- Transport for London spoofs Clue for cyclist awareness.
- Obama does fireside chat thing via YouTube.
- The churches are sorry. (But a billboard with italic print may not be enough for some.)
- Guerrilla naughty.
- Will businesses have to pay per tweet?
- Rallying for Starbucks. (TBH, I'm running out of faith.)
- The Matrix Runs on Windows. George Parker says CP+B should listen up.
- Snazzy new Vespa site. Includes big green section on Vespanomics. Um, yay...?
Outdoor company JCDecauz held a competition to determine the "most innovative and engaging concept." The winner? A Pedigree board created by WhyBin\TBWA\Tequila which allows passersby to select from four choices; Play Ball, Throw a Pedigree Dentabone, Lick Screen or Feed Dog and then watch the doggy in the widow act out the choice.
The campaign, which consists of 47 inch LCD panels in Sydney and Melbourne launched November 11. There were 120 entrants which were judged by representatives from JCDecaux, the Outdoor Media Association and the creative community.
AdFreak points to an interesting story about an Australian erectile dysfunction company, Advanced Medical Institute which placed a billboard with the headline "Want Longer-Lasting Sex?" That particular headline didn't sit well with those who believe sex is some sort of disease only to be engaged in for short periods of time and only for the purposes of procreation.
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So's still living at home with your mom. So's not being to afford a $240 pair of jeans. So's letting your friend set you up on dates. You people know the drill. Help Dylan George with their outdoor family planning efforts. Add yours in the comments section.
I kinda got a kick out of this demo for Audio Spotlight,* a technology that enables the user to transmit messages from a set of speakers to your skull. From as far as 20 meters away, the person using the device can target individuals and whisper secrets (and ad messages) only they can hear.
Gawker's Joshua Stein is less amused by the effort. He was totally blindsided by the technology, which targeted him on the streets of New York for a Paranormal State promotion.
Gotta say, it is in fact some creepy shit -- not to mention invasive. But hey, that won't stop Remy Martin from using Audio Spotlight to add an intensely personal element to its billboards in Chicago, LA, NYC and Atlanta.
So watch out. The cognacs will be coming at you from that most sacred of temples: "inside the brain-house," to seize an expression from Joshua.
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Colorado's Department of Public Health and Environment uses the image of a coffin nail to declare, "The Cigarette is Dead!"
"Today, cigarette smoking has not only become passe due to all we've learned about its health effects, but, plainly speaking, it's become a difficult behavior to keep," gushes a press release with the undaunted conviction of a fourth-grade graduate of DARE.
"The days when smoking was socially acceptable are over!" (Zeal added by us.)
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Under the wince-worthy tagline "Fix your dog, it's all good!", the ASPCA uses graffiti to encourage pet owners to spay or neuter their animals. See the bad-ass pitbull variant.
The campaign targets black and Hispanic inner-city male dog owners, which will probably smirk, or maybe dolefully shake their heads, when they see the earnest posters on the streets of New York. But since this is a friendly effort to encourage proper furry-friend-stewardship -- and not a lamesauce rap promotion for Taco Bell -- maybe they'll cut the ASPCA some slack.
Put together by Tampa-based Pyper Paul + Kenney.
David&Goliath launched "Shut Up & Play," an outdoor campaign for the NY-NY Hotel & Casino that revolves around the rowdy, party-hardy ambiance you'll find within.
Creative below. It reminds me a lot of D&G's campaign for Rok Vegas, a night club owned by NY-NY.
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Lori Kanary, an artist known for cobbling pictures together out of Lite-Brite, was recently commissioned to build the world's biggest Lite-Brite image -- a garishly-coloured Asics shoe.
Impressive. Though part of me is just relieved Asics didn't reach for the graffiti artists, which are making a tidy living off shoe labels experiencing crises of brand relevance. The other part of me is resentful of how, as a kid, I never even got to touch a Lite-Brite.
This time could be different, however. Splashlight Studios will be exhibiting the Asics Lite-Brite, starting with New York, for the next six months. Think there'll be guards around it?
I can't help thinking Snow White's childhood would have been less tragic if her evil stepmother was fed marketing propaganda, and not beauty validation, from her enchanted mirror:
"Mirror mirror, who's the fairest?"
"You're very close! Here's a projection of what La Mer can do about those unsightly crow's feet."
If, like other emotionally unavailable moms, she spent all her free time working on herself, she would probably never have gotten hip to the "fact" Snow White was -- le gasp! -- prettier than she was.
I'm thinking these thoughts because Alpay Kasal and Interference Inc. created something called the Interactive Mirror, which lets people "draw" across reflective surfaces or interact with stuff that's already there (like ads!).
See a demo. I like it when the girl runs her finger down the mirror and flowers bloom along the trail. Oh, it's also neat when the guy customizes a shirt. The photo-viewing feature is cool too.
This is pretty nifty all around, actually. I can imagine it seeing it in "ambiance" stores like Virgin.