How Much is That Little MINI in the Window?


A MINI really isn't so mini when you wrap it up in Christmas packaging and place it in a mall. Which is exactly what Young Marketing did in the El Retiro Center in Bogota Columbia.

The backside of the package was designed to be a store at which Matchbox-sized versions of the MINI could be purchased.

Check out all the images of the work here.

by Steve Hall    Dec-11-08    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Specialty

Shopping Mall Claims Holidays Are NOT About Spending Money


Last night during Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!, Charlie complained about the flagrant commercialization of Christmas. If creatives ever felt the way he did, they're probably well over it out of professional necessity. I know I am, and I just blog here.

Adding to our jaded perspective of how things operate in Ad Land's warped universe, Cherry Creek North -- a high-end shopping mall, mind you -- worked with CULTIVATOR ADVERTISING & DESIGN/Denver to launch The Yuletide Project. Its goal is to remind holiday shoppers that the holidays are about more than frequent wallet molestation.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec- 9-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Online, Outdoor, Strange

Stove Top Stuffing Keeps Bus Patrons Toasty


There are few things more soothing than warm stuffing out of the gutted sternum of a turkey. And with help from JCDecaux, this soothingest of comfort food is warming bus patrons at 10 bus shelters in Chicago.

The Stove Top ads -- radiant with warmth -- feature a heaping bowl of stuffing, tossed and tasty looking and beckoning hungry passengers home.

"Cold, provided by winter," the ad reads. "Warmth, provided by us. It's a good night for Stove Top."

Find stuffing-hot bus shelters in the Chi through December. Reps will also be handing out (steaming?) samples. Work by DraftFCB.

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Poster

Dogs Get Pop Up 'Hotel For Dogs' Store to Promote Movie


Because foster parents are mean and don't let you keep your dog, kids sometimes have to take matters into their own hands and build a Hotel For Dogs. That's the premise and the name of a new Dreamworks/Nickelodeon movie starring Emma Roberts.

To help promote the movie, BigHeads created a pop up store - a converted Ann Taylor space at Westfield Century mall in Los Angeles - called Hotel For Dogs. Throughout the holidays, people can take their dogs to the "hotel" and have their furry ones doggy sat for free while they go shopping.

Check out some more shots of the hotel here.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 4-08    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Point of Purchase, Promotions

Claus is in Da House. Yes, Santa Gets A Makeover


Come December, Santa begins to make appearances the world over and since some easily tire of tradition, others are there to shake things up. Actually, no one really tires of Santa and his traditions. Just ad agencies trying to get a nut...and a chance to do something new to something old.

Because smartphones like the Palm Centro are supposedly all the shizzle, Santa, who just got a new one, needs his life upgraded as well. So Seattle-based Creature gave Santa a new haircut, a new suit, a new attitude, a diet and a new name, Clause - pronounced Klouse, of course.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 1-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Creative Commentary, Outdoor, Social, Television, Video

Hey, Gamer. Getchyer Face on Times Square!


Every Saturday in November, registrants for Gillette/EA's Champions of Gaming Tournament could have their avatars broadcast in gigantovision over the NASDAQ and Reuters signs in Times Square. (Those chosen will be emailed and sent a picture of their billboard for posterity.)

Few things are cheaper or more effective than a shout-out. See PGA Tour '09 variant.

By Proximity Canada in tandem with BBDO/New York.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-26-08    
Topic: Events, Games, Human, Outdoor

Because PB&J Should Be More Democratic than It Is.


Here's a pretty idea. To drive donations to the Greater Chicago Food Depository, Leo Burnett/Chicago and Starcom remind shoppers that "food shouldn't be a luxury."

To illustrate the point, ordinary items -- soup, broccoli, PB&J sandwiches -- are positioned as luxury goods, languishing in the manicured hands of luxe porcelain models.

The bottom portion of each piece invites viewers to donate what they can to the Depository. "Text MEALS to 90999 to give $5," it adds -- simple enough to do on impulse.

If you're in the Chi, expect to see these on CTA buses and rail cars from now to December 31st.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-25-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Good, Outdoor, Poster

In an ABSOLUT World, Everyone's a Lotto Winner


Which makes the reward potential about as exciting as "winning" a class action lawsuit.

This outdoor campaign for ABSOLUT vodka is running in New York and LA. As always, the idea is to tout the superiority of a world where ABSOLUT is boss. Case in point: getting tomorrow's lotto numbers instead of yesterday's.

Yeah, that would be cool. If you were, like, the only person awake in Times Square that morning.

Creative by TBWA\Chiat\Day out of NYC.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-21-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Outdoor

'LA Weekly' Shakes Ink-Splattered Death Rattle


The economy shake-up means hard times for everybody, but print news weeklies are probably among the heaviest-laden. Few people are willing to wait a day to see news in print; fewer still have the patience for a week, not when they can load Google News and have at it instantaneously.

In a desperate bid at self-preservation, the LA Weekly has launched "LONG LIVE PRINT." Weeklyites invaded the Detour Festival in Downtown LA to wave signs, distribute bookmarks (cringe) and ink the message onto other people's shirts with a printing press (nifty!).

Other media ran on newsstands and in the LA Weekly itself. See the creative in all its grungy glory:

Cool work by Ignited LA. Painfully valiant though, given that we've never thought much about the LA Weekly, and now we associate it with the struggle of by-weeklies to remain relevant in an increasingly by-the-Tweet kind of world.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-21-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Events, Guerilla, Newspaper, Outdoor

This Creative Was Rejected by the WSJ and NYT.


And that's pretty much all the PR people have going for it. The idea behind "Recess is on" is for Morgan Hotel Group to look like a bad-ass place to party amidst the crippling buzzkill of a recession.

See minimalist rebel prints:

o Don't Jump. Dance.
o Fuck the recession. Powerful in brevity.
o Fuck the recession -- reprise. This ad also includes a letter written by Morgan Hotel Group to a personified Recession, flippantly declaring its intention to raise hell and whatnot. "Fuck off" is written at bottom in surprisingly girly script. (I think a sharp, all-caps and slightly Nicholson-esque "FUCK OFFFFFFFFFfff" would have done the job better.)

The website, linked above, also includes an epilepsy-inducing :60 video that'll be projected upon some unfortunate building. Or not. Word has it the creative will be changed and repeated use of "fuck" will be scrubbed.

"Whatever happened to defiance?" the rep from Pronto Stockholm asked us. Well, fuck if we know.

by Angela Natividad    Nov-18-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Newspaper, Outdoor, Poster, Promotions