We've written about the European Wax Center before. And you've probably seen their ads on busses in and around New York City. They're easily recognizable since it's hard to miss gigantic ass cheeks protruding out from under the shortest short shorts you have likely ever seen.
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To make sure every teen in Israel was able to experience its annual Coca-Cola Summer Love festival, the brand, with help from Israeli agency gTeam, created the Coke Social Robot. Controlled by users at home, the robot helped those who couldn't make it to the event join the fun.
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Expanding upon Coke's personalization campaign, Israel's Gefen Team created interactive billboards which invited people to enter their names using a Coca Cola-branded smartphone app.
The location-based app was able to identify the consumers as they approached the billboard and transmitted their names automatically to the billboards. Using geo-fence technology, whenever a consumer approached the billboard, they received a message notifying them that their name was on the billboard.
The app ranked #1 in Israel's app store on the first day of the campaign and maintained that position throughout the campaign period with a total of 100,000 downloads.
Check out the case study video below.
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Working with Swedish agency Abby Norm to promote Adobe Creative Day, Adobe pulled a delightful bus stop prank that involved clandestine photography, on-the-fly-digital manipulation and some nifty diorama dynamics. Commuters who visited a Stockholm bus stop, were photographed and quickly added to an electronic billboard next to the bus stop.
We've seen ambush stunts before and most come off as overly invasive. Not this one. This one has fun. A of of fun and those pranked truly seem to have enjoyed their digital manipulation experience especially one man who was transformed into a he-man-esque superhero.
The video of the prank has been viewed 9.5 million times since it was posted Friday.
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Now this is interesting. You may have heard about that JCPenney billboard in Culver City that sparked debate because the visual of a tea kettle looked like Hitler. Now, it seems, even more Hitler has been found on the board. A copywriter who publishes the VerdantMug Tumblr noticed that within the billboard's copy, Hitler's name -- in order -- is spelled out.
Is this like that sick joke where some art director placed some phallic symbol on the cover of a Disney video? Or is it just an odd coincidence? We may never know.
Prior to this latest discovery and following the news the image looked like Hitler, JCPEnney pulled the billboard and has said any resemblance is "unintentional." The retailer has also remove the teapot from its online store.
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We sort of wonder if after viewing this Charmin billboard which is shaped like a pair of tighty-whities, a portion of Nascar fans are going to wonder if the brand has begun selling underwear. That or they're just going to chuckle at the brand's witty display of boys elementary school bathroom humor. The giant underwear-shaped billboard was placed at the Charlotte Motor Speedway for the Sprint All-Star Race. Via.
A billboard campaign for US-based Catholics for Choice in Kenya has raised the ire of the Catholic church over its stance on condoms. The billboard reads, "We believe in God. We believe sex is sacred. We believe in caring for each other. We believe in condoms." The ad is signed off with "Good Catholics Use Condoms."
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Remember theMillion Dollar Homepage? Created by Alex Tew, it was a simple webpage on which hundreds of logos were sold totaling, well, close to $1 million.
Now, a company called Adivide is going old school with the same idea and intends to create a subdivided ad that will appear on New York subways for four weeks in July.
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Hook-up site ArrangementFinders, part of the Ashley Madison empire, has erected a billboard in LA with the headline, "Need a Summer Job? Date a Sugar Daddy." The copy is accompanied by an image of Bree Olsen, porn star and spokesperson for the site.
Hey, if a woman can make some coin of a rich guy and both parties consent, then why not? Via.
Mexican paper and notebook brand Scribe, with help from La Agencia Viva! and La Doblevida, married old media and new with Scribe Billboard. For the campaign, the brand hired an independent artist to live inside (behind) a blank billboard for ten days and paint it based on tweets sent to hashtag #ScribeBillboard.
The campaign received boatloads of mainstream media attention as well as participation by celebrities and other artists who visited the billboard and helped add to the creation. There was also an appearance by popular Latin American band Molotov.
No word on how much paper the brand sold.
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