Mayan Apologizes For World Not Ending


In lieu of the usual Christmas card, which wasn't created because they thought the world was going to end, BBDO Belgium sought an actual Maya to apologize and allow viewers to forward the apology in a personalized fashion to their friends.

Hey, it's kinda funny.

by Steve Hall    Dec-24-12    
Topic: Agencies

Mullen Comes to Aid of Sandy Victims With '12 Days of Relief'


Working with Hungry Man, Mullen has created 12 Days of Relief, a 12 Days of Christmas-style video featuring victims of Hurricane Sandy. Shot last week in Rockaway, Queens and Seaside Heights, NJ, victims recount "what they really need" with the number one need expressed in the primary verse, "On the first day of Christmas, here's what I really need, a house where mt house used to be."

On the 12 Days of Relief Site, video interviews of some of the victims featured in the video can also be viewed. And donations to the Salvation Army's Hurricane Disaster Relief Fund can be made.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-24-12    
Topic: Agencies, Cause

Christmas Tree Sh%ts Charcoal in Super Strange Agency Holiday Video


The notion of receiving coal in your stocking or under the tree for Christmas takes on an entirely new meaning in this holiday video, The Legend of Douglas Fir, from Piston Agency. A lonely Christmas tree with irritable bowel syndrome and a burning desire to become a real Christmas tree falls off a car and begins his quest to fully realize his potential.

It's one of the most hilariously strange and awkwardly gross videos we have ever seen but we think you should give it a watch. Although after viewing, on Christmas morning you may have a strange urge to unwrap your presents with rubber gloves, Just sayin'.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-20-12    
Topic: Agencies, Strange

AKQA Creates Shared Orchestral Digital Experience

akqa_mobile_orchestra.png very, very cool. AKQA has created what they call Mobile Orchestra. With help from the Pacific Chamber Symphonym the agency has made it possible for firends to share a performance of Carol of Bells.

If you gather some friends and point them to Mobile Orchestra, different parts of the performance will appear on each person's individual device. Quite cool.

Check out the example video below.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-20-12    
Topic: Agencies, Mobile/Wireless

The Yolo Holiday Sweater Will Sweeten Your Swagger


Comprised of one part grampa's comfiness and one part crazy stories kids find on the interwebs, WingAdvertising is offering the ultimate Christmas gift. The YOLO Holiday Sweater. Well, in actuality, a sweater pattern you can give to your grandmother so she can "get her knit on."


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by Steve Hall    Dec-19-12    
Topic: Agencies, Strange, Video

Our Agency 'Holiday Card' Roundup


Here's a quick summary of what we've seen so far from some agencies. We're sure there will be more to follow this week.

- Austin-based GSD&M is celebrating the holidays with a Sweater Soiree. Check out the agency's collection of client-inspired holiday sweaters. You can vote on your favorite sweater. The sweater with the most votes gets placed on a Frosty the Snowman in the agency's lobby.

- The Sydney office of VML has released their 2012 digital Christmas card, titled Reindeer Races, a real-world interactive race between four of Santa's reindeer, streamed live via webcam and played online. The game allows users to take control of a reindeer on a real-life Christmas-themed track, using their keyboard to control its speed while they race against three of their Facebook friends, or computer-controlled 'bots'.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-17-12    
Topic: Agencies

EverydayActors Aims to Become iStockPhoto For Video


Toronto ad agency exec Kyle Hosick has launched EverydayActors, a site that ams to change the way video talent is sought. In a way, it's like iStockPhoto for video. Creative types can source talent for their video needs.

Users can browse the database to find exactly who they need (based on location, gender, age, ethnicity, special features and style like "geek chic") and negotiate the gig directly with the actor. The site doesn't take any kind of back-end percentage or charge a fee. Actors pay $20 to create a profile.

For marketers who need an "everyday" person to serve as an extra, a face, or an actor in a video for a campaign, this just might be worth checking out.

by Steve Hall    Dec-17-12    
Topic: Agencies, Tools, Video

Should the Creative Process be Democratized Across an Agency?


At Central Desktop's Collabosphere 2012, the topic of democratizing the creative process was discussed. The heart of the conversation centered on whether or not (and how much of) the creative process should or should not be extended outside the department.

While there was general consensus for agency-wide collaboration at the outset of the creative process (ie. a good idea can come from anywhere), in the end, one entity (the creative department) has to turn a good idea into a workable idea

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by Steve Hall    Dec-17-12    
Topic: Agencies, Opinion

Agency Staffers Dunked in Egg Nog For Good Cause


Well this is fun. All week, Cleveland-based agency Marcus Thomas has been dunking employees in a vat of egg nog this week to help raise money for United Way. Of course, the charity portion of the stunt is important but the dunk factor is even better.

From 3-5pm each day visitors to the promotional site are able to get in line for a chance to use their mouse to toss a ball at a switch that drops a Marcus Thomas worker in the vat. For each successful shot, the agency will donate $50 to United Way.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-14-12    
Topic: Agencies, Cause

Toronto's Crush Brings Us Bitter, Cursing Santa


'Tis the season to be jolly, joyous, giving, thankful and, generally, in good spirits. Unless, of course, you are Toronto-based Crush and then it's all piss, vinegar and vulgarity. Humorous piss, vinegar and vulgarity, of course.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-13-12    
Topic: Agencies