gets Spacelift, Nike Sends Office Foot Soldiers Running


- More on Diesel's Fuel for Life. It all started with a guerilla campaign called No Legalization, in which the fabled Society Against Legalization fought tooth and nail to forbid public consumption of the perfume.

- Pingdom gets more people to divorce IE for Team: Firefox. We didn't realize the browser wars were so ... personal.

- NBC and News Corp execs name their nameless collaboration site Hulu "because it sounded fun and rhymed with itself," says MarketingVox.

- Yet one more reason to jump the Goodship MySpace for Facebook: Spacelift! Now you can turn your MySpace into Facebook! Holy shit! (Sorry - it just seemed like it had to be said.)

- For "Gone Running," Nike puts together a very hard-to-read do-not-disturb-type sign that vibes like a nervous breakdown (but with a light at the end of the tunnel!).

- Google and CNN become bosom buddies. That's ... sweet.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-30-07    
Topic: Brands, Online, Outdoor

Heroes Can READ! - Mostly Children's Books, Though.


The Czech Republic's BOOKS has launched a well-rendered ad campaign to raise literacy among the masses. Watch while Catwoman sifts through the pages of "All About Doggie and Pussycat" by Josef Lada. And here, Spiderman reads "Beetles," written by Jan Karafiat.

The campaign was put together by Publicis, Prague. Text reads, "No Inspiration. No Future." It could also read, "It is never too late to scour the children's section for cues on why your life took this odd turn." But that was probably too long.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-30-07    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Outdoor, Poster

Monster Breached, Gap Mastectomized, Diesel Dives. Hill Heaved


- Uh Oh. Not good. Cynopsis reports, "Online job seeking site Monster.com suffered a security breach potentially exposing the confidential information of 1.5 million users then waited 5 days to report it."

- Gap ads featuring John Mayer and Lucy Liu get facials scars, mastectomy, respectively.

- Copyranter wishes Diesel would return to its usual form of advertising which made no sense and was sick.

- We love it when agency execs are escorted to the door by security.

- Advertising Age reports AT&T has placed its $3.4 billion media buying and planning account into review. A consultant is involved and incumbent agencies have been invited to pitch.

by Steve Hall    Aug-28-07    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Outdoor

Bay 'Booms' Toronto With Fashion Protest


"We're here. We're Hot. Get used to it." That's the battle cry kicking off a new spot for Toronto-based fashion retailer Bay. Boom is the name of the campaign and it's all about baby boomers reclaiming their fashionista status by staging a fashion protest which looks like some sort of colorized sixties protest.

The campaign's got everything: TV, radio, a contest to win a car, interactive retail windows, transit, guerrilla, fashion shows, in store event and even a "bra burning" promotion.

by Steve Hall    Aug-28-07    
Topic: Events, Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Point of Purchase, Radio, Television