Bowlmor Lanes Equates Bowling With Pregnancy, Sort Of


Copyranter points out the continuing whackiness of the Bowlmor Lanes ad campiagn but goes step further and suggests some new copy the campaign might wish to consider. From "Knock down pins and get knocked up!" to "He'll be putting more than fingers in the hole," Copyranter does his own version the the Priceless fill in the blank thing. Check it out.

by Steve Hall    Nov-13-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Poster

Mobile Flatbed Fights, Bodog Girls Promote BodogFight Event


To promote its mixed martial arts December 2 pay-per-view event, entertainment company Bodog is introducing the BodogFight Red Light Fight series, mini fights that will take place in the back of flat bed trucks which will drive around New York City and several California cities. Complete with round card holding Bodog Girls, fighting will commence each time the truck stops at a red light. It ought to make for some interesting entertainment but we feel sorry for the girls in bikinis who, by November 19 when the promotion starts, could face some less then pleasant temperatures at least in New York. We'll be watching for them though.

UPDATE: If you want a sneak peak at a prototype of the truck, click here.

by Steve Hall    Nov-10-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Promotions

BusinessWeek Puts Big Brains on Print


Because it's low-key, informative and witty, and because each piece of creative merits a long look, we've watched the ongoing BusinessWeek ad campaign with interest for some time.

This is one ad we really liked, in part because the purple shapes on the brain look vaguely like happy people with their hands in the air. Side effects of reality TV? Probably. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 6-06    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Outdoor

Axe Turns Tunnels Into Erogenous Zones


Continuing the road/tunnel advertising thing, this Axe ad in Sao Paulo ensured we will never see tunnels as mere means to ends ever, ever again. Tunnels are magical destinations in and of themselves. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 3-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Racy, Strange

Degree Adds Depth to the Little Black Dress


We dig this series of ads, which are part of Degree's "Little Black Dress Approved" campaign. Aside from the obvious reasons, like the fact they can take this in so many more directions than they could have with the Audrey Hepburn prototype alone, we think the sari girl is hot and we have never seen an Amish woman. Interesting. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 3-06    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Outdoor

Evergreen Launches Non-Confrontational Nature Campaign


Non-profit Evergreen begins a campaign that differs from typical tree-hugging orgs in that it's provocative without inspiring the provoked to pour oil onto small mammals.

Here you can decorate suburbs and city streets with nature stickers. This brought out the five-year-old in all of us. And in Toronto they suspended oxygen masks from trees. As a digression, why does it seem like everybody does stuff in Toronto?

The method reminds us of Truth except we didn't feel inspired to light up in a crowded, preferably windowless room - or raze down the next tree we see, for that matter. Nice work. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 1-06    
Topic: Direct, Good, Magazine, Outdoor

Madonna Benetton Ad Interestingly Timed With Adoption Controversy


Make the Logo Bigger points us to a new Benetton ad in which Madonna candidly poses with her three children, including the boy from Malawi whose dubious adoption she's actively campaigning to defend. But hey, we're willing to bet at least $1 that one has nothing to do with the other. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 1-06    
Topic: Bad, Celebrity, Magazine, Outdoor

'Appetite for Destruction' ads play on 9/11 Turf


At the corner of Rector and Washington in New York, Giovanni's Atrium has begun a storefront campaign that's generating more attention than restaurant windows usually get. Showcasing "The happiest Happy Hour south of ground zero," its posted menu includes lines like "Hot and Cold Antipasto Table to tantalize your appetite" ... "for destruction?" quips Gawker.

Hey, marketing's competitive in the Big Apple. They definitely got our attention. It's advertising in bad taste, but we can't help but ask ourselves if it's actually bad advertising. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Oct-30-06    
Topic: Bad, Outdoor, Racy

Sprint Brings NFL Mobile Message to People's Feet


For its client Sprint, Organic teamed with Reactrix Media Network, the company that places those six foot by eight foot interactive floor videos in malls, movie theaters and other public spaces, to develop a new game. In the game, anyone passing by the projection can kick teed up footballs in a virtual football stadium while - this is advertising, after all - Sprint branded images and the tagline, "The Power to Make Every Day Sunday. NFL Mobile, only from Sprint" appears. There's even a Sprint branded blimp in the background. The game ends with a message that urges people to visit the Sprint retailer nearby for more information about NFL Mobile.

more »

by Steve Hall    Oct-28-06    
Topic: Good, Opinion, Outdoor

Help Wanted Ad Seeks Salad Tossers


Underscore Marketing President and blogger Tom Hespos sent us this help wanted ad for a sandwich shop which we just couldn't resist sharing with you. While preparing salad is a much needed skill in a restaurant, wording the need for such expertise can, in this case, be a bit misleading.

by Steve Hall    Oct-27-06    
Topic: Outdoor, Poster, Strange, Worst