Because the Hard Way's Just Funner


Ebert & Gerbert's tapped Colle + McVoy -- less its agency than its partner in crime -- to help blow out the candles on its 20th anniversary.

Maybe because the retainer was so high, C+M decided to give the sandwich guys a run for their money. They built the world's largest air vortex cannon and blew the candles out from 180 feet away. See it all at Candle Cannon.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-20-08    
Topic: Administrivia, Agencies, Brands, Guerilla

Modernista Entrusts Identity to Able Hands of Internet


For its latest site redesign, Modernista tossed caution to the winds. It did away with elaborate imagery, hype-laced content and the notion of using a website at all.

Now, users that run a search for Modernista -- and that click on the link to -- will be redirected to the search engine they used. In the upper left-hand corner they'll find a funky red nav bar. (Look past the bizarre 'net-speak and spelling; it is so Web 2.0.)

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-19-08    
Topic: Agencies, Best, Online

Future of Advertising Predicted by Leo Burnett Futurist


Leo Burnett London Futures Editor Ben Hourahine thinks he has the answers to the future of advertising. Some of what he says makes sense. Some just reinforces the notion advertising will accost anything it can get its hand on. There are no easy answers but at least it's being talked about.

One thing is clear. Marketers and advertisers will never again have the power they once had. There will never again be another M*A*S*H TV moment. Fragmentation will continue to the point of individualized advertising. Advertising, itself, won't really be advertising at all. It will be an information repository people can refer to when they are interested in a particular brand or product.

by Steve Hall    Mar-18-08    
Topic: Agencies, Opinion, Trends and Culture

Publicis Worldwide Wants LIONS. With HEARTS. And SPIRIT


Get a load of the repositioning memo:

Not so long ago in our industry, the holy grail was an ad that "broke through the clutter," was "attention getting," "memorable," "persuasive" (ads usually measure by a copy test of an ad unit).

Today, in the new world of the internet, digital video recorders, mobile devices and myriad other technology -- all in the hands of an empowered consumer -- the new holy grail is maximized presence and multiplied exposure as a result of having an idea picked up, shared, played with, assimilated into the consumer's life.

Some call it viral; some call it buzz. Leading agencies must redefine their end goals in line with this fundamental new end game.

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by Angela Natividad    Mar-17-08    
Topic: Agencies, Bad

Agency 'We Are Gigantic' Resurfaces As 'Tremendous'


Over two years ago, Bernard Urban rebranded his URBANadvertising company to become GIGANTIC. Last April, agency We Are Gigantic was born out of an MDC consolidation of its MFP and Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners agencies. We Are Gigantic was headed by Neil Powell who was formerly a partner at the now defunct MFP which suffered significant client loss.

Urban sued MDC for trademark infringement and recently won, effectively ending the existence of Niel Powell's We Are GIgantic. Oddly, the We Are Gigantic site, though taken down as part of the court decision, is now back up. It seems, Powell, or someone, is trying to get whatever business they can out of this drama. The We Are Gigantic site's contact section says "We've moved" and a telephone number leads a company called Tremendous, which, following We Are Gigantic, is pretty funny.

We've left a message for clarification on all of this and will share that with you as soon as we have a response.

by Steve Hall    Mar-17-08    
Topic: Agencies, Policy

CementWorks Yields Quadruplets! Ouch.


To celebrate the birth of four distinct company arms (with four unique specializations), The CementWorks launched a baby shower campaign for quadruplets. Watch the intro on their website -- very cute. (Possibly painful.)

Dividing itself into four realms followed the logic of "growing big by growing small." Read more about The CementBloc, The IronWorks, The StoneWorks and The CementBond.

An agency with industrial chic. Ayn Rand would be so proud.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-14-08    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Online

As Long As We Know It's for Packages, Not Eyeballs


Wow. For its Wrap Rage Cure campaign, which prescribes the (frightening in context) Open It! tool for people who suffer from package-opening rage, the Zibra Company has been awarded a Gold Addy for Interactive Media.

The award was distributed by the Nashville Advertising Federation.

Zibra partnered with web design firm Cabedge for the Wrap Rage Cure campaign, which included mock case studies, radio and interactive spots. The campaign generated "dramatic increases" to the number of unique visitors to the microsite. We're just hoping Open It! was actually used for packages and not customer-on-customer organ tweezing.

Rageheads are notoriously myopic. Just sayin'.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-13-08    
Topic: Agencies, Campaigns, Events, Good

Draft Earns Facebook Pariah Status


Agency Spy (via George Parker) just clued us in on the newest of the Facebook hater groups, Fuck Howard Draft!

It totals nine members so far, which means it's doing three times better than FUCK HOWARD SCHULTZ, even without all-caps.

Aaaaand ... that's all we're going to say about that.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-10-08    
Topic: Agencies, Bad

Giant Ideas' Giant Ideas Could Use a Ginormous Trim


To promote its agency at a local ad awards show, Giant Ideas produced a self-promoting parody of the Cloverfield trailer.

It might have been funny if it weren't actually longer than the original. Because come on, guys. TWO MINUTES of mostly bad party footage? We would've gotten the joke inside 30 seconds, easy.

by Angela Natividad    Mar- 9-08    
Topic: Agencies, Spoofs, Video

NIB 'Fastrack to Cannes' for Sale on Easy Street -- er, eBay


London-based Enter the Chapel swears it has an ad idea that's instant Cannes-bait. But oops, the idea was castrated internally, so now it's for sale on eBay.

What've you got to lose? Five quid? Your dignity?

by Angela Natividad    Mar- 7-08    
Topic: Agencies, Bad, Online