SXSW: You Don't Need to be Here


Ushering her audience out, Kathy Sierra questioned why interactive attendees would bother to show in person in the age of live blogging and streaming content. With an opening line of "you don't need to be here", admittedly a few poured out of the conference room doors. However, Sierra stated, that there are still elements that exist as the missing link between computer interaction and human expression. Responsiveness to software was compared to the likes of Asperger's syndrome, unintentionally rude and often narrowly focused.

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by Ariel Waldman    Mar-12-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Online, Trends and Culture

SXSW: Drunk at the Wheel, Driving Social Technology


Offering no apologies for social disruption, the Emerging Social and Technology Trends panelists invite themselves into your conversation. The panel on Saturday hosted yet again a large group of speakers from diverse backgrounds. Although intimate panels tend to be more revealing, this one at least showed a little leg. Headed up by Laura Moorhead (Wired), the panelists included Andrew Blum (Wired), Robert Fabricant (Frog Design), Eliot Van Buskirk (Wired), Peter Rojas (Engadget), and Daniel Raffel (Yahoo!).

Perhaps drunk at the wheel sometimes, technology does drive social change. In turn, everyday people are now enabled to be the drivers as well. Similar to the blur of how you got home the night before, there is no longer a clear sobriety line to walk between social interaction and technology. Likewise, a constant negotiation between public and private, business and pleasure, leaves many at polar realms. Understanding the integration versus isolation debate is said to help us understand ourselves, or at least what Kool-aid we drank to get there.

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by Ariel Waldman    Mar-11-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Social

Hoard the Hangovers, SXSW Interactive Kicks Off


First in a series of articles by Ariel Waldmen covering the famed SXSW Interactive Show in Austin.

South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive kicked off on Friday with a panel dedicated to "pop the cherries of the SXSW virgins". The How to Rawk SXSW panel was headed up by a variety of familiar names and faces, including Min Jung Kim (Photobucket), Glenda Bautista (Agendacide), Tantek Celik (Technorati), Nick Douglas (Look Shiny, formerly Valleywag), Andrew Huff (Gapers Block), Lynne d Johnson (fastcompany), and our friend Tony Pierce (LAist). Sharing swigs out of a bottle of Jack Daniel's the panelists calmed the crowd's expectations.

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by Ariel Waldman    Mar-10-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Adrants Hits San Francisco for Diversity Conference


Continuing what we started in New York last November, the Advertising Industry Diversity Job Fair and Leadership Conference (take a breath) will take place, again, in San Francisco Tuesday the 13th. The show is free for students and job seekers. You can read all about it here.

After a morning keynote with Larry Harris of Draft FCB, Adrants, in the form of me, Angela Natividad, will be moderating a panel on what it's like to work in advertising and marketing. Panelists will include Larissa Acosta, General Manager at Dieste Harmel and Partners; Gay Gaddis, President and CEO of T3; and Rodney Withers, VP/Director, Interaction Design, Creative, Modem Media.

Come by and say hello. The event promises to be educational and we're occasionally less snarky in person. Only occasionally, though.

by Angela Natividad    Mar- 9-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Adrants to Rant About Social Media on ad:tech Panel


On April 24 at 4PM during the ad:tech conference in San Francisco, the topic of personal and social media as it relates to brand personality will be discussed on a panel led by Ogilvy PR Interactive Marketing VP Rohit Bhargava. The panel will consist of PodTech Director of Corporate Media Strategy Jeremiah Owyang, AskNinja Co-Creator Kent Nichols, N-Gage Web/Social Integration Manager for Nokia Karl Long and yours truly, Adrants Publisher Steve Hall.

