Here is yet another one of those perception pieces that takes a look at how advertising people see each other. According to this graphic, planners think they are Steve Jobs. Creatives think they are artists. Clients think they are the messiah. And account executives think they are as cute as a Barbie Doll.
But planners think creatives are a bunch of babies. Account executives think the client is the devil. Creatives think planners are donkeys. And the client thinks all account executives are hotties with huge tits bursting out of a low cut top.
Let the stereotype debates begin.
If you're familiar with Joe Jaffe, author, former agency guy, Jaffe Juice blogger and Crayon founder, then you know the man is passionate and has a lot to say about whatever's on his mind. And he's got quite a lot to say about his new venture, Evol8tion, an "innovation agency" that aims to bring the agencies of Madison Avenue together with the early stage technology startups of Mountain View in order to orchestrate "brand soul mates."
What the hell does that mean? It mean that Joe firmly believes technology does and will play an important role in the future of advertising and that the fusion of creative ideas, story-telling and technology can make anything possible.
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This is one of the somewhat cooler promotions we've seen for an agency workflow/collaboration system. Who knew we'd find it amidst our white paper series. The promotion is for SocialBridge which apparently makes it really easy to collaborate, share assets, comment on proofs and give approval with co-workers and clients in virtual work rooms.
But let's talk about the promotion. It's that classic, almost smarmy comic book approach to the break up and make up. Apparently SocialBridge can cure relationships of all kinds. Even the messy ones between coworkers in agencies and between agencies and their clients. Check it out. Yes, you do have to register for the white paper to see it. Fair warning and your choice but we like the promo and we think the offering is worth checking out..
- If you're into Juicy Couture...or at least their advertising.
- The Whitehouse enters the world of Google+.
- Slate has a minimum of kind words in its piece about Crispin Porter + Bogusky and its loss of the Burger King account.
- Peter Berg is out with new work for MINI, Another Day, Another Adventure
- Is Imogen Thomas the new face of Caprice lingerie?
- Lego launches a social media community.
- If tweeting, blogging, Liking and Plus-ing isn't enough for you while watching the Super Bowl now you can also play Chevy Game Time. Yea, there's an app for that.
- Check out the new brainstorming tool, Thinkerbot, from Nail Communications
- Michael Glass is out with a Pinterest collection of advertising agency office space. Very cool.
Cultural Strategies is launching "The Social Revolución", the first official SXSWi Latino Awards, Lounge & After Party in 2012. They are actively seeking sponsors and nominees.
- Really, really love the new Volkswagen Golf R? Well, there's an iPad app for that. From AKQA.
- Top Gear is celebrating there approach to 10 million fans on blowing up a caravan when they do.
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The Barbarian Group has created an infographic that summarizes the milestones that occurred in the world of social media during 2011 across such platforms as YouTube, Twitter, Google, Instagram, Facebook and Foursquare. Such milestones include YouTube's launch of movie rentals, Twitter's acquisition of Tweetdeck, announcement of Facebook's planned IPO, Twitter reaching 100 million users, Foursquare reaching one billion check ins, Facebook's launch of Timeline and the launch of Google Plus brand pages. Check it all out here.
If you've been in the advertising business for any length of time then you are certainly familiar with Leo Burnett's "When to Take My Name Off the Door" speech he gave in 1967, four years before he died at the age of 79. The speech, as the title implies, is about the certain circumstances under which Mr. Burnett would require his name be taken off the door.
Animation company Lobo had their way with the speech creating an animation to go along with Mr. Burnett's words. We like the finished product.
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This is hilarious. And awesome. And epic! It's Epic Santa Dog and it comes to us courtesy of Whirled Creative, a Venice, California creative shop. In what is truly one of a wackiest holiday videos we have seen in a long time, Epic Santa Dog engages in some epic frolicking, stuffed animal humping and, for no apparent reason, machine gun shooting. Hilarious. Awesome. Epic!
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Good God, this is disturbing! If you haven't already seen it, we won't give away the ending but be warned, it isn't pretty. Social media company Denizen created this Santa-themed holiday video for gaming company Destructoid. The video has already been viewed 1.75 millions times across several platforms and has been shared on Facebook 83,000 times.
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Two makes a trend, right? So we guess children in agency holiday cards now deserves to be labeled a trend and, it would seem, we can expect to see a lot more kids standing in for their parents in next year's batch of holiday cards.
Last week, we had a children-based holiday effort from Metal Creative. This week, we have one from St. Loius-based Infuz. The agency created a video, Santa's Little Helpers, which features staffers' kids taking over the agency and responding to an RFP from the North Pole.
Oh come on. What's not to love about a bunch of kids running around the office pretending to be adults...including a full on creative hissy fit?
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