So a new CMO took a gig at a brand and promptly proceeded to fire the agency his predecessor had hired. And the head of the jilted agency is upset? oh please. Get over it. This has been business as usual since companies stopped giving a shit about employees and work became a game of every man for himself.
There is no dedication any more. No employee loyalty. No corporate promises to employees. No pension plans. And no love lost when the door hits you on the ass after hearing, "your position is no longer available" or some other line of bullshit.
No. It's an all out war for personal survival. Everyone will now do anything to avoid being downsized and everything to insure they succeed and prosper. So it is without surprise GM VP of U.S. Marketing Joel Ewanick fired Publicis and handed creative duties for Chevrolet to Goodby Silverstein & Partners, an agency Ewanick has worked with before.
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A New York Times story screams, "An Ad Engine to Put 'Mad Men' Out of business. it's a story about PlaceLocal, a program that creates an ad simply from a person entering the name and address. Then PlaceLocal spreads its tentacles and gathers images, video, hours of operation, phone number, blog commentary on the business and other information. Once that information is gathered, an ad magically appears, Yes, it's true. And it's impressive. But it's not going to put Mad Men out of business.
This sort of service is perfect for the local baker or car dealer or restaurant or any other small business that can't afford to pay for an agency or even a freelancer. Of course, it won't be long before agencies use this service for their pown clients, pass the work of as their own and then charge 20 times the actual cost.
Hmm. This really isn't a bad thing. Small business can make decent ads on their own. And lazy agencies can use it to up their revenue. What's not to love?
Just as it happened with the Million Dollar Homepage and Forehead advertising, Alec Brownstein's $6 Google AdWord buy, where he bought the names of creative directors and delivered a customized text message, has an imitator.
Before Brownstein has even had his 15 minutes of fame, Art Director Stacy Mann has copied the idea with an ad targeting David Droga that reads, "Looking for a great creative? A great creative is looking for you."
The ad leads to a blog on which Mann has placed a portfolio of her work. Are you listening, David?
Enjoy the writings of Bart Simpson he scrawls on the Springfield elementary School blackboard in every episode? Now you can see them all in one place thanks to illustrator Matt Williams who, while dressed as Bart, wrote them aon the walls of London-based agency Work Club.
Every six months, the agency invites an artist to decorate its long blackboard wall just for fun. It took Williams two days, 20 white markers, 288 lines and 7,697 characters to finish the work. There's a video here and a tool here that allows you to zoom in on the wall.
It's like Britney Spears decided to do a video inside a bird cage. Oh wait. That's not Britney Spears. It's TMZ's naughty girl dujour Miley Cyrus performing her new song, Can't be Tamed, inside, yea, a bird cage.
Yup. Like every starlet before her, Miley is now proclaiming, "I'm not a kid. I'm a hot pop star and I'm gonna be bad!" Billy Ray, she's fleeing the coop.
Wait, why are we even talking about a Miley Cyrus video? What does this have to do with advertising? Nothing except for the fact production company Mothership and visual effects company Digital Domain helped create the video.
Wait. That still has nothing to do with advertising.
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Though AgencySpy thinks Alec Brownstein is a jerk - and details why - we think the man is genius. He bought Google ad words for Gerry Graf, David Droga, Tony Granger, Ian Reichenthal and Scott Vitrone so that when they Googled themselves they'd see an ad which read "Googling yourself is a lot of fun. Hiring me is fun too."
He got interviews with all but Tony Granger, offers from Reichenthal and Vitrone and landed a job at Y&R New York. Not bad for the $6 he spent buying the ads.
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- Though many hate it, we kinda like the new United Airlines/Contenental logo.
- The One Club will be host its Second Annual Creative Week in New York City from May 10 to May 16, 2010.
- Hey we like this promotional video for the Seattle International Film Festival.
- Here's the latest from ESPN' s World Cup "One Game Changes Everything" campaign promoting the FIFA World Cup in South Africa.
- Never date a Flyers fan even if she shaves her mustache.
- A long diatribe in Ad Age on the topic that bad work costs more than good.
- It's global branding of another sort: How Americans See Europe.
- If you want to see a bad Photoshop job. Or if you just want to see a hot woman in her bikini.
- More from the lady who loves to create ads inside Second Life which feature but, busty avatars.
- An old Old Spice ad.
- Not new but worth a look. Agency (almost) shoots kitty to illustrate the qualities of good advertising.
- Thought: If social media didn't exist, would P&G have the problem they are currently having with their Cruisers and Swaddlers diapers?
- GM's new tagline: Excellence for all. Seriously? Seriously?
- Celebrities speak out against poor fishing practices which harm dolphins.
- JetBlue has selected Mullen as its new ad agency.
- The effie's, along with Heineken, are honoring student creativity with the Collegiate PSA Challenge.
- It's Finnish but its about blogger/TBWA designer Riku Vassinen an his new digital marketing book. It's a cover version of Mobb Deep Shook Ones Prt.2. We heard "Foursquare" though.
- Idiotic ad of the day.
- Former Adrants Editor Angela Natividad, who will be back to cover Cannes for us this year, is covering Social Media and Community 2.0 in Boston this week. Her first post is entitled OMG! We Need to Do Social Media!
- Blind football. Paddy Power. Cat. Funny.
- McCann Erikson has launched a $100 million campaign for Holiday Inn.
- Who knew a brick had so many uses. And could save you so much money? Brandon Baunach's entry into Ogilvy's YouTube competition.
- With the rise of online banking, many people haven't been inside a bank in a while. To remind people they still exist, efirstbank has brought the lobby to the people. TDA Advertising & Design did the work.
- Watch this. You'll never want to eat a hamburger or cheeseburger again. Well, at least every day like some kids do in school.
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