Cadillac to 'Wild Post' For Younger Audience


As part of a new campaign which will included magazines and TV, Cadillac's new agency, Boston-based Modernista, will also use wild postings in several metro areas in an attempt to get its jiggy back and reel in some new demo segments the automaker is calling "alphas," move-ups" and "hot moms." Recent research the company did revealed many people younger than the typical Cadillac demo were familiar with the Escalade, likely due to its hip-hop status and appearances on HBO's The Sopranos, but didn't know the company had any other relevant vehicles. To address the desire to retain existing older customer while bringing in new, younger customers, the campaign will bring on a little attitude, highlight the insignia and explain the model line-up. The campaign breaks in August.

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine, Outdoor, Television

BMW Billboard Provides Many Options For Car Buyers


Apparently, the client, BMW of Bridgeport, CT, loved this billboard so much, they asked the agency, VogtGoldstein to create a series. Perhaps something like, "From up here I can see New York and I wish I lived there instead of here." Or "From up here, I can see BMW of Greewich and it looks like they have a much better selection of cars." Give it your best shot VogtGoldstein.

by Steve Hall    Jul-24-06    
Topic: Outdoor

Brine Brings It, Pigeons Protest, Bond Bonds, Billboard Ignored


- Here's a couple (1, 2) of new ads for Brine Lacrosse featuring lacrosse athletes who, in their own words, tell stories about how they became the person they are today. If would could read the copy, we'd tell you if they were good or not.

- Pigeons staged a protest in Toronto's Queen's Park to voice their jealously over not being part of the Toronto Zoo animal country club. Protest images here and here.

- To call attention to the Charlie Higson Young Bond series of books which focus on the life of a young James Bond, Cake has created an engaging microsite with book features, forums, games, downloads and a newsletter.

- George Parker says Niel French should step in and takeover for departing Cannes Lions CEO Penny Reid.

- Oh, and we're just not gonna write about that stupid Emily and Steve fake billboard/blog thing because, well, we don't feel like guessing and we're just gonna wait until all is revealed.

- But, we will write about this cool, twisted lamp post in Antwerp featured on CoozOr which promotes Superman Returns because, well, because there's booty in the shot and we haven't fulfilled our booty quotient yet today.

- Copyranter points to a couple campaigns that seem to require those who purchase a condo to be at least as tall as the condo tower and those who want to work at Radio Shack must be extremely overjoyed.

by Steve Hall    Jul-19-06    
Topic: Magazine, Online, Outdoor

Sharks Attack New York!! Well, Sort Of


To promote its Shark Week, airing July 30 - August 4, Discovery Channel has hung a 446 foot long inflatable shark atop its Silver Spring, MD building. They're calling it the biggest Shark Week stunt ever. To accompany the inflatable, street teams with pun-filled names like Bight University Chewleaders, will roam the streets of New York. A team of surfers with surf boards will wander about apparently to create intrigue or to cause New Yorkers to wonder if The Day After Tomorrow or Deep Impact are coming true. Bight University Faculty members will quiz New Yorkers on their knowledge of shark fact and myth. If we have a choice, we'd rather be approached by the Chewleaders rather than some surfer dude or some pocket protector-wearing professorial type.

by Steve Hall    Jul-19-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Promotions

Snickers Gives New Yorkers A 'Hungerectomy'


B.L. Ochman sent us this photo of a bus emblazoned with "Hungerectomy" in typeface identical to that used by Snickers. While it's certainly a campaign for Snickers, we're not quite sure the "ectomy" thing and all the nasty medical connotations that brings to light are necessarily what Sickers would want people to associates with its tasty treat.

UPDATE: Thomas Sherman reviews the campaign here and says he doesn't understand why the agency behind it wouldn't "give it some legs" by buying keywords on Google for the weird ads in the campaign. He also says the words make him feel like he'll get some sort of disease if he eats a Snickers bar. We don't disagree.

by Steve Hall    Jul-18-06    
Topic: Outdoor

BBDO West Launches Anti-Graffiti, Zoo Pro-Bono Work


BBDO West has been busy lately and has just released two new pro-bono projects. The first is an anti-graffiti campaign for the city of San Francisco supporting the Mayor's Graffiti Abatement Program. The out of home campaign shows how certain graffiti can affect an environment with images of graffiti placed in people's homes. While comparing a public place to a private place might not be the best argument against graffiti, it does make the point strongly. The second pro-bono campaign was launched earlier this week for the San Francisco Zoo and consists of light poles transformed into giraffe banners.

UPDATE: Several people have submitted spoofs of this campaign to street art site Wooster Collective.

by Steve Hall    Jul-14-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

Billboards Offer Lubricated Entry


Racy is not a strong enough word to describe these two billboards created by Grey Worldwide for some kind of lubricated cream. And that's a good thing. This ad is daring. This ad is great. This ad is a cacophony of euphemisms and sexual innuendo. It's also brilliant at capturing attention. No wonder there's a traffic jam.

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor

McDonald's Billboard Tells Time With Sun Dial


Just when we thought there were no new ideas, Leo Burnett, with the help of an engineer, designed a billboard in Chicago for McDonald's which acts as a sun dial to create a shadow of the McDonald's arches over a different breakfast food for each hour of the morning. Of course, someone will now leave a comment saying this has been done somewhere else before unfairly labeling Leo Burnett a copy cat.

by Steve Hall    Jul-12-06    
Topic: Brands, Good, Outdoor

Outdoor Posters Encourage Artistic Expressions


Instead of encouraging people, as they previously did, to steal things from a billboard, Vancouver's ReThink has created an outdoor poster installation that encourages people to place things on the posters which have been outfitted with pedestals to hold things. The work, which carries the tagline "art that you can feel," is to promote Sculpture Biennale, an art show, made it possible for passersby to become artists as well.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 7-06    
Topic: Guerilla, Outdoor

Clear Channel to Put People Out of Work With New Technology


MediaPost reports Clear Channel is testing a new outdoor technology, previously mentioned here in 2003, from Magink that will replace vinyl with molecular coated plastic tiles which will react to an electrical current to form an image making changing billboard copy changes a matter of pushing a few buttons in a remote office. The technology will allow for multiple ads to appear on a single board and, with the ability to change images 70 times per second, potentially allow for video. While the cost to install these boards is five times that of vinyl, it will allow advertisers more flexibility, make more money for Clear Channel and eliminates the need for paper, vinyl, printing and labor costs. All you production and vinyl people better find something else to do.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 5-06    
Topic: Bad, Good, Outdoor, Tools