Industry Group Launches Mentor Program to Educate 'Next Generation'


The Internet Oldtimers Foundation has established the Andy Bourland Internet Oldtimers Mentorship Program, in memory of Mr. Bourland's dedication and legacy as Co-founder and former CEO of Clickz.

Andy, who I knew personally and worked with when I was involved with MarketingVOX, opened the doors for many to be able togiving them the opportunity to succeed in the interactive marketing industry as responsible, accountable, and successful business people.

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by Steve Hall    Jun- 3-09    
Topic: Industry Events

Facebook Causes Adultery, Sprint Saves Screens, Gout Gets Week


- In Indonesia, Facebook leads to adultery.

- Sprint has an interesting new screensaver and it's powered by social media pulling in Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr data as well as other real time elements, such as local traffic and bus schedules, the weather and Google matches.

- Here's a new book called AD BOY: Vintage Advertising with Character which features retro ad characters.

- During Internet Week, PSFK will hold an event to help peers and friends. The Good Ideas in Collaboration Salon aims to introduce entrepreneurs who need help with out-of-work creative professionals who are looking for fresh opportunities (paid, unpaid or other).

- Who knew it was National Gout Week?

by Steve Hall    May-29-09    
Topic: Desktop, Events, Industry Events, Social

Academy of Art University Shares Creativity During Spring Show


Last Thursday, the Academy of Art University held its Annual Spring Show at which student work from all disciplines was displayed. Held in San Francisco, an amazing collection of creativity was on hand for fellow students, art aficionados and recruiters to view.

Sending graduates off to agencies like Goodby, JWT, TBWA. W+K, Y&R, Deutsch, ATTIK, CP+B and many others, the School of Advertising enrolled 370 undergraduate students and 225 Master Degree students this school year. Founded in 1929 by Richard Stephens, there are 60 instructors who teach 55 courses in the area of marketing and advertising.

Walking through the exhibits, it was clear the school was matriculating and graduating some serious talent. Oh sure, some of it was derivative but give these students a few years in the real world and watch with amazement as they become the next advertising legends.

If you didn't have a chance to attend the Show, you can do so virtually by perusing this photo album which captured the work displayed during the event.

by Steve Hall    May-28-09    
Topic: Industry Events Advertising...Say the Darnedest Things


You've seen this before. We've seen this before. We just can't locate the original this video riffs on. Of course there's thousands of "pitch" videos out there but this mocks a particular one.

And it's always fun to watch kids mock adults. Because, well, adults are just kids at heart stuck in older bodies.

by Steve Hall    May-28-09    
Topic: Industry Events

Yes. Cannes Is Reduced to A Fart Joke


Damn. These Cannes Young Lions videos are all over the place! Make it stop! Please! Well, OK, maybe after just one more because, well, who doesn't love a good (really bad?) fart joke. And these are the people who will make up the next generation of creative Gods? Oh wait, of course they will. They're just younger version of the farting buffoons we already have running the industry.

by Steve Hall    May-27-09    
Topic: Industry Events, Promotions, Strange

Gawker Bleeds, Oxfam Goes to Cannes, FarFar Lion Found


- Chicago's O'Hare airport has a new website! (Some people think this sort of thing is important. Who are we to judge? Oh wait, that's our job)

- Yawn. Men dress up as women in Danica Patrick's new Boost Mobile Unwronged commercial.

- Soft drink\ company, The Feel Good Drinks Company, commissioned Loose Moose to turn a stop-frame animation created for them by one of their consumers into a national TV

- smashLAB's Eric Karjaluoto thinks design has become commoditized but he has a solution

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by Steve Hall    May-26-09    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events, Online, Opinion, Video

Possibly the Best Climate Change Awareness Video Ever


Cannes Young Lions competition entries for client Oxfam Great Britain have been mixed -- and the stuff we've seen has been wince-worthy, running the "Horrors!" gamut from complete mundanity to gratuitous panty-dancing violence.

That all changes with "Douchebag Pie," arguably the greatest climate change awareness ad for Generation: YouTube ever created.

And if it singlehandedly brings the word "douchebag" to the French lexicon, then all the better.

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Dance, Girl, Dance. Die, Girl, Die.


This is madness, thick and black, I Know What You Did Last Summer-style.

To spread Oxfam's global warming awareness message, and as (yet another) entry to the Cannes Young Lions ad festival, some dark-humoured cat put together this creepy piece of work.

Ooh, it's getting hot in here. Like a seedy American Apparel ad, some dancing hutch starts peeling off her clothes. And suddenly...

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Yep, That Would Be a Yardstick.


For the Cannes Young Lions Ad Contest, Y&R Interactive/Israel/Mizbala entered a video on behalf of Oxfam Great Britain. All it does is drive climate change-conscious users to the Oxfam YouTube page -- kind of a cheap prize after sitting through virtually nothing of entertainment value and then clicking -- actually clicking! -- on a button embedded inside the video.


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by Angela Natividad    May-20-09    
Topic: Cause, Events, Industry Events, Video

Wrath of Cannes Powers into Third Year


And it's crass as ever. (Be sure to watch the Firing Squad videos.)

For the unfortunate ad cogs that won't be making Cannes this year (cannes't!), there's always the Woods Witt Dealy & Sons' Wrath of Cannes.

Unlike last year, when we were shocked it even lasted two events, Wrath of Cannes is full steam ahead for the third: fueled by layoffs, budget cuts, more conservative advertising and all-around creative rage. Nice pink slip wallpaper, guys!

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by Angela Natividad    May-18-09    
Topic: Events, Good, Industry Events