I bet subway stations are among the most bountiful wellsprings of suicidal feelings. They are generally ugly, reeking of piss and bad food, and we get stuck at some such place for longer than we'd like, contemplating the person and/or creative career we failed to pursue.
No wonder people fling themselves into the tracks.
Exit10's "Life is Fun" campaign for Washington, DC METRO gives commuters games like hopscotch and I Spy to pass the time. The message: "Life is fun. Keep on living. Use caution around the tracks."
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- Check out the projections on the fauxreel website. Not quite sure what they're all about, but watching people alter billboards at high speed can easily kill about four minutes. Without regrets.
- Dentsu Canada's got fauxreel plastering Vespa Squareheads -- Millennials with headlights and mirrored antennae, essentially -- all over Canada.
- MoveOn has finally tapped a winner for its Obama in 30 Seconds campaign. It lacks the flair of the will.i.am mashup, and it's obvious the video was picked because the subject is a converted Republican. Also, MoveOn wants $200,000 from you to help air it.
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- It's got to be a creepy thing to use one's daughter's ass in one's corporate advertising but there it is: the ass of 36 year old Laurie Adams, daughter of Georgi vodka CEO.
- Following AdWeek, MediWeek has unveiled its new website which mirrors the look of the new AdWeek quite closely.
- Previously a no no, yesterday's change in Google's terms and conditions now allows brands to mention competing brand names in their ads.
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So yea, billboard cut outs. You've seen them before but maybe not exactly like this campaign from Y&R Tell Aviv for Pessek Zman Elite chocolate. Pessek Zman means "time out" in English and the cut outs next to these billboards are, yes, taking a time out. Not bad.
Yikes! Not that the whole Miley Cyrus thing should have been a thing in the first place but this Disney licensee ad in China, based on American laws and standards, would most certainly have been a BIG THING had it appeared anywhere in this country. A ten year old (?) in her underwear on a big billboard? Nuh-uh. Not gonna happen.
As AdFreak reports, once Disney caught wind of the nubile young thing, the thing quickly became an un-thing and the board was taken down.
Animal, the new home of Copyranter, takes on a Jet Airways billboard outside Penn Station that has an image of lady liberty with bindi on her forehead. Noting America could annihilate all of India with the push of a button, the offensiveness of the board is pondered and determined to...not be so offensive after all.
This is awesome. Jobsintown.de used the "people on display" gimmick (other examples: 1, 2, 3) to drive this point home: "Life's too short for the wrong job!"
Cog-in-the-wheel miserati are trapped inside self-service machines. Catch them toiling away in ATMs, vending machines, photo booths and coin-op washers.
No real people were actually encased; otherwise, this might have been kinda risky.
Part of what I liked about this campaign was the sheer variety in the implementation. It's like somebody saw human hands behind every device we take for granted.
Thanks to the people at influencia for sending it over.
- The new Honda Accord is so lame that RPA had to use an image of its own creative team, gawking at the car, as part of an outdoor wallscape.
- American Express has launched Members Know, an "insider" travel community that, in trademark AmEx style, manages to be both elitist and bland. Also, there are INSIGHTS. And TAG CLOUDS. And the word BETA.
- Interactive firm ROKKAN redid the Gnarls Barkley site to reflect the duo's dynamism and harmony. (You know, like OutKast, but without Andre's mood swings.) The site includes a pretty awesome pop-up video player. In fact, it's pretty awesome all around.
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Just how can a guy be expected to concentrate on work when a giant pair of bulbous breasts hanging pendulously from an incredibly hot model suddenly spill forth from a billboard image found on Flickr? Even more disconcerting is expecting a guy to physically walk past this giant pair of bulbous breasts without experiencing at least a tiny bit of "DAMN! I want sex right now!" urgency.
Is this how we sell clothes to women? By making guys horny? Clothing sales...horny guys. That's a total non-sequitor. A hot mess if you will. Yes, leave it to Sisley to temporarily hamper the day's productivity causing all men who come into contact with this billboard to revert to a sex-starved high school boy. Damn!
Hey, what's a week in the advertising world without something from American Apparel? Since Copyranter's decision to stop publishing, Adrants may have to step in to make sure you're made aware of every last bit of American Apparel advertising and Copyranter so kindly provided.
So here we have yet another American Apparel billboard snapped by Tantek (you'd know him if you hung with the San Francisco tech crowd). This American Apparel billboard might be the most newsworthy thing the company has done in a long time because, well, the model is fully clothed! Yes, can you believe it? An American Apparel model fully clothed? That just never happens.