'Kringlegate' Vid Ignites Censorship Face-Off


Plaid made the holidays extra-special this year by sending a video to clients and friends -- including us -- that claims we were involved in an affair with Mrs. Claus, which has since gone public and may potentially destroy Christmas.

It is a completely insane premise.

You've probably seen this or something like it before, laughed once and never thought about it again. But at least two people out there are so distraught over it, they've had a lawyer send an official cease and desist letter to Plaid, demanding that the material be taken down and that proof of its removal be conveyed to them.

more »

by Angela Natividad    Dec-24-08    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Opinion, Worst

JWT's 'Albert' May Finally Leave the Pole this Year


Last year JWT sent us a holiday card featuring Albert, an animated tool whose tongue's been attached to the same pole for a year, I guess.

Albert's back. Try to free him without overtaxing his pain threshold. Pulling him back and letting go has proven somewhat amusing. Also, JWT promises there's a way to detach him this time. (But why would you?)

by Angela Natividad    Dec-23-08    
Topic: Agencies, Online

JCPenney 'Speed Dressing' Top Spec Ad For 2008


- URLesque has compiled a list of the top ten spec ads of 2008. Our fave, the JCPenney Speed Dressing ad is on the list.

- Just once I'd like to be able to tell someone like her to put her laptop on vibrate and stick it where the sun don't shine."

- Fuel Industries' Sean McPhedran tells us, "Rather than the cute holiday mini-game I think everyone would expect, we gathered around the sound studio and put together an old fashioned radio play this year, complete with bad acting!"

- Zugara sends us all over YouTube with a Santa-themed annotation adventure.

- New York Festivals has announced it 2008 Global Awards.

by Steve Hall    Dec-23-08    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

This is Brew Creative's Message of Hope.


This holiday, Brew Creative decided to forego that "we're donating to charity!" crap that other agencies are doing and cut right to the good stuff. Here's a mash-up of all the depressing political soundbytes we were all subjected to this year.

If nothing else, let this knowledge fill your heart: our government makes so many warped promises that our interests are bound to be met at least some of the time, so keep right on coasting along and eating bacon.

Probably the best thing about this effort is the ability to sift through a broad array of disconnected soundbytes and make your own "message of hope." Politico quotables are divided between "Phrases" and "Connecting words." Good times.

Mashup features provided with help from Sevnthsin.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-23-08    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Political, Trends and Culture, Video

Charity Holiday, Enemy Gameplay, More Than Words with Alex B.


- Top 10 virals of '08, courtesy of the guys that brought you this.

- Digitas Health donates to charity for the holidays, as does RAZ PR (which told us via paper card). Meanwhile, comScore pledges trees.

- "Unprecedented economic waters" (nice euphemism!) means no FedEx retardation during '09's Super Bowl. One less thing to look forward to. Honestly, anything involving Burt Reynolds makes us happier people.

- Remember that crazy/beautiful, semi-schizophrenic media orgy titled Game, Game, Game and Again Game? The sequel is called I Made This. You Play This. We Are Enemies. Creator Jason Nelson promises "More strange hand drawn creatures, with screen shot anchored levels and all the poetic bits known." And then we kissed him.

- Crowdsourcing horror.

- Beancasting Steve and Bill. Among other things, they talk online video marketing, Pepsi suicide ads and diversity (lack of?) in the industry.

- Learn to shred with CP+B. "But yeah, the biggest thing people will go after is Alex giving lessons on how to play Extreme's More Than Words." Sounds like a winner to me.

Motherlode of Agency Holiday Cards Unleashed


Wow. We thought we gathered together a lot of agency holiday cards here at Adrants. Well, we are humbled by bannerblog's collection of over 120 holiday themed "cards" for 2008. So since there's really no work going on in the industry this week or next, you've got plenty of time to comb through all 120 if for no other reason to identify that idea you want to steal for your own agency's card for 2009.

by Steve Hall    Dec-22-08    
Topic: Agencies

What is it About this Holiday Season that Just Screams 'RODEO'?


Riffing off an idea first presented to us by Lucky Brand Jeans, agency Bernstein-Rein gives us the Reindeer Rodeo, yet another holiday game where the objective is to keep a skittish elf on a bucking...

...well, I'd hate to ruin the surprise.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-22-08    
Topic: Agencies, Games, Online

Mortar's Recession Solution: A Spork, Some Booze and Pocket-Sized Luck


Instead of sending over a typical holiday card, Mortar went the extra mile and sent us a Holiday Recession Kit.

It is amazingly practical.

Tools for survival include Top Ramen ("It got you through college, it'll get you through this"), a Magic 8-Ball, a Spork ("Perfect for Top Ramen, or digging your way out of prison. Or defending yourself in prison"), matches, edible packing material, and a wee bottle of VooDoo Spiced Rum, which is pretty self-explanatory.

All it's missing is a single cigarette and some rope.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-22-08    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Guerilla

Closer Look Makes Adrants Even More Amazing


We'd like to thank our friends over at Closer Look for making Adrants even more amazing that it already is with their kick-ass Amazing Amazer design tool. Every agency should have one of these. After all, who doesn't love some twinkling sparkle in their advertising?

Give is a visit. Make your site (and your photo too) way more amazing than it already is.

by Steve Hall    Dec-19-08    
Topic: Agencies

Fallon Melts Industry Treasures, Produces Golden Idol


Apparently Fallon is so bad-ass it would melt down One Show Pencils, Clios, Cannes Lions and even an Emmy -- all those paperweights you slave so hard for -- just to celebrate its staying power.

The You Are Fallon project represents 30 years of creative work and also commemorates the agency's move to a new space. Existing and former employees donated awards they won while at Fallon, then sat back while the gold, silver and bronze bits were melted into a 175-pound plaque that simply proclaims, "We are Fallon."

Kinda cool that people unloaded enough trinkets to produce 175 pounds' worth of Fallon love. Provided the plaque isn't one day lifted by a disgruntled (and extremely strong) ex-creative, it's like being immortalized into the fabric of your second home. See making-of.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-18-08    
Topic: Agencies, Events, Social, Trends and Culture