Advertising Week As Seen By A Bunch of Twenty-Somethings on X


Next week is Advertising Week. Are you excited? Can you wait until Monday when it all begins? Do you need a promotional video to get you in the mood? San Francisco-based Mekanism is here to help with a hipster-ific take on the advertising business that celebrates the event's 10th anniversary. If we didn't know better, we'd think the entire industry was staffed by a bunch of 20-somethings who like to twirl around in a circle while enjoying X. Oh, wait.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-19-13    
Topic: Industry Events

Grey New York Wins Best Commercial Emmy For Canon 'Inspired'


Last night at the 65th Annual Creative Arts Emmys, Grey New York and MJZ director Nicolai Fuglsig won the 2013 Emmy Award for Outstanding Commercial for their Canon "Inspired" commercial. That's the one with the tire on fire rolling down the hill.

The two other ads in the running this year were BBH's Google Chrome "Jess Time" and CP+B's Grey Poupon "The Chase."

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by Steve Hall    Sep-16-13    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Commercials, Industry Events

Here's Your Discount Code For 20% Off ad:tech New York


If you work in marketing or advertising then you're already aware ad:tech is the largest conference out there covering online marketing and advertising technology. Perhaps you've been. Perhaps you haven't. If you have, then you know how beneficial it can be both from a networking and educational perspective. If you haven't bee, see the previous sentence. The bottom line is you should go.

We're not saying this because this promotion is part of media sponsor deal we have with ad:tech (to be clear, it is), rather it is because we have been to every ad:tech for the past ten years and can personally vouch for the benefits you will realize if you choose to attend. To make that decision a bit easier, we can offer you 20% off the registration fee if you use the discount code: NY13ADR20.

Seriously, register now. You'll thank us later.

by Steve Hall    Sep-10-13    
Topic: Industry Events

Havana Brown Does Affiliate Marketing


Do you like Australian DJ, singer and dancer Havana Brown? Will you will be attending Affiliate Summit in Philadelphia August 18-20? Then you might be interested in knowing Brown, whose hit, We Run the Night, topped the US Hot Dance Club Songs chart and hit number 26 on the U.S Billboard 100, will perform at the Clickbooth/MaxBounty/CPAWay Affiliate Nation party Monday, August 19.

The party will take place from 9PM to 1AM at Lit which is located at 460 North 2nd Street. Along with Brown, there will be dancers, performers and, of course, the all important open bar. We will be there taking picture of all the pretty people so don't be shy. Find the guy with the camera and give him your best duck face!

Wanna go? RSVP here.

by Steve Hall    Aug-12-13    
Topic: Industry Events

IAB Unleashes Best-Ever Description of Awards Show


It's out. Are you on the list? Yes, IAB is out with its list of 2013 MIXX Awards finalists. But before we get to the list, we simply have to share with you this marble-mouthed, buzzword bingo-laden description of the awards from IAB EVP and CMO David Doty who said, "IAB MIXX Awards are a vibrant compass and a revealing canvas for illustrating the expansion of the present boundaries of interactive marketing as they push into new creative and technological territory."

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 8-13    
Topic: Industry Events

Havana Brown to Perform at Affiliate Summit in Philadelphia


If you will be attending Affiliate Summit in Philadelphia August 18-20 (we will be), you might be interested in knowing Australian DJ, singer and dancer Havana Brown, whose hit, We Run the Night, topped the US Hot Dance Club Songs chart and hit number 26 on the U.S Billboard 100, will perform at the Clickbooth/MaxBounty/CPAWay Affiliate Nation party Monday, August 19.

The party will take place from 9PM to 1AM at Lit which is located at 460 North 2nd Street. Along with Brown, there will be dancers, performers and, of course, the all important open bar.

Wanna go? RSVP here.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-26-13    
Topic: Industry Events

Effies Promotion Weeds Out Bullshit With Polygraph Tests


To hammer home the point The Effies are all about results and not Festival of Creativity-style Cannes Lions which honor work just because its creative, New Zealand agency Whybin\TBWA created a series of videos in which three New Zealand creative directors undergo polygraph tests. The work is part of the Results Don't Lie campaign for the New Zealand Effies.

Participating in the videos are Y&R ECD Josh Moore, Colenso BBDO ECD Steve Cochran and M&C Saatchi ECD Dave King among others. In each video, the participants are asked several routine life questions and then questions about their work and the Effies specifically.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-23-13    
Topic: Industry Events

Omnicom, WPP Host This Years' Post-Cannes Pissing Match


As is always the case each year following the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, a "scandal" has erupted. This year it's between Omnicom and WPP with the former claiming the latter is breaking rules by upping -- sans Cannes certification -- GroupM award claims from 16 on June 20 to 45 on June 27.

While all involved agencies to need to be listed at the time the work is submitted, GroupM says Cannes Lions rules also allow for agencies to be added to winning entries after the fact allowing for the occasional oversight. GroupM claims the math will makes sense when the official revised winners list is released later this month.

But Omnicom CEO Mainardo de Nardis won't have any of it claiming GroupM "decided to rewrite history after the event making a mockery of the whole thing."

de Nardis has reached out to Cannes Lions CEO Philip Thomas and Chairman Terry Savage for clarification and for them to decide who's right.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 1-13    
Topic: Industry Events

Bar Refaeli Strips, Apple Facepalms, DOMA Celebrated, Cannes Critiqued


- Bar Refaeli strips down to her lingerie again for a new Passionista ad campaign.

- This Digiday article explores the belief among young agency employees that it's the agency itself which causes them to job hop so much because staying doesn't allow them to move ahead. People...same shit, different decade. Nothing has changed in 30 years.

- Apple's new ad campaign isn't impressing the critics nor the public.

- The Sun has rounded up what they deem to be the sexiest TV ads of all time, all of which have been covered here on Adrants over the years (Except the 1992 Cindy Crawford Pepsi ad as that was before our time.)

- Social media erupted with joy yesterday in reaction to the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Proposition 8.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-27-13    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns, Industry Events, Racy, Social, Tools

'Dumb Ways to Die' Wins Cannes Lion Integrated Grand Prix


Well it was pretty clear this was going to happen and it did. "Dumb Ways to Die," created by McCann for Melbourne Metro Trains Melbourne has won the Canes Lion Integrated Grand Prix, its fifth Grand Prix this week. The work is said to have been the most shared PSA in history and is attributed to reducing train accidents and deaths by 21%.

The integrated campaign included the famed video, radio, print, outdoor and a top ten song on iTunes. Hell, my daughter's friends are singing it. Now that's a serious cultural achievement let along an advertising achievement.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-22-13    
Topic: Industry Events