Stolen Billboard Items Reveal Message


Max Lenderman points to a billboard created by TBWA/Vancouver which leveraged the unfortunate but dependable human propensity to steal stuff. The billboard was created for security company Black Tower Home Security and after enough people had stolen various items off the billboard, the headline, "People Steal," was revealed aligning nicely with the Black Tower's business proposition. Good stuff.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-05    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Outdoor

'Six Feet Under' Bus Ad Rejected


To promote the season one DVD release of the HBO series, Six Feet Under, Charlotte agency BOONE/OAKLEY created a bus wrap which, in July, transformed transit buses into the green hearse the character Claire drive on the show. San Francisco and Los Angeles transit authorities rejected the ad for public transit claiming it could, somehow, hurt ridership. The ad was allowed, however, on private, no passenger buses. New York and Chicago accepted the ad.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 1-05    
Topic: Outdoor

Rooster Gets Hooters Chicken, Stupidity Ensues


A Hooters billboard, for a West Covina, CA Hooters, placed aside the San Bernadino Freeway in Baldwin Park has caused complaints from employees of Kaiser Permanente Baldwin Park Medical Center which is located beneath the billboard. Oddly, the complaints have nothing to do with images of scantily clad Hooters waitress, of which there are none on the board, but with a tagline that reads, "Only a rooster gets a better piece of chicken." Apparently, the Medical Center employees and Councilwoman Marlen Garcia, who brought the complaint to a city council meeting and said the board was "indecent or obscene," think there's something wrong with the natural act of a rooster co-habitating with a chicken. Either that or this is some sort of clandestine attempt to rid the world of scrambled eggs as a breakfast item.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jul-31-05    
Topic: Opinion, Outdoor

Racy Video Imagery Graces Lord & Taylor Archway


Peeking out from the elegant archway of New York's Lord & Taylor on 425 Fifth Avenue are racy, stylized video images promoting the fashions available within. The juxtaposition between the elegance of the building's architecture and the giant cleavage peering outward caused our famed fashionista Bucky Turco, riding through Fifth Avenue traffic, to stop and shoot a couple pictures for us.

by Steve Hall    Jul-30-05    
Topic: Brands, Outdoor, Point of Purchase

Scarlett Johansson Shocked At Billboard Breast Size


Apparently not having looked in a mirror recently, actress Scarlett Johansson, 20, was surprised to see how big her breasts were on a Hollywood billboard promoting her movie, The Island. Shocked, the actress, reportedly, said, "I was driving through Los Angeles and I look up and see the biggest photo of me I have ever seen in my life on a massive ad space. I screamed and slammed on the brakes. I couldn't believe it. It's very strange to see my cleavage the size of a brontosaurus. My breasts were huge. I had long hair and my goodness, I couldn't get past the cleavage."

While she may have been surprised by her size gracing the billboard, she's also very comfortable with her figure, loves her breasts, which she calls "girls," and, very graciously, doesn't mind if her male co-stars see her breasts, saying, "But if someone catches sight of your bare breasts, you think: 'Let them have it and enjoy it for the day." How very accommodating, Scarlett.

by Steve Hall    Jul-28-05    
Topic: Celebrity, Outdoor

Billboard Begs Lindsay Lohan to Call Radio Station


Minneapolis radio station KDWB has placed a billboard asking Lindsay Lohan to call into the "Dave Ryan in the Morning" show, apparently, because she is in the area filming the Robert Altman film, "A Prairie Home Companion." It seems morning man Dave wants a piece of Lohan just like Altman got here. Image courtesy of Flicker user uberculture.

by Steve Hall    Jul-21-05    
Topic: Celebrity, Outdoor, Radio

Grand Theft Billboard Goes Up As Game Pulled


One day before Rockstar announced it would alter Grand Theft Auto San Andreas to an AO (Adult only) rating, this big ass outdoor board appeared in Union Square. On Wednesday, Rockstar announced it was ceasing production of the current version of the game because a hack was found that unlocked hard core sex scenes within the game. While it certainly takes plenty of lead time to get a board of this magnitude up, one does wonder about the timing of it all.

Ever-present Bucky Turco thinks the whole thing is just a bunch of needless wind, telling Adrants, "To me, this whole hot coffee hack/modification was blown so out of proportion. Yes you could hack the PC version and there is some pornographic material, however the console game, although it too has leftover material, it way harder to hack, and that's the one that is most sold not the PC version. Who the hell plays GTA on a computer?"

View another image of the board here.

by Steve Hall    Jul-21-05    
Topic: Outdoor

New York Refuses to Stop Olympic Bid Marketing

PlasticMoonRain reports the gigantic Olympic Clock in New York City's Union Square has begun counting down again as if New York City Olympic officials refuse to believe London was awarded the 2012 Olympics. Wishful thinking is one thing. Begging is another. Someone, please, rip this thing down! Of course, Circuit City is, for sure, loving the added attention.
by Steve Hall    Jul-19-05    
Topic: Outdoor, Strange

Models to Live Inside Times Square Display


Pretty soon some marketer is going to find a way to hover a block-sized, holographic mega-ad in the middle of Times Square but, until then, we'll have to settle for a three story perfume bottle in which, for two days, models and celebrities will live, party and kanoodle in front of onlookers. It's all to promote Calvin Klein's CK One fragrance. The display will be unveiled next Tuesday, July 19.

The work is the brainchild of buzz marketing firm Mixed Marketing head honcho Luanne Calvert and Calvin Klein;s in-house agency, CRK Advertising.

by Steve Hall    Jul-15-05    
Topic: Outdoor

Toronto Tests Trash Can Advertising


A year and a half ago, we reported Bridgeport Connecticut had introduced ad sponsored trash cans throughout its city. Now, Toronto is stepping into the trash ad business with a three month test several 7 X 5 X 2 foot combination garbage/recycling bins. More than 3,000, half of which will carry ads, will be placed city-wide if survey is found to deem them acceptable

by Steve Hall    Jul-11-05    
Topic: Outdoor