So Mother decides to give away $10,000 as a Christmas gift this year. Rather than spreading it across several clients and charities, the agency cooked up a promotion that resulted in a fake email spam that offered the money to the first person who responded with their bank account information. One person actually did.
Mother then traveled to the office of one Theo Delaney and handed the man the $10,000. In a humorous twist, Delaney turned around and gave the money to the Nigerian charity Forward Nigeria. The knowing reaction of the Nigerian woman is priceless.
- Got a holiday wish? JWT wants it.
- Want so sexy Twitter analytics? Here's yet another tool for you to drool over. Check out Colle+McVoy's Squawq.
- Are you a Tree Hugger? Then you'll love this. Send a Christmas/Holiday eCard to as many people as you want - and the cost to you is nothing. For each card that's sent, Tesco will donate 5p to the Woodland Trust with the ultimate aim of planting 300 trees!
- TuB Gin, the bootlegger-themed premium gin created and distributed by Philly-based indie creative shop Red Tettemer and Colorado-based Peach Tree Distillery, has announced The TuB Gin Film Shoot Out.
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Elf Yourself! Elf Yourself! Elf Yourself! Sick of the annual OfficeMax insanity? Then you'll love this little game from Studio Tiga called Santa's Snowglobe. You get to pummel the elves with a snowstorm, shake them silly or have a reindeer kick the crap out of them. Glee.
When someone writes, "this new site has to be experienced rather than explained," our first reaction is, whatever, can't possibly be any better than all the other sites that get sent in with the same commentary. But this one from Denver-based Factory Labs is a bit different. And, you do have to experience it to get it. Don't expect to arrive and find the standard portfolio or anything.This is all about (oh God, are we going to say it?) experiential marketing.
Looking for that perfect Christmas gift for someone special? Something they will treasure for the rest of their life? A gift so special it will just ooze with love and adoration? This isn't it.
This is the sort of gift you'd give your co-worker to get a "Dude, that's disgusting!" Or make the cute intern scream like she's watching a Saw movie.
Yes, thanks to Nail, this little piece of Christmas will keep you in the spirit year round. That or a cause group will label you disrespectful of "little people" with deformities.
Each year advertising agencies unleash their creative resources to create the annual holiday card. or some, it's a chance to spread one's creative wings. For others, it's a quagmire of over-engineering, political correctness gone mad, analysis paralysis and a waste of time. Boston's Duffy & Shanley, instead of creating a card, has chosen to share their holiday card creative process with us. We're sure you'll all agree their process is quite similar to your own.
In a Goodby, Silverstein & Partners holiday video, Jeff Goodby goes up against a young employee in a battle of old versus new.
Some choice phrases:
Goodby: "Every joke you write ends in a fart."
Young: "Your pony tail belongs back in Woodstock."
Love the ending.
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AdFreak says this holiday greeting video from Publicis London in which staffers lip synch I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas is cringe-worthy. We'd agree. But hey, it's the song du jour and at least it's not as bad as that video from that agency in India (or was it Span?) we can't seem to locate right now
So the singing head thing has been done before by agencies but this one is kind of fun. After listening to the agency sing a Christmas carol, you get to choose your own selection and use your keyboard to make the singing heads do their business.
This little holiday time waster comes to us from Archibald Ingall Stretton in London. Have fun.
In the "it's been done to death" category comes this holiday season card from Denver-based Cultivator Advertising & Design. Tired as Mad Men themed efforts have become, it's interesting to note the house in which the photoshoot took place - Cultivator Creative Director Monte Mead - is permanently tricked out Mad Men style. That's how the dude lives 24/7/365.