Watch Out for that Hair; It Could Kill a Small Mammal


Hoping to milk the star (?) for all his worth, Nationwide has released behind-the-scenes footage of its ad featuring Sanjaya Malakar. Shot in India, footage depicts the American Idol castaway singing in the face of a firmly shut door (what a metaphor!). You'll be pleased to know Sanjaya's hair is as wack as ever.

Nationwide loves a talented media whore, and Sanjaya certainly fits the bill, so it was just a matter of time before the two found each other eventually.

To learn more about his partnership with Nationwide, read a recent Sanjaya interview.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 1-08    
Topic: Agencies, Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Specialty

Blyk Invents a New Name for 'Media Kit'


Blyk, a mobile social network that hopes to one day wake up and be cool amongst 16-to-24-year-olds, has launched a "One Stop Shop for advertisers and agencies."

Don't be fooled by the name; you won't find any drag-and-drop ad placement tools. What you will find is a media kit loaded with promises, case studies and, ooh, promises. Such as:

- Over 100,000 UK 16-24s fully opted-in to receive communications on their mobile phones
- 29% average campaign response rate
- £0.53 average price per response
- Insightful reporting

If "insightful reporting" won you over too, well, go get 'em, tiger.

by Angela Natividad    Jun- 1-08    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Promotions

Arnold Scores the Carnival Cruise Lines Account


Arnold Worldwide has landed a ride on the world's biggest floating fleet of Vegas-style cruise ships: Carnival Cruise Lines. Its ad account is worth about $75 million.

Oddly enough, Carnival launched a gigantor branding campaign just last January, courtesy of agency CooperDDB.

The campaign was called "Let the Fun Begin," backed by slogan "Carnival: the fun ships" (seriously?) and you can see a spot here. It's about as memorable as a SeaWorld spot without the allure of Shamu, so no wonder the ships went roving.

(If you're gonna license Queen, you really should aim to wow.)

Hats off to Arnold. And don't -- forget -- to tip -- the clowns.

by Angela Natividad    May-30-08    
Topic: Agencies

That Wii Fit Video? Hot But Not A Nintendo Marketing Effort


So a guy films his girlfriend wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear tantalizingly gyrating her hips while playing Wii Fit and, poof, instant YouTube stardom. Nope, It's not a marketing stunt from Wii but it did come from a guy in advertising, Giovanny Gutierrez, director of interactive marketing at Miami's Tinsley Advertising. And, and, and...his girlfriend, Lauren, also works in the business. Neither, however, for Nintendo in any capacity.

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by Steve Hall    May-30-08    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Good, Racy, Video, Viral

Where Design's Concerned, Sharp Slices Pretty Dull


Design agency Sharp Communications is using temporary tattoos to promote how it "seamlessly blends HIGH OCTANE CREATIVE THOUGHT WITH BLUE CHIP STRATEGIC RIGOR." (Yeah, it was written just like that.)

The tats are objectively horrible. See the other two in the text below.

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by Angela Natividad    May-28-08    
Topic: Agencies, Bad, Guerilla, Strange

'Rush Hour' Director Launches Brand Consultancy, Uses Idol Finalists as Guinea Pigs


Brett Ratner, the director who gave us X-Men: The Last Stand and the Rush Hour trilogy, has launched Brett Ratner Brands.

Less an agency than a "consultancy," Ratner aspires to marry brand messages to pop culture.

His first such effort was for Guitar Hero. During the American Idol finale this week, two ads appeared -- one with Idol finalist David Cook in briefs, lip-synching to Old Time Rock 'N Roll, the other with David Archuleta in boxers, following suit, Risky Business-style.

Ratner said he wants to make ads "everybody wants to be in." His models include "Got Milk," HP's "Hands" and iTunes' "Celebrity Playlist."

After Just 13 Months Nike Splits With Crispin Porter + Bogusky


Well that was quick. Nike has ended its relationship with Crispin Porter + Bogusky after just over a year. George Parker broke the story and tipped us here at Adrants. The story was then picked up by Advertising Age which reports the 13 month relationship yielded but a single TV ad with Nike exploring relationships with other agencies such as 72andSunny. Nothing like treading water for 13 months. Time to get back in the game, Nike.

by Steve Hall    May-22-08    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

To Celebrate Growth, Agency Offers Free Tattoos (Branded, of Course)


In case anyone's looking for a job: "In recognition of the fact that Captains of Industry has won new business and is looking for more Captains to join its ranks, the company is offering free temporary tattoos of its logo*. Anyone who wants a nifty Captains tattoo should send their request to [email protected].

Get 'em while they last!

*For a limited time only, while supplies last, one per person, household or pet. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer void in Uzbekistan."

Have at it. Angela? The tattoo, not the job!!

by Steve Hall    May-22-08    
Topic: Agencies, Human, Promotions

Some Pig Wants You to Bring Out Your Dead


Oink Ink Radio needs entries for its 11th annual Dead Radio contest.

"Disheartened copywriters are invited to submit their best radio scripts that have been rejected, passed up, and left to collect dust. Oink then treats the winning copywriter to an expense-paid weekend in either New York or Los Angeles, homes to Oink studios."

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by Angela Natividad    May-22-08    
Topic: Agencies, Consumer Created, Online, Radio

Wexley Revealed, Deutsch Strips, Deutsch Douchebagged


- Seattle agency Wexley School for Girls gets some nice press in Business Week from Jon Fine who visited the agency and shared his thoughts about its work and approach to marketing.

- Apparently, Donnie Deutsch is pulling a Tom Cruise. In an interview with The Observer, Donnie strips off his shirt and announces he may someday run for Mayor.

- Headvertising, Boobvertising and other forms of human advertising are passe. Now, it's all about prosthetics.

- Gawker provides five reasons why Donny Deutsch should win the Douchebag of the Year Award.

- Ad Age: "William Morris, Media Execs Create 'Agency 3.0'" Oh please.

by Steve Hall    May-21-08    
Topic: Agencies, Human, Strange