Love and Money are Two Sides of Same Coin, Says Tiffany's


In preparation for its debut in the vicinity of Wall Street, Tiffany's erected this big ad across its future storefront that reads, "Close the Deal." Love and business apparently share a few things in common: a hunt, a chase, a courting period and an expensive deal-maker.


As a sidenote, we noticed that the L in "Deal" is peeling off. Come on, Tiffany. We didn't take you for quite so shabby a girl.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-13-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Promotions

Inflatable Push Pins Mark Seattle Hot Spots For Microsoft Maps


Created by Wexley School for Girls to promote its Live Search Maps, Microsoft has launched the Pushpin Project, a program that recognizes favorite bars, restaurants, and local businesses by affixing an 8 foot by four foot inflatable push pin to the location. We're guessing it's all to make the online search service a bit more real world useful. Of course, any push pinned location is then added to a Live Search Map where Seattle residents can keep tabs on what's supposedly cool.

by Steve Hall    Jul-10-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Guerilla, Outdoor

11 Seven Elevens Get Kwik-E Mart Treatment


For some, a dream has been realized: a slew of Seven Elevens have evolved into Kwik-E Marts for a month to promote The Simpsons Movie. The evolution has improved business for one Burbank, CA store by about 300 to 400 percent, according to AdCritic.

The metamorphosis includes changes to the exterior, interior and employee uniforms. The stores are also littered with myriad opportunities to snap a shot of yourself with a character from The Simpsons.

After years of less-than-tactful trashing on the show, we think it's a nod in the right direction for Seven Eleven to embrace its alter ego with such abandon.

by Angela Natividad    Jul- 9-07    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Promotions

Chivas Regal Turns Fountains Green in Bucharest


In Bucharest, Romania, Chivas Regal has turned the city's fountains green and red in an ambient stunt one observer noted could very likely be mistaken for a Sony Bravia event as there was no obvious branding to clarify Chivas was behind the stunt. Still, an eye catching move.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 3-07    
Topic: Guerilla, Outdoor

Giant Smiling Asses to Attack Times Square


On July 1, giant, naked asses with smiles on them will emblazon a two-story, three-sided bollboard in New York's Times Square for toilet maker Toto Washlet. It's all to promote the company's miraculous toilet, bidet and ass blow dryer contraption. Apparenly Europe loves this sort of ass treatment while Americans opt for the more simplistic dump and wipe. Toto hopes to change that mindset with this campaign. Whatever the outcome, giant asses in times Square will be a joy to behold.

by Steve Hall    Jun-25-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Famous 'Die Hard' Line...Well, Part of It...Emblazons Buss Sides


Recently, Entertainment Weekly anointed Bruce Willis' Die Hard the best action movie of all time. It's 19 years later and the man is again returning to the role of John McClane for a fourth time. To promote the movie, buses have been plastered with large posters - images of which sent to us by Adrants reader Dario Meli - that read "Yippe Ki Yay Mo" with half of the "o" cut off in a nod to the famous line in the movie which opens June 27.

The few who haven't seen the movie might react with the poster-worthy response, "What the Fu"

by Steve Hall    Jun-20-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Radio Billboard Uses Britney Spears' Shaved Head, Lawyers Not Amused


Yet another idiotic morning radio team has been chastised by lawyers for their mindless attempt at humor. While it's all kind of fun to crap all over Britney Spears and her recent head shaving event, Spears' lawyers are not amused by Clear Channel Communications' use of Britney's image for Florida station WFLZ. Her crazed head shaved image appears next to WFLZ morning show host Todd Schnitt under the headlines "Total Nut Jobs," "Shock Therapy" and "Certifiable." A letter was sent to Clear Channel from Spears' legal team, Lavely & Singer demanding the removal of the boards or a law suit may follow.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Outdoor, Radio

Hidden Violence and Abuse Hidden in New Anti-Abuse Campaign


An ongoing campaign from abuse and violence cause group Safe Horizon is illustrating most abuse is hidden from view with ads that hide their messages in a jumble of letters. While the notion of making an ad harder to read could be questioned, the concept, which incorporates the twisted words Disrespected, Abuse, Humiliated, Punched, Kicked, Slapped, and Insulted, aligns nicely with the difficulty of the issue.

The pro-bono campaign, which can be viewed within two PDFs here and here, was created by creative team Rachel Howald and Ahmer Kalam from Howald & Kalam, LLC and will appear in various outdoor media in New York City, daily newspapers and nationally in magazines such as Essence, Redbook and People en Espanol.

by Steve Hall    Jun-17-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Outdoor

Patron Can Be Epic in as Few as Two Blinks

Patron 1.jpg

Sometimes a return to basics can be as glamorous as when they first appeared. Consider what an event it was to see Gone with the Wind in the theatres, way back when. Consider what an event it could still be.

To be fair, Patron isn't an epic love story. But rightfully, it leaves epic tales to Smirnoff and dazzles us old-school, in Hollywood of all places, with this star-lit changing billboard.

First part at left, second part here.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-14-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Outdoor

Silver Surfer Makes Waves in the Underground


20th Century Fox is using this Silver Surfer trailer to entice roving eyes on the commute between Jersey and Manhattan on the PATH line. It's slated to run the entire month of June.

This is a really interesting idea. Submedia has a patented tunnel system that turns static images into moving pictures right outside a train's window. Beats staring at the LavaLife ads slathered all over the Bay Area's BART train interiors.

We actually want to watch Silver Surfer now, even though we've been burned one time too many by superhero films that, far from authentically adapting a comic book concept, really just suck the love out of nostalgic fans.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-14-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Promotions