Billboard Garden Gets Gold, Mama Gets Facebook, Ritz-Carlton Makes Movies


- For client McDonald's, Leo Burnett/Chicago grew a lettuce garden spelling "FRESH SALADS" on a Wrigleyville billboard. Watch the garden grow. The effort won a Gold at New York Festivals' Innovative Advertising Awards. See other winners.

- Ritz-Carlton and AmEx caught the film bug. These three promotional movies "subtly weave exceptional and unique guest experiences into their story lines, demonstrating how The Ritz-Carlton has been able to elevate service to an art form." There's nothing subtle about the movies. But if PR were an art form, that sentence would be the template.

- It's a disappearing car door! Think De Lorean but without the retro wing action.

- Michelina's Mama gets a Facebook. Digging her profile photo. One commenter asks, "What would Mama think of 2 girls 1 cup?" Horrors.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-10-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Industry Events, Online, Outdoor, Video

That Car Lot's Alive ... with the Sound of Music!


What ho: an outdoor campaign that (arguably) improves the landscape. The Calcutta School of Music encourages onlookers to "Learn to Appreciate" Mozart, Haydn or Bach on ads attached to posts, which are attached to telephone wires, which were strung up with notes, like sheets of music.

Would have been nice to see some random dude try playing them.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-10-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Outdoor

I Could Be Wrong, But I'm Pretty Sure This Would Piss I.M. Pei Off


Apple is set to open its first France-based retail store right underneath the Louvre Pyramid. The store will be two stories high and will sit alongside brands like Sephora, Esprit and Virgin.

The Fortune blog -- linked above -- noted the Louvre Pyramid, which was built by I.M. Pei, would complement Apple's glass-encased Manhattan Fifth Ave. store nicely.

The image at left comes courtesy of Why Travel to France. It isn't likely Apple will totally appropriate the Pyramid -- but hell, Steve Jobs is a really persuasive guy. All he has to do is hold a conference in front of the museum and go, "This is going to be ... insanely great." (For effect, maybe he can whip a lighter, faster Pyramid out of an envelope.)

Who'll argue? Sarkozy? The Wall Street Journal? God? No.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 9-08    
Topic: Brands, Outdoor, Packaging

Yawn, Guy Proposes On Billboard. Oh Wait, No. It's A Diamond Ad


In yet another example no new ideas exist in the world of advertising, yet another innocent personal human gesture has been usurped and turned into a a marketing ploy. You've seen the marriage proposal billboard before. It's even been written about here on Adrants but, as several of our readers have pointed out our search feature sucks ass, no previous articles could be found.

So why write about another one? Because this time, it's not innocent. Oh wait, maybe the other ones weren't either. We'll never know since we can't find what's been previously written and our memory is for shit, or as a friend recently said "Wait...what? I remember the body shots...but after that...everything gets a little...fuzzy."

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 9-08    
Topic: Outdoor

Tabasco Brings Sizzle, and Possibly Some Confusion, to Antwerp Bus Service


Antwerp residents: if you're wondering why firetrucks are suddenly ubiquitous, slow-moving and sponsored by Tabasco, it's because those aren't firetrucks.

It's just your local buses, dressed like the life-saving vehicles they never grew up to become.

The bus-as-firetruck campaign was put together by Duval Guillaume, which explained -- slowly, so we could understand -- that "Tabasco is so hot that you need a fire truck to cool down your mouth after you've eaten some."

I wonder if that ladder gets hop-ons.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 9-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Guerilla, Outdoor, Poster

Wool the New Billboard Ingredient


So there's been billboards created out of lettuce, peaches and beer bottles. Why not create a billboard that is hand knitted? That's what Cake did for Sky and the Women's Institute which have joined forces to choose one of the Women's Institute's 200,000 women to become the W-Icon.

The board was made from 133 miles of of wool and took 250 hours to complete

by Steve Hall    Jun- 6-08    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

From Cradle to Grave, Independence Blue Cross Wants Your Business


CEO Joseph Frick of Independence Blue Cross, the biggest health insurance provider in Philadelphia, used his recent colon cancer diagnosis to fuel this ad campaign by Tierney Communications.

The height chart at left lends a practical, and sort of charming, picture of how needs change as the mortal coil unravels. (Nagging question: why is 5'9," "Mammogram Reminders," followed by 6'1," "Senior Fitness Programs"? I thought people shrink when they get old? Is Independence just that good?)

Tagline: "Just a few ways we're here for you every step of the way" -- a little clumsy, but it gets the idea across.

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Weezer Wired, Hulk Whored, Philly Punks Out, Billboard Butters Up


- Wired interviewed the director of Weezer's Pork and Beans music video, which is a whiplash-inducing tribute to 'net-ebrities.

- Apptera promotes The Incredible Hulk to callers who request information on Iron Man.

- I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! launched a site called Now We Know Better. Scroll over the vintage homemakers to see them magically turn into ... modern homemakers! The site's a dream destination for daytime TV addicts: game shows, girl talk and margarine.

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Zappos Catches You with Your Shoes Off!


Through SecurityPoint Media, advertisers can buy ad space in airport security bins throughout the nation. Sony, Kyocera, Rolodex and Zappos have leaped at the chance to welcome your shoes, traveling coat and gutted laptop bag onto their witty little messages.

"With shoes in hand, it's the perfect instance to remind them they've been meaning to make time to buy a new pair. Why not Zappos?" said senior marketing manager Andy Kurlander of Zappos, whose bins say peppy things like, "Need a new case for that laptop?" and "Place shoes here. Buy shoes here: Zappos." (Come on. You knew that one was coming.)

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by Angela Natividad    May-27-08    
Topic: Guerilla, Outdoor

Billboard Bloodied, Monuments Mammary'd, Furniture Assed


- Saatchi & Saatchi did a wicked billboard execution drenching the street and a few cars with blood to promote Kill Bill.

- Apparently in Mexico, it's not looked upon kindly to promote a destination using a naked model painted with historical landmarks.

- OK, whatever. Bed. Old Guy. Furniture. Hot Ass. Watch.

- Whoa! Was that an ass in my face as I sleepily made my way to the subway? Yes, my friend, indeed it was. And it was in Tokyo...where this sort of thing is, well, just normal.

- Sometimes an ad works against itself.

by Steve Hall    May-27-08    
Topic: Outdoor, Racy, Video