Hot Girl, Fat Guy Deliver Mixed Message For Hook Up Site


Well here's an interesting approach to promoting a hook up site. Established Men, a site that "connects ambitious and attractive girls with successful and generous benefactors to fulfill their lifestyle needs," is out with a billboard campaign. This one, spotted in Boston by an Adrants readers, has a bit of a twisted message.

The billboard carries the headline, "When your daughter asks you why she has to study for her her this picture" alongside an image of a young, fit woman with her arms around an older, far-less-than-fit man.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-30-12    
Topic: Outdoor, Racy, Strange

Maybelline Sends Russian Women to New York City


From April 2 to April 15, Maybelline in Russia is inviting Russian women to submit their photos to Facebook and the popular Russian social network Vkontakte. The women's images are then selected (by votes and moderators) to appear on the Clear Channel Spectacolor billboard in Times Square where passersby can vote for their favorite girl on the promo site or Facebook page. The girl with the most likes wins a trip to New York.

At the launch event which took place in Times Square this week, a number of methods were used to get the attention of the crowd - such as a live HD cam that broadcast the crowd on the street to the billboard so passersby could see the contest participants from the billboard which is livestreamed online 24/7 on the project website. Also, street teams were encouraging people in Times Square to vote via iPads.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-11-12    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless, Online, Outdoor

Pedigree Bus Shelter Dispenses Poop Bags


During the month of March, Pedigree, with help from Proximity BBDO, erected bus shelters in Toronto that dispensed bags for dog owners to pick up their dog's poop. In addition to dispensing the bags, the shelter promoted the brand's Chicken & Rice+ Dry Food with prebiotics which, of course, is supposed to keep dogs "regular."

by Steve Hall    Mar-26-12    
Topic: Outdoor

Cake Improves Mood of Brits


Hoping to bring happiness to Brits who, like those of us in the U.S., are a bit down due to the depressed economy, bad mortgages, high gas prices and general economic nastiness, cake maker Mr. Kipling created 19 Cake-To-Go dispensers at bus stops that offered free cake to anyone who wanted a piece. How nice.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-22-12    
Topic: Guerilla, Outdoor

Shutterstock Was Everywhere at SXSW!


This SXSW coverage is brought to you by Red Square Agency. The agency that also brought you an occasionally awkward sense of humor.

Walking around Austin during SXSW Interactive, you couldn't walk too far at night before you sa a Shutterstock projection on the side of a building. A program organized by New York-based Cake Group consisted of Shutterstock photo booths in Austin that would then project the images to various locations throughout the city. Additionally, photos sent to @shutterstock and tagged #sxswpix would make their way onto the projections.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-14-12    
Topic: Outdoor

Agencies Pinterest'd, Latino Ads Awarded, Spies Recruited


- Michael Glass is out with a Pinterest collection of advertising agency office space. Very cool.

Cultural Strategies is launching "The Social Revolución", the first official SXSWi Latino Awards, Lounge & After Party in 2012. They are actively seeking sponsors and nominees.

- Really, really love the new Volkswagen Golf R? Well, there's an iPad app for that. From AKQA.

- Top Gear is celebrating there approach to 10 million fans on blowing up a caravan when they do.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-19-12    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Guerilla, Industry Events, Mobile/Wireless, Outdoor

Anti-Cheese Campaign is...Ahem...Cheesy


A new outdoor campaign in Albany New York from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine uses images of fat people to argue cheese is unhealthy to eat. Jezebel writes, "The first and most obvious problem is that these ads look crappy and play on the weak and tired premise that fat people are disgusting."

We couldn't agree more. We'd venture to guess there are just as many skinny people who love and eat cheese as well. The PCRM claims the fact that cheese consists of 70 percent fat, mostly saturated, which they say, can lead to heart desease and diabetes.

Countering the campaign, Honest Weight Food Co-Op Manager Tom MacGregor counters that claim and the campaign saying it is "insane" and, "I think there are much bigger things to worry about than people eating cheese."

Of course eating pounds of cheese a week can't be good. But an anti-cheese campaign doesn't have be so terribly cheesy.

by Steve Hall    Jan-19-12    
Topic: Outdoor

South Africans Race BMWs on Outdoor Projection Screens


Over eight nights in major cities across South Africa, interactive agency iLogic created large projections of race tracks to promote the BMW 1 Series. Passersby could sign up with promoters to race BMWs on projected screens by logging into Facebook on a tablet. People could then use the tablet as the steering wheel for the car that was projected onto the race track. Each person's race results were posted to their Facebook Wall.

Check out the video below.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-18-12    
Topic: Outdoor

Stop Sign Gives Finger to Those Who Don't Obey


Ever been at an intersection where you had the right of way but the idiot crossing your path didin't feel the need to heed the stop sign? Ever given that person the finger? Of course you have. Well here's a campaign that gets in touch with that emotion.

Creeated by Shalmor Avnon Amichay/Y&R Tel Aviv for JCDecaux, the creative resembles a stop sign but also carries the image of a hand giving the finger. It's hoped the campaign will reduce the number of idiots running stop signs. Not sure it will work though. For the most part, once and idiot always an idiot.

by Steve Hall    Jan-12-12    
Topic: Outdoor

Heineken's Social Media Christmas Tree Delivers Holiday Cheer


Heineken is continuing its social media efforts with its Social Media Christmas Tree. Envisioned and created by iris in Singapore the tree, an 11 meter high structure in Clarke Quay consisting of 48 LCD screens, displays messages sent from Heineken's Facebook page. On the page, people select a message, choose friends to tag (so they'll be notified) and choose a design style for the message. The message is then sent to one of the screens on the tree.

Check out the video of the installation below.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-21-11    
Topic: Outdoor, Social