- And now that fashion brands are involved, we've relabeled the flashmob FlashWalk.
- Want to be Phamous in Vegas? Oops, that's another casino's thing. Anyway, Mandalay Bay has launched the Untamed Adventure Contest. Facebook. Untamed moments. Compromising positions. Pictures. Prizes.
- Dear PR people: Don't lie. You don't want to "gauge my interest." You want me to give you press. There's no need for code words.
- Please Hire Us. Crispin Porter + Bogusky interns beg for jobs. Complete with retro flashing logo.
- If you somehow missed it during the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, here's the :90 Michael Bay-directed commercial for your viewing pleasure.
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Don't you love political correctness? Not only does it cause a simple commercial about the ill effects of bathroom cleaning products on your skin to be wildly misinterpreted but is also causes agencies to create holiday cards designed to avoid out-of-left-field cause group attacks over holiday season terminology.
Concerto Marketing Group thinks it has the answer.
South Korean holding company Chiel Worldwide has taken a majority stake in The Barbarian Group, the Boston-based digital shop first known for its work on Subservient Chicken and, most recently, its augmented reality issue of Esquire. The agency will move its headquarters to its New York Office and agency heads, CEO Benjamin Palmer, COO Rick Webb and Chief Experience Officer (please, guys) Keith Butters will remain in charge of the shop.
We love Barbarian Group. The agency began with $500 in Palmer's apartment in 2001 and has grown quickly to a digital powerhouse. It's nice to see the agency succeed and get acquired by an entity a bit more interesting than the usual American suspects. Congrats, guys.
"The campaign features three 30-second television spots that use the element of surprise to build excitement for the new Minnesota Millionaire Raffle game Each spot features a game-show-like host who wheels a large raffle drum into busy locales where unsuspecting patrons are encouraged to play an instant raffle. The spots are built on genuine reactions as people go from shocked and reluctant to actively participating and cheering"
Now that's some well-written PR copy. And we didn't have to go digging through a collection of attachments or ridiculously worded releases to find the nugget of information. Thank you, Colle+McVoy.
Now on to the campaign. Generally, we're not a fan of marketing stunts that involve random appearances in unlikely places. After all, if we're shopping, we're shopping. If we're eating, we're eating. Then again, you can't do stunt marketing (or most any kind for that matter...yes, we love you inbound marketing) without a little bit of interruption. So we can't complain much about this campaign.
The campaign also includes print, radio, outdoor, transit and mall. You can view the three spots here, here and here.
Apparently, Austin-based agency nFusion has no work and no clients. Why else would they spend an afternoon on a slip and slide. Oh wait. To make a stupid video they could send out and hope for some press coverage.
Well here you go, nFusion. Here's your press coverage. No get back to work!
Drinking is a big thing in the advertising business. So why shouldn't it be part of the new business process? Ohio-based Northlich has put drinking front and center in its process with its Vodka Ad Generator. In five easy steps, you can create your perfect concoction and set up a meet with the agency where, one would assume, more drinks will be consumed.
And we thought AAAA stood for American Association of Advertising Agencies, not The Advertising Alcoholics Anonymous Association. Hmm.
Oh just pour me an Old fashioned and let's bring back the three martini lunch.
And in "groundbreaking" news today...wait for it...a NEW ADVERTISING AGENCY MODEL is launching today! Can you stand it? Is it possible? An agency announcing it's going to be completely different from every other agency in the business? This is earth-shattering news! This never happens! This is truly a first!
Pardon me while I go stick my finger down my throat and puke up today's collection of ridiculous press releases and dubious claims.
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This is both funny and lame at the same time. But, because it's an agency pimping itself, all can be forgiven because, ya know, agencies are funny and lame at the same time. To celebrate its move from some crappy warehouse location to sweet downtown San Franciso digs, Bars + Tone created a Michael Bay-style video complete with dramatic music, lots of explosions, and self -important men dressed in black peering into the camera like David Caruso does so well on CSI Miami.
Don't you love this business?
This video explaining who caused the demise of Enfatico is absolutely hilarious. But we have just one question. Who pays for this stuff? Who gathers together 30-40 actors and creates a well-produced video just to endlessly pummel an agency which was doomed from the start?
Whatever the answer to that question may be, George Parker (who relentlessly pummeled Enfactico) and AgencySpy (who relentlessly pummeled Enfactico) get top mention in the video. Adrants? The blog that's supposed to be the king of wise-ass little shit-style snark? Not a mention.
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Not that a lot of us don't already know but if you've somehow managed to escape periods of jobless during your career in advertising, you really ought to exercise your empathy gene by watching The Sack. It's a video series which follows the travails of two out of work creatives from Melbourne. The series takes a look at what the pair went through from the point of sacking to (they fully intend) re-employment.
It's cheeky. It's fun. Give it a watch. And maybe even hire these guys.