Lingerie is Love Jewelry


Hey we love lingerie as much as the next ad blog but we never really thought of it as jewelry. Of course that's irrelevant because any way you think of lingerie is always a good way. So even if a brand wanted to tout it's lingerie as, oh, say, Live Bait, we'd be down with that as well.

by Steve Hall    Mar-30-10    
Topic: Outdoor, Racy

McDonald's Shamrock Shake Helps Chicago River Turn Green


If you've been to Chicago, you've seen the Chicago River which winds through the city. There's bridges, tour boats and lots of scenic views. And the water gets turned green each year for St. Patrick's day. This year, Leo Burnett added a twist by placing a giant plastic McDonald's Shamrock Shake cup alongside the river. The installation made it appear as if the contents of the cup had spilled into the river.

by Steve Hall    Mar-19-10    
Topic: Guerilla, Outdoor

Paddy Power Goes Hollywood


Believing the Cheltenham Race has more drama than the whole of Hollywood combined, online betting site Paddy Power erected a Hollywood-sized sign of their own for the event. See it all unfold here.

by Steve Hall    Mar-18-10    
Topic: Outdoor

Nurses Are Not Sex Objects, Dammit!


Anyone who's ever been to the hospital, a doctor's office or any other location where nurses are present are fully aware of the fact most nurses do not fit the sexy stereotype often attributed to them. In fact, most nurses are just as pedestrian as the rest of us. Which is why a recent bus back campaign has English nurses in a snit.

A bus company is pimping its Royal Hospital route using the headline, "Ooooh matron!" accompanied by an image of a woman wearing a nurses outfit easily classified as less utilitarian. Nurses aren't taking kindly to the campaign but the Diamond Bus company is refusing to removed the posters from its vehicles calling the campaign "bright and positive."

more »

by Steve Hall    Mar-18-10    
Topic: Outdoor, Policy, Racy

Colorado Still Hates Boobs


If you're a woman living in Colorado and have breasts bigger than a B cup, it appears your state is pulling the welcome mat out from under your feet. And if you are of a certain pulchritude which prevents you from even seeing your feet, you better look for a new place to live.

Once again, there are complaints over a sign featuring cleavage. This time it's for a coffee shop called Perky Cups (witty, huh?) which employs female servers who wear bikinis while working.

AdFreak has the story.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 5-10    
Topic: Outdoor, Strange

Big Horn Sheep Tells San Francisco to Check Out Reno


Not sure Reno wants to be Vegas but they're making an effort to get those who live in San Francisco to check the place out with a new campaign. On Monday, March 1st, the city and its surrounding areas will meet the new Reno Tahoe USA when three billboards go up f

Reno's new mascot, the Mortar-inspired Big Horn Sheep, will be introduced.Supposedly, he will deliver deliver "whimsical sarcasm, random commentary, and delightful deals" from the North via Facebook and Twitter.

Ooo...we just can't wait. Check out all the creative here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-26-10    
Topic: Outdoor

Too Much Sex Bad, Wonderbra Magnifies, Interns Twisted


- PETA has latched on the to the Tier Woods saga with a billboard telling us too much sex can be a bad thing.

- Why do we still care about anything Donny Deutsch has to say?

- Want to hire some interns? Olson has an interesting way of doing it.

- If you're crossing the Canadian border, make sure you wear the right clothes.

- Like staring at women in lingerie? Then you'll love the latest from Wonderbra.

- ISO 9000 accreditation increased a Rochester New York's creative output. Who knew a decidely manufacturing-centric accreditation could do such a thing?

- DIxie Bones is going social. It's new "social" site launches March 1. Before March 1, that URL displays an old website and the new may be viewed, temporarily, here. The Republik created.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-10    
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Celebrity, Online, Outdoor

Cleavage Not Allowed in Colorado Springs


Ladies, if you possess the pulchritude necessary to form a significant amount of cleavage, you may not be welcome in Colorado Springs. Well, at least your cleavage isn't. So, cover up, wear an old lady bra or get a breast reduction.

That would appear to be the message Lamar Outdoor has sent the community when it banned a transit poster that showed cleavage. But get this. It was puppet cleavage. Not even human cleavage.

OK so the fact the cleavage belonged to the Muppet-like character Lucy the Slut, star of the Broadway show Avenue Q, might have something to do with the decision but seriously? What's next? No more Smokey the Bear ads because he's not wearing a shirt?

by Steve Hall    Feb-24-10    
Topic: Celebrity, Outdoor, Policy

Nokia Navigation Goes Social With World's Largest Sign


So if you're a brand that makes navigation products but no one thinks of you when it comes to navigation, what do you do? You erect the world's largest signpost and make it social. To hype it's navigation products and to "make navigation into something social," they built a huge sign next to London's Tower Bridge. People could text their favorite destinations all over the globe and a few minutes later, the sign would mention the location and point to the location.

The whole thing was streamed live to Nokia's site and a data base of everyone's location was built for anyone to peruse. Farfar Stockholm did the work.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-10    
Topic: Outdoor, Social

Gonna Cheat? Expect it to Become Public Knowledge


If you're going to cheat, be honest. Or at least don't be surprised if a giant billboard of you and your mistress appears in cities across the country. That's what happened to Oracle Co-President and Obama Economic Recovery Advisory Board Member Charles Phillips when he tried to break off an eight year relationship with his lover, YaVaughnie Wilkin.

The billboards are now down. The copy read, "You are my soul mate forever - CEP" CEP are the initials of Charles E. Phillips.

by Steve Hall    Jan-26-10    
Topic: Outdoor