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by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-07    
Topic: Announcements, Industry Events

Starcom Wins, LAist Rocks SXWS, Rosie Rants


- Starcom has reeled in the $100 million United Airlines global media business beating OMD and Mediaedge:cia

- Rosie O'Donnell's in a tiff over the American Idol Frenchie Davis/Antonella Barba picture thing. American Idol Exec producer responds, "Without wishing to add to the obvious self-promotion of Ms. O'Donnell, I feel as though I must refute her absurd and ridiculous claims that American Idol is racist and/or weightist. Ms. O'Donnell has, once again, spoken without thought or knowledge. Viewers need only look at the show tonight to realize that American Idol constantly confirms to America that talent has nothing to do with weight or color."

- According to the Internet Advertising Bureau, Internet ad spending grew 34 percent to $16.8 billion in 2006.

- If you're having trouble sleeping on those long business flights, British Airways has the solution: a soothing podcast.

- Here's a decidedly different look at outdoor advertising.

- The LAist will be rockin' during SXSW in Austin this Sunday hosting its own party at Room 710. If you're there, check it.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 8-07    
Topic: Agencies, Celebrity, Industry Events, Podcast, Research

Boards Magazine Looks to Ad Industry For People's Choice Votes


Some service journalism for you: Boards Magazine is giving the ad industry the chance to vote for its favorite up-and-coming talent with the First Boards Awards People's Choice Award. Selected from the top 10 finalists in the director's category from the First Boards Awards, this person will be honored at this year's installment of the First Boards Awards, to be held Apr. 5 at the Key Club in Los Angeles.

Vote for your favorite here.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 7-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Mr. Advertising Says Minorities Are Ready to Go to Work in Advertising


The American Advertising Federation didn't like what Advertising Age had to say about a recent study the group conducted which found 69.3 percent of students in the organization's Most Promising Minority Students program are employed in marketing and communications. Advertising Age chose to twist that with a story headlined, "Nearly One-Third of AAF Minority Candidates Vacate Ad Industry."

In an apparent response to the Ad Age story, the AAF placed an ad in today's USA Today headed, "Mr. Advertising" with a visual of an African American packaged up like, well, a ready to go to work, fully-charged, easily upgradeable work doll. Questionable creative aside, why don't we all stop twisting facts and just have an open conversation. Gee. It just so happens Adrants is the major sponsor of an upcoming conference on the topic entitled, Advertising and Marketing Industry Diversity Job Fair and Leadership Conference.

At the event, held March 13 in San Francisco (and again in Boston May 16), industry professional, both minority and non-minority, will discuss the issue of diversity in advertising. Part of the event will also include a job fair for those interested in exploring a career in advertising. Maybe a bit less twisted rhetoric and more open dialog would be a healthy thing for all. More info here.

by Steve Hall    Feb-28-07    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Trends and Culture

Experiential Forum Launches Benign Wiki Discourse on XM (Not the Radio)


Because for some strange reason we'd all prefer incestuous think tanks to trolling malls and listening to people chat about which AirMaxes are hype, the same cat who brought us Swivel Media brings us the Experiential Marketing Forum, a global indy forum of marketers and students who'd like to dissect Experiential Marketing (XM).

Here we find a sedate wiki-style space where brilliant minds can discuss the "burgeoning experiential marketing industry," possibly the precursor to a policy-pumping spin-off a la WOMMA. Word of mouth, apparently just one tentacle on the XM octopus, is so yesterday compared to this zany interactive (cough-cough-consumer-generated) brand thing.

Can't wait to see what kind of pop philosophy and patchwork policy rolls out of this bad-boy.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-26-07    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events, Research

Ad Award Carnivores Tear Into Spoils of Victory


North Carolina-based Woodbine Agency rips into the Ad Club of the Triad's annual ADDY Awards, swooping up 18 Addy's, including 11 Gold and four Silver Addys. Additionally, they won a Best in Show for the Pivotal Decisions campaign they did for Piedmont Federal (which premiered here!).

To celebrate, the formidable bunch tore into what they called "the remains of their competitors" - which they claim was just leftover roast beef but could easily be the devastated flesh of some sadly razed agency exec from elsewhere.

Woodbine has offices in Winston-Salem and Charlotte, the latter of which marks its first year in July. Check out more celebratory meat-grinding here and here.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-21-07    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events