JWT Australia Gestates Inside Womb


OK, so here's a new one. And there's rarely anything new at all about an agency website but we think JWT Australia has done it. How? They made their site a womb. Yes, a womb. As in wheere baies grow. It's a conceptual oddity but, strangely, it works for us. Or, maybe it's just gross. We can't tell. Oh wait, yes we can. The "baby" picks his nose. Eew. Give it a look and let us know what you think.

by Steve Hall    Aug-21-07    
Topic: Agencies, Online

DraftFCB CFO Bob Oates Shown the Door


While most of us are celebrating the fact it's Friday, DraftFCB CFO Bob Oates may not be so happy. We're told he's been fired by Howard Draft today and rumors indicate it's because he didn't think very highly of top management's spending habits. It's another chapter in the agency's bloodbath following the loss of the Verizon account which resulted in anywhere between 50 and 150 layoffs depending upon who you talk to. Not to mention the ongoing post-merger after effects.

by Steve Hall    Aug-17-07    
Topic: Agencies

So You Want to Work in Advertising? Read This First


For those of you just getting into the ad biz, Advergirl has some important tips for you. You might already know this but, despite what you may have been told, you ain't getting any training. You've been hired to put out and avoid fires for your boss. And, contrary to what you might think, you've also been hired to take the heat when your boss screws up. Just avoid all that crap by reading Advergirl's list and you'll avoid most of the ad jungle animals' tricks.

by Steve Hall    Aug-16-07    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Tools

Old Ad Wanker Defends Critique of DraftFCB...And Everything Else


AdScam's George Parker defends the apparent shit storm he seemingly caused following his leak of a DraftFCB internal memo which made a big deal about a recent SkyTeam website project job win. He also defends why it's perfectly fine to continuously pick on DraftFCB. And JWT. And O&M. And Julie and Sean. And CP+B. And every other agency in this business. And he wallows in the supposedly not-so-nice layoff and compensation practices of DraftFCB. Damn, it's like Perez Hilton for the ad industry.

If you're still asking, "Who the hell is George Parker," you really need to tune in to this business a bit more. Besides, he's fun to read. Hmm. Maybe he should write for Adrants.

by Steve Hall    Aug-16-07    
Topic: Agencies

DraftFCB Celebrates Website Design Job With Flourish


As only George Parker, the ad industry's potty-mouthed longtimer, can, an internal DraftFCB memo released last Friday announcing the win of, as George puts it, "a fucking website" design job, has received George's trademark commentary. Cutting through the bullshit of most internal agency blatherings, George appropriately sums up the announcement writing, "Boy, these fuckers are on a roll. What's next... Cocktail napkins and book match covers?" Indeed.

by Steve Hall    Aug-13-07    
Topic: Agencies, Bad

BooneOakley Runs For Saucony Account, Literally


Charlotte-based BooneOakley is in the running for the Saucony account. Leaving it at that, though, would be a giant understatement regarding the lengths the agency went to to deliver the RFP to Saucony's Boston office. A team from the agency literally ran for the account - 859 miles to be exact - from Charlotte to Boston and documented the entire trip on a blog with videos.

Sadly, it seems, no one at Saucony is aware of the agency's extreme efforts as no one but a lone intern website coordinator from the marketing department was in the office last Friday to receive the RFP when the running team finally arrived. Contents of the RFP aside, Saucony should hire BooneOakley for the intense dedication and effort it put into running for this account. If it's any indication of the ongoing dedication the agency would give the account, Saucony would be wise to choose BooneOakley.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-13-07    
Topic: Agencies, Best, Brands

Agency.com Offers Adrants Employment Opportunity


Apparently, Agency.com's human resource department hasn't read Adrants much as indicated by a missive sent to us asking to chat about an available position in the agency's Chicago office. That or it's some elaborate strategy to get us to show some fist-bump love for the shop. Oops. Did we just burn a bridge? You're not supposed to do that in this business, right? Oh well. We just can't help ourselves sometimes.

by Steve Hall    Aug-13-07    
Topic: Agencies

kwp!: Outset Ad Jobs Ain't Glamorous; Why Lie?

Crap Job.jpg

A friend from Down Under sent us a couple of ads for firm kwp!, which, perhaps frustrated with the self-entitled glamazons who came a-knocking for ground-floor opportunities, decided to take a more, uh, straightforward approach.

This classified, for instance, spouts, "Help make ads. And coffee too."

To the left: "If you think this job is crap, wait 'til you see the pay." This version quickly ends, "Apply now, because chances are no-one else will."

Nice, kwp!. No one can say you didn't warn them.

Playing gofer does wonders for your ambition. Having had to fetch our fair shares of coffee and muffins, every new day only made us hungrier for the moment we could send our own interns' asses all over town for the one chocolate croissant left in a 30-mile radius at 2:30 in the afternoon.

Nothing makes a pastry taste better than the sweet smell of fear.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-13-07    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Newspaper

'But Sir, This Looks Nothing Like My Business!'

LSB_Maxwell Street.JPG

Here's a winning story. Agency Lindsay, Stone & Briggs out of Madison took its gig out onto the street for a popular sidewalk sale called Maxwell Street Days.

With older ad concepts hanging from racks like so many fusty furs, CD Bill Winchester and copywriter Lee Schmidt drummed up ads on-the-spot for paying customers seeking a quick creative fix. Streetside clients included a fifth-grade teacher-cum-golf-aficionado, the College Barber Shop and an at-home health nurse.

Agency creatives: streetside caricature artists of tomorrow?

Clever, down-to-earth way to get your community invested in your success. Kudos to LSB, and in particular Winchester and Schmidt, for a charming performance.

We'd make a cheap crack about hard-up agency life, but apparently the firm didn't need the extra cash. Proceeds went to the Madison Children's Museum.

by Angela Natividad    Aug- 8-07    
Topic: Agencies

Stardust Gets Sentimental, Launches Creative Montage on .tv


Having been among the first to leap onto the .tv train in 2005, Stardust has just posted a 2007 montage of its ads on the homepage.

Before we even go into the montage, Stardust.tv by itself was given the Favourite Website Awards Site of the Day in November as well as the 2005 Tween Award for Best Reel.

This kind of news typically means jack to us but after watching the montage, we're inclined to disagree with our first inclination.

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by Angela Natividad    Aug- 4-07    
Topic: Agencies