Dell CMO Casey Jones Canned
It seems the reported "probation" of Dell VP of Marketing Casey Jones has progressed to the expected outcome; he's been fired. Actually, he left last week but no on as Dell was all the interested in trumpeting his exit. The long and embattled path to the nirvana that was to be Enfatico continues to crumble underfoot.
A commenter on the Tribble Agency blog wrote, "Casey's grand illusion of creating his own agency, while being a client, proved to be another of his hare brained schemes. His own ego put him in the same planet as Sorell. I'm sure it will all start to unravel as other WPP units have engaged directly with Dell to save the day."
While it's fun to sit on the sidelines and enjoy a bit of schadenfreude, it's quite another to realize actual humans with mortgages and bills to pay may not be able to do so if the Enfatico shit storm continues.
It's a lot of work to build an agency. Kudos to those who are trying. But, if we were Dell, we would have hired a known entity that could have been up and running on day one. Dell has computers to sell. It can't wait a year for an agency to get its shit together.
Hmm. With Jones gone, is that an agency review we smell wafting in the distance?
AgencySpy reports Andy Lark VP of global communications, communities and conversations, is taking over for Jones.
Good post/points Steve.
Its good to hear that they may be moving in a realistic direction.
Why am I betting there are probably already 3 separate posts on AdScam about this news item...?
(don't let us down George ;)
We saw this one coming.
Casey - looks like your idea to hire a group of rocket scientists didn't exactly pan out.
Magic 8 ball says the chances of an agency review are "highly likely".
We saw this one coming.
Casey - looks like your idea to hire a group of rocket scientists didn't exactly pan out.
Magic 8 ball says the chances of an agency review are "highly likely".
Finally saw and appropriate response to this drivel today on page 11 of The Week: �The rhetoric of the rant is the dominant form of public comment on the Internet, where the pithy, personal, scatological attack has become a minor art form, rather like sculpting in excrement. The practitioners of the rant have their own television shows, radio programs, and websites. The advocates of this approach often describe it (and themselves) as courageous. But it is a strange moral inversion to talk of the �courage� of the raised middle finger. Rudeness sets out to dominate and humiliate. Every excess promotes the excuse of greater and opposite excess�a search for more vicious put-downs and more startling obscenities.� �Michael Gerson in The Washington Post
Not the CMO, Andy Lark was not my replacement. Was not fired. Keep posting the excrement. It gets all over your fingers as you type, doesn't it?