Claus is in Da House. Yes, Santa Gets A Makeover


Come December, Santa begins to make appearances the world over and since some easily tire of tradition, others are there to shake things up. Actually, no one really tires of Santa and his traditions. Just ad agencies trying to get a nut...and a chance to do something new to something old.

Because smartphones like the Palm Centro are supposedly all the shizzle, Santa, who just got a new one, needs his life upgraded as well. So Seattle-based Creature gave Santa a new haircut, a new suit, a new attitude, a diet and a new name, Clause - pronounced Klouse, of course.

So Claus struts his new stuff, remixes classic Christmas carols into dance-worthy tunes, hangs with the ladies, gives away tiny dogs and goes mobile like iJustine with an iPhone.

And yes, it's all on a Facebook page but that's not all. In honor of old-school Santa, there's all kinds of old school media like television and outdoor supporting the campaign. That's ever so kind. traditions should always be honored after al. Even in the face of obsolescence.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 1-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Creative Commentary, Outdoor, Social, Television, Video   

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At first this campaign seemed slightly disturbing; Santa looked a little creepy. After I visited the Facebook page I thought it was really funny. My favorite commercial was the Valet-"Out on the Town." I laughed out loud.

Posted by: Samantha Bindrum on December 1, 2008 6:20 PM

Hey, this is so true, give an iphone for Christmas or a tech gadget, so we can all keep in touch........with Santa.

Posted by: Helen on December 1, 2008 8:08 PM