@AskACopywriter managed to catch the phone booth ad at left, fruit of a liaison between BMW's Mini Cooper and -- oddly enough -- HBO's True Blood.
You may have noted that, in July of last year, True Blood orchestrated this pretty cool YouTube effort where vampires worldwide apparently produced their own amateur videos and tried demanding suffrage from the narrow-minded living.
This Mini partnership is another way to work that "vampires among us" angle: Mini is among a handful of brands that will be targeting their campaigns to vampires through June 14th, the start of Season 2.
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In time for allergy season -- which not only stimulates sneezes but generates impromptu tear-duct leakage -- Kleenex erected a Tissue Tree, swathed in silk, no less, beside Sydney's Museum of Contemporary Art.
The tree was inspired by the work of "wrapping" artist Christo and is wrapped in over a kilometer of silk. (See metric conversion here.) More importantly, it sports 700 generous tissue blossoms, which passersby can tug out at leisure.
Clever way to promote Kleenex Silk Touch, whose wares are supposed to be even softer than the average snot receptacle. Greenpeace is gonna have a helluva good time tearing the lovely idea a new one, though. We can already hear the siren song: Turning your gauche synthetic wares into fake spins on the noble arbors that fell for your cause? You sick bastards!
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- Personality traits ... of album covers.
- Bring your tweets vintage. (Via.)
- Hope, delivered on the spin cycle.
- Facebook vanity URLs.
- Hulu desktop.
- Porn on Bing.
- Anti-gay-marriage ads hit NYC.
- Boone Oakley has fun trashing agency holding companies on its new website.
Creative for the Smuin Ballet Company is all over BART right now, and every time we come across one of the pieces we can't help but stop and stare for awhile.
One of the biggest problems with ballet is it's traditionally classified as a "high culture" pursuit, which gives the dance some cachet, but also shuts potentially innovative new young audiences out.
Hoping to level this barrier, agency Evolution Bureau positioned Smuin as a ballet group that dances on the razor's edge. Each piece has its own tagline, beginning with "Ballet but...", and the ballerinas are double-exposed over some human element of pop culture manifested in their dancing.
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Unwitting public transport users were treated to a depressing sight at some bus stops in Chile: a simulation of emaciated, depressed dogs peering out of cages, one side of which is actually the bus shelter wall.
The video below demonstrates the effort drew a crowd of gawkers and photo-snappers. Whether it earned any of those sad oily mutts a home, however, remains to be seen.
Work by TBWA\Frederick, Chile for an adoption program sponsored by Pedigree, whose kibble our dogs have consciously avoided since the early '90s. You know what'd be a real buzzkill though? A pet shelter desktop widget, like San Diego Zoo's panda cam, which we listlessly stare at between blogs.
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"The big, fat, silver torpedo that is the Chipotle burrito is as iconic (in this city, anyway) as an Absolut bottle or a Converse shoe," lauds the Denver Egotist, bringing to mind billboards that have taken us by surprise more than once.
"So what better way to start off a brand new campaign than to ditch the thing you're most famous for in favor of a bland, new Taco Bell-styled menu and some insipid value statements that are saturating the market in this shitty economy. Oh, and how about a new logo, too? Something that could sit nicely on the shelf at Target with the other Archer Farms produce?"
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There's this cute little "climate change art group" called The Canary Project, which in turn is working on something called Green Patriot Posters, which looks to me like kids marketing climate change awareness in various ways.
Look: they have billboards! And adorable little tennis shoes!
The cute custom sneaks are the work of students at McCormack Middle School in MA, which were encouraged to express their knowledge of their carbon footprints on a pair each. The sneakers now appear in associated billboards along with the tagline: "The Kids at McCormack School know their CARBON FOOTPRINT. What about YOU?"
Peruse more earnest little posters, or make your own, at the website.
So the Nebraska design community is up in arms over the state's new license plate design calling it "boring, uninspired and ugly." A site, Get Ready For Action, has been launched telling "The Story of How Gov. Dave Heineman Got Punk'd and an Entire State Was Shamed."
You see, four submissions were made to the Governor's office. College Humor saw then and told their vast audience to all vote for the ugliest of the four designs. That design won and is now destined to become the state's plate. That is unless this group of disgruntled creatives can mount enough support to get the thing changed.
In addition to the website, there's videos, images and a blog.
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The Global Coalition for Peace wraps its convictions around telephone poles and street lamps with "What Goes Around Comes Around."
Each piece features soldiers whose weapons stretch so far around the medium that the barrels ultimately aim back at the bearers.
"Stop the Iraq War," the prints proclaim. NICE.
To promote the launch of Woodland Park Zoo's penguin exhibit, WONGDOODY came up with "More Colorful than Ever."
The print/outdoor effort replaces the penguins' humdrum "tuxedo" appearance with patterns that look suspiciously like the seat cover designs of misguided 16-year-old girls. And that's all we have to say about that.
See a variant labeled (*wince*) "Floral."