Coke Takes Happiness Machine on the Road


First Coke's Happiness Machine was just virtual and existed only within the creativity of the brand's television commercials. Then, it took on physical form as a vending machine that would dispense everything from a simple soda to a ten foot long sub sandwich.

Now, the Coke Happiness Machine has become fully mobile in the form of a truck that dispenses everything from the ubiquitous Coke bottle to soccer balls to t-shirts all the way up to a full sized surf board to residents of Rio De Janeiro.

We like the continued effort which comes courtesy of Definition6.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-21-11    
Topic: Brands, Guerilla, Outdoor

Billboard Teaser Campaign Makes Impossible Possible


We love a billboard teaser campaign. Done right, they generate a lot of curiosity and if unveiled properly, can reap significant awareness. A teaser campaign in Kansas City was recently unveiled as a rebranding effort from area clinic St. Luke's Health System.

The teaser boards consisted of a simple white background with words like, "impossible," "hopeless" and "unbelievable," written on them. The reveal boards show medical objects like I.V. bags covering up the 'im' in impossible and masks covering up the 'less' in hopeless. Copy revealed that reversing strokes was now possible and that 120 clinical trials gave cancer patients hope.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-16-11    
Topic: Outdoor

Restaurant Billboard Harkens Jonestown Mass Suicide


A billboard in the Lansing Michigan area for La Senorita Mexican Restaurants has caught some heat for its headline which alludes to the 1978 Jonestown mass suicide. The headline reads, "We're like a cult with better Kool-Aid" and the sub-head, "To die for."

In an email to the Lansing State Journal, La Señorita Mexican Restaurants VP of Sales and Marketing Jeff Leslie wrote, "We have received some complaints. We use humor in our ads to communicate the positioning of our brand, and there's always a risk with humor that you might hit a nerve. This one has. So, while we know that not everyone will get the humor of our ads and we accept that, we do not expect that our ads will offend people."

No. No one ever intends to offend. They just don't think things through before they open their a billboard.

by Steve Hall    Feb-15-11    
Topic: Outdoor

UK to Launch Outdoor Hall of Fame


The Outdoor Media Centre in the U.K has just launched the Outdoor hall of Fame, an organization that will celebrate the best outdoor work from the past five decades. over 300 ads have been shortlisted and inductees will be selected by a panel of industry experts. The shortlist can be viewed here.

Creative has been chosen from each of the five decades from the 60s onwards. Shortlisted ads include Nike's ad featuring Wayne Rooney painted in the St George's flag, 'Hello Boys' from Wonderbra and Landrover's Hippo ad.

The final collection will be unveiled in three weeks

by Steve Hall    Feb-10-11    
Topic: Outdoor

Glow in the Dark Billboard Touts Bank's 24/7 Phone Support


This winter when travelers return to Denver after a day in the mountains, they will see a glow-in-the-dark billboard advertising FirstBank Colorado's 24/7 phone support. It's part of the bank's ongoing "helpfulness" campaign, created by TDA_Boulder, Boulder, Colo.

The 14' x 48' billboard uses electro-luminescent vinyl to glow in two colors, a cool green and the bank's signature orange. Placed on I-70, facing eastbound traffic, the board will be visible during the winter's short days. The technology is by Safe Lites.

Um, they could have just used an illuminated board. They have those things you know.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 8-11    
Topic: Outdoor

Lupe Fiasco Promotes Album With Video Projection, QR Code


Last Thursday, before Super Bowl insanity set in and walled off all other forms of advertising, RedLaser & Lupe Fiasco took over Union Square in New York with video projections, lasers and a custom QR code to promote upcoming release of the artist's latest album, Lasers. Support for the event was built with social media and a crowd of Lupe Fiasco's fans who came out to show their support.

By downloading the RedLaser app and scanning the custom QR code broadcast on the building, users could pre-order the album on the spot. Swirl Integrated Marketing in San Francisco executed the program.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 8-11    
Topic: Outdoor

The Super Bowl is Over. Can We Get Back to Hot Women in Short Skirts?


Alright. Enough of this Super Bowl crap. Let's get back to what's really important in advertising; hot women in shorts skirts who sell liquor on a billboard. Yes. After all, why discuss the insipid idiocy of, say, the Doritos Crash the Super Bowl dreck when you can focus on the ingenuity of high quality creative such as that display on this billboard for Angostura Rum.

The ad, which features a woman in a very short, booty-revealing skirt mocks Scotland's kilt-wearing men with the headline, "In Scotland, men dance in skirts. In Trinidad, men dance with women in skirts."

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 8-11    
Topic: Outdoor, Racy

Online Tool Helps Eliminate (Virtually) Times Square Ads


The Barbarian Group, in partnership with Super Size Me creator Morgan Sprulock and creativity tools company Aviary, has created NoAd: New York, an internet-based effort to remove all advertising from New York's Times Square.

Spurlock was inspired by Sao Paulo's ban on all outdoor advertising since 2007. He then contacted The Barbarian Group to develop NoAd: New York.

Using the tool, all of the ads in Times Square can be edited out. Of course, this has no effect on the real world ads that plaster Times Square and show no signs of disappearing anytime soon. After all, as much as Spurlock tried to convince us fast food is bad for us, have we really seen an reduction at all in the proliferation of McDonald's or Burger King?

- The Bees Awards, celebrating successes in international social media, is looking for sponsors for its upcoming awards event.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-11    
Topic: Online, Outdoor

Coke Takes on Starbucks With POP Placement


Floyd Hayes brings to our attention a window display Coke placed next to a Starbucks store on Broadway in New York City. The sign reads, with images of Diet Coke, reads, "Who has time to stand in line for a latte?"

We think it might be time for the employees of that Starbucks to step outside and accidentally discharge all of their whip cream canisters all over that Coke sign.

by Steve Hall    Jan-28-11    
Topic: Outdoor

Mobile Billboards Come to Tanker Trucks


Frontier Mobile Media is out with three new tanker truck wraps for Cowboys Stadium, Longhorns Energy and Mustangs Energy. There's nothing new about the mobile billboard - 18 wheelers have been emblazoned with ads for decades - but it's rare to see a tanker truck covered with advertising.

We think the it's a nice offshoot of mobile advertising. Just as long as the trucks don't find themselves embroiled in a roadside spill. That wouldn't bode so well for the brand.

by Steve Hall    Jan-27-11    
Topic: Outdoor