HoneyShed Was Fun. Puma's $100 Million Is, Like, Way Better


Droga5? Puma? Wait, what? This is confusing. Isn't Droga5 supposed to be the agency that creates whacko stuff like HoneyShed? They wouldn't dream of taking on a real client now would they? It seems so. Droga5 has come to the realization that agencies need to make money to stay afloat so why not accept $100 million from Puma?

OK, so fine. Droga5 already has "real" clients like MTV and Method. But puma will make those accounts look like a local car dealer account.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-12-08    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

Uptown Minneapolis Doesn't Want Agency to Move In


Ah hahahaha. Funny. Not really but there's not much else you can do to hype something as boring as an agency moving from one location to another. Minneapolis brand agency, mono, recently moved and created a video to illustrate how "outraged" the community is about the agency coming to town and doing terrible things like using kids in ads and brainwashing people into buying things they neither need nor want.

Say moNo!!

by Steve Hall    Nov-12-08    
Topic: Agencies

GLAAD is Sad, Dentsu Grabs McGarry Bowen, Cannes on DVD


- Burger King does the dropped wallet thing. Hey, it's a whole lot more fun that shoving coupons in people's faces.

- Even though you've already seen all the ads months ago for free, you can now pay for a DVD of the Cannes Lions Titanium and Integrated Lions. Go ahead. Open your wallet. Or try to. All we got was "not available yet" when we went to check the price.

- Gotta love nefarious Boards of Directors. The Commercial Closet Association, founded by former Ad Age staffer Mike Wilke will merge with the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. It was a planned merge. What wasn't planned was the Board's outing (not the gay kind) of Wilke while he was away on vacation. Wilke was supposed to maintain his position after the merge. No he's suddenly out of work. Not nice, GLAAD.

- McGarry Bowen has sold its sole to Dentsu.

- And so it continues. In today's layoff news, Conde Nast has said goodbye to 36 staffers.

by Steve Hall    Nov-12-08    
Topic: Agencies, Policy

Dell CMO Casey Jones Canned


It seems the reported "probation" of Dell VP of Marketing Casey Jones has progressed to the expected outcome; he's been fired. Actually, he left last week but no on as Dell was all the interested in trumpeting his exit. The long and embattled path to the nirvana that was to be Enfatico continues to crumble underfoot.

A commenter on the Tribble Agency blog wrote, "Casey's grand illusion of creating his own agency, while being a client, proved to be another of his hare brained schemes. His own ego put him in the same planet as Sorell. I'm sure it will all start to unravel as other WPP units have engaged directly with Dell to save the day."

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by Steve Hall    Nov-11-08    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

Rats Flung from Helis, Obama's Facebook Push, SocNet-Addicted Mommy Bloggers


- Be a GAMER. Made of steel. Video game school will show you how.

- The US Army is using webcasts by overseas soldiers to bait new recruits. The series is called -- wait for it! -- "Straight from Iraq." Soldiers are ready to take your questions.

- Keep up with Advergirl's social manifesto on how companies are using social media. It's illustrated!

- To remind us all how with-it and un-stodgy it is, Microsoft (I guess?) sends rats skydiving. Sick 'em, PETA.

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Circuit City blows it, George Parker Still Pissed at Advertising and Billy Mays' Reality Show.

- Dear HR, please help Jetpacks.

- Danny G. says Circuit City ignores what might have helped them.

- George Parker finds someone to admit why they work in advertising.

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Newsflash! Enfatico Launches Dell Campaign! Seriously


Oh look! There's a mouse! A server! A laptop! People! And a stupid headline, "I Choose to Take my Own Path." Must be a B to B ad campaign. Yup, it is. An Indian one. From Dell. By Enfatico.

Why does all IT advertising have to suck? Hmm, maybe it's just practice. You know, for when, 18 months from now, Enfatico finally gets around to launching a consumer campaign.

JFC. make it stop. Please.

by Steve Hall    Oct-30-08    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns

Because if Mom's Not Voting Like You Would, She's Doing it Wrong


I'm sure a handful of wily degenerates have fantasized about rigging this year's election results in their favour. Or voting 30 times instead of once.

Given that you can't do either of those things without great risk, consider making your mom vote for your candidate of choice. She gave birth to you; we're sure she'd do it just to keep you from hitting her up for money this month.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-30-08    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Political

RTCRM Wrings Sweat Out of Agency Creatives


Creatives hitting the vending machines at RTCRM might be accosted with a smorgasbord of aluminum signs, each with a military-style message demanding, in some short shouty way, that they beat their own bodies into a pulp and do a great deal of sweating.

This is part of RTCRM's six-week "extreme exercise" boot camp. Creatives meet at 7am, twice a week, to groan and sweat with fellow languid-limbed chums.

Must be interesting for morale. You never quite look at someone the same way once you've seen where their sweat glands are most active. And an approach like this is infinitely kinder than firing people for smoking.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-28-08    
Topic: Agencies, Campaigns, Good, Promotions

Draft/FCB Shake Up Coming, DirecTV Gets Ideas, Enfatico'd Ethics


- George Parker's spies have informed him there may be a "major shake up" coming soon to a Draft/FCB office near you.

- You've seen all those DirecTV ads, right? The ones that play off the scenes of various movies? The current one pays homage to Poltergeist. Tirico Suave has plenty of suggestions for more.

- With Guns 'N Roses releasing its Chinese Democracy album soon, Dr. Pepper, who claimed they couldn't get it done this year (and if they did, would give a free bottle of Dr. Pepper to everyone in America) must now live up to its promise.

- Audi asks you to Meet the Beckers.

- If you want to hear a bunch of experts on the topic of the internet benefiting small businesses, sign up for the Solution Stars Video Conference. Apparently, I'm an expert because I'm one of the speakers. But, you'll have to watch and decide.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-24-08    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns