Here's a video that will make you think about deforestation in a painful, deeply personal way. Try not to cry.
Except this metaphor doesn't really hold. Because after that virgin pluck session, you get all rhino-skinned and totally impervious to the pain of losing your hair, one at a time, in an agonizingly slow manner.
I know this. I have conducted studies on my own anatomy.
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Austin-based agency T3, The Think Tank, was recently featured in USA Today for its communal approach to raising kids. "It takes an agency to raise a child," the employees say.
Here is where you do the collective Awwwwwww.
Caretakers are permitted to bring infants to work and even take them into meetings with strap-on carriers. At T3, new parents get private offices. Kids are welcome daily until they're about nine months old, at which point you better find yourself an au pair, because the boss ain't havin' it.
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- If you're wondering how BMW will get its 2009 BMW 1-Series to America, this video explains the process. (The video's way more fun than this description)
- Y&R has lost the Dr. Pepper account after having it for almost 40 years. It's going to Deutsch LA. Y&R San Francisco will keep Diet Dr. Pepper and other sub-brands.
- Hilary Clinton's campaign manager, Mark Penn, is getting out while the getting is good.
- An article on Copyblogger explores how to properly price freelance writing services.
Oh. My. God. Sometimes there are things you just shouldn't see. After writing about VIA's work for Maidenform's new backless bra, we were promised photos of VIA chief creative officer and creative director modeling the product. Well, we got more than that. We got a room full of male VIS creatives mid-concepting session wearing the backless bra and, well, you really don't want to see these pictures.
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Just what is it about guys and bras? It's like the subject comes up and we're in high school all over again, snapping the bra of the cute girl sitting next to us in social studies. Oh yes, breasts make boys (and men) do very stupid things. Sadly (or maybe not), snapping the back of a girl's bra may be a thing of the past if this backless bra from Maidenform takes off.
Created by ABC American Inventor contestant Elaine Cato, the bra is getting a big creative and media push from VIA Group, which will launch campaign "This Feels Right" with the tag "Out with the old, in with the new." Media will consist of women's magazine's, outdoor and online.
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OK, this is hilarious. Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein celebrate their many years in the business by portraying a bunch of senile old men in a video invitation to the agency's 25th anniversary party on May 8. In the video, the pair do all the stereotypical things old people supposedly do like fall asleep, lose their train of thought and drive around in those little automated carts. It's funny but thank God some hottie in a nurse's uniform pops her head into the frame towards the end reminding us nursing home living might not always be a bad thing.
BBH Art Director Andy Tider writes, "This week I decided to leave my position as an Art Director at BBH New York. This being BBH though, I couldn't just go out with a "goodbye letter". So I spent my last night as a BBH employee stealing everything that wasn't nailed down. On video. Then I sent it to the entire company. Our chairman, Steve Hearty called it "extraordinary". In fact, BBH people couldn't seem to get enough of the video. I guess I was just expressing what everyone wished they could do."
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Remember that van that looked like it was dipped into the dyeing vat of a private school uniform purveyor? Last year it motored through the East Coast converting heathens to Web 2.0; this year it's going West.
See tentative dates.
About four months from now, the Plaid van will stop at agencies and companies to preach the gospel of social media. Along with new ideas, they will come bearing Twinkies and shirts. (Email Darryl [at] thinkplaid [dot] com if you'd like them to pop by.)
The roadies need sponsors so if you can pitch in some cash, a hotel room or a new fashion tip for that chocolate ride, they'd be much obliged. (So would we.)
- True to form, Bob Garfield reviews a fairly good Sprint commercial and then rips the shit out of it for what he deems dizzying camera work. Bob, you almost Puked? Seriously. You need to see a doctor or use your walker when reviewing commercials.
- Catalyst, the "marketing capital" firm launched by John Durham and Cory Treffiletti is rolling out a new Emerging Media Buying Service (EMS) that will provide planning and buying expertise for online video, mobile, social media, widgets, and gaming.
- Writing on AdFreak, David Griner, whose mom worked at NASA for years and was acting director of the Marshal Space Flight Center for a time, tells us about four NASA workers who are trying to "re-ignite the enthusiasm for space by reaching out directly to today's hyper-connected youth."
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This is agency Northlich's creative department. They are selling overpriced shirts for charity.
You might think they look unhappy because that's just the hipster way, but some dude from Northlich claims their EVPCD forced them to model his designs. (Did he invent the asterisk?) And each shirt supports a charity he allegedly handpicked.
"Lame," the guy said.
Yeah. This is